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When the music started playing, the crowd went insane. Lauren could feel the crowd's energy, she really hoped it would rub off on her in the show. She was physically exhausted, but she really wanted to make it a good show. Lauren took in a deep breath and watched the curtain drop. They got through half of the show before Lauren started to feel dizzy. She held onto the chair in Suga Mama and nearly fell off. "Guys I could use an interval." Lauren whispered and Ally nodded. "Guys can you give us like 5 minutes? We're so sorry Lauren's not feeling well." Ally said and the whole crowd aww'd but agreed. "Thank you so much guys, we'll be quick." Lauren said before she was helped off stage by Ally since she was closest to her. "Can you finish the show?" Camila asked as she gulped down a bottle of cold water. "Yeah I can finish I just need a minute." Lauren said as she took a bite of an apple. "I needed some energy, I'll be fine, just give me a second." "Lauren we only have a few more songs-" "Please guys, trust me." Lauren insisted. Dinah squeezed her shoulder and took the oppurtunity to go to the bathroom with Ally, while Normani quickly went to the hair stylist grab a hairband. "Here babe have some water." Camila held out her bottle and Lauren gratefully took a swig and threw the apple core away. "Thank you Camzi." "Sure, you feel better?" "I mean I can finish, I don't feel dizzy now I think I needed a little pick me up." "If you're ready then we're ready to go on." Normani said as she got back with the other girls. "Okay good, great." Lauren hurried back on the stage. "Sorry!" was the first thing Lauren said before they all took their positions and continued the show. Dinah looked over at Lauren who nodded and went off the stage. "Is she sick?" Camila asked and Ally went off stage too. "U-uhm.." She stuttered when the music stopped. "I think there might be a technical difficul-" "Happy birthday to you-" "Oh my god!" Camila dropped her mic and her hands flew to her mouth. "Happy birthday to you-" Camila's eyes went to the crowd that was now singing. Camila gasped when the cake came out and her little sister and father came out on stage. "Happy birthday to Camila!!" Camila giggled and wiped her eyes and picked up her little sister. "Happy birthday to you!" "Youuuu, you planned this!" Camila pointed at Lauren accusingly. "Guilty. Now make a wish!" "Yeah make a wish Kaki!" Sofi bounced in her arms. "Help me blow out the candles." Camila said as she carefully leaned her in. The two sisters blew out the candles and then Dinah pushed her face in the cake and Ally quickly grabbed hold of Sofi who was slipping from Camila dropping her in surprise. "Dinah!" Lauren cackled as she grabbed hold of her chocolate cake faced friend, hugging Camila tightly. "Happy birthday Camz." Camila gave Lauren an Eskimo kiss making her get cake all over her face too. "Ew!" Lauren giggled. "Mm!" Camila licked her lips. "You guys didn't even go to the bathroom either did you?!" Camila figured. "Nope. We went to sort your cake Mila." Ally smirked as she ran her finger over the icing on Camila's cheek and ate some."So who wants cake?!" Dinah asked and the fans all yelled out in eagerness. Dinah gave the cake to security who already had plates and a knife and they passed it around through the crowd. "Thank you so much guys, Awwww I love you." Camila said hugging Lauren and Normani. "Group hug!" Lauren called out. "Yay!" Camila grinned when Ally joined in and then Dinah wrapped her arms around them all. "Thanks for coming out here tonight Harmonizers, gosh you're all so freaking amazing. You're all beautiful with your cute little smiles, I love you." Camila gushed. "Time to go." Ally said as their manager signalled them. "We love you!" Dinah said and the girls all bowed and went off the stage. "I have cake like everywhere." Camila cringed. "Here I'll help, let's go to the bathroom real quick." Lauren said as she tugged on her wrist. Lauren soaked a paper towel with cold water and started to wipe at Camila's face. "Dinah really got you." Camila smiled and nodded. "She did." "Are you having a good birthday?" "It's been great, it feels weird that I'm 19, even though it's only one year after the whole official adulthood." Lauren nodded. "I know, so after this the girls and I all thought we could go out tonight, go to a club?" Camila hummed. "I don't know, maybe." "Really? I thought you'd like it, is it a bad idea?" "No it's really nice, I just don't know if I feel like going out tonight. I think I'd honestly prefer one of our movies nights and some pizza, we haven't done that in forever." "Then that's what we'll do." Lauren smiled as she wiped the cake out of her hair. "It's all over your top and stuff, I'm pretty confident you're gonna need a shower." Lauren laughed as she threw away the towels and washed her hands. "Thanks Lauren, and yeah, chocolate cake and sweat don't mix." "Ew Camz!" Lauren cringed. "Sorry." Camila giggled. "Mani booked us hotel rooms today, go ask for your room key to shower, we'll all meet you there for a movie night." Camila went to Normani who hugged her and wished her happy birthday again before she gave her friend the room key and promised to see her in a bit. "Lauren." Dinah smiled when the girl came out. "Dinah." Lauren mimicked her tone. "I heard the club's a no go?" "Nope, she chose a quiet night in with pizza. Why did you expect anything more?" "We didn't, we just hoped." Normani said, dramatically placing a hand on her chest. "Idiots, come on. We need to go shower and stuff." Ally laughed. "Geez Ally, we're coming." Dinah pouted. "No need to hurt the feels." Normani joined in. Lauren smiled fondly and dragged her feet behind them. "Dinah?" "Yeah babe?" Dinah turned around. "Cuddles tonight?" They hadn't cuddled in quite a while. "Obviously." Dinah said in a 'duh' kind of tone. When they all got to Camila's room with the pizza Camila was happily delving into her first slice, talking to Normani and Ally about stuff Lauren and Dinah didn't really care to ask about. Dinah was spooning Lauren who stayed quiet all evening after her pizza. "Stop beating yourself up baby." Dinah mumbled. "I'm not." Lauren said softly as she moved closer to Dinah's body. "You are, and I don't want you to. You're perfect, I wish you saw yourself the way I see you." Lauren sighed and turned over to look at her girlfriend. "You're right, I am." "Why?" "It's still hard sometimes, it gets easier, but it's never ended, you know?" "Honestly? No, but I'm trying to understand a bit better." Dinah admitted. "It's all I could ask of you." Camila turned around to look at Lauren and grinned at her. "You guys are amazing, thank you for this." "You're welcome Mila." Dinah smiled warmly. "Want some ice cream?" "Yes!" Dinah jumped up and hurried to the fridge. Lauren pouted at the loss of contact and Normani noticed, crawling into the bed next to her. "How're you feeling?" "Rough." Lauren mumbled. "I know." "Do you?" "Yes, I've had some tough times as a dancer you know. So I get it, it never got as far as it did with you but, yeah, I get it." Normani said, offering the new information to her best friend. "You never told me that." "I never told anyone that." Normani chuckled. "It looks so easy for you now though." "Because it is Lo." Normani admitted. "It's possible to eat normally Lauren, I can even help you." Lauren laid her head on Normani's shoulder. "Thanks Manibear." Normani smiled and rubbed her shoulder. "Sure babe." "Do you guys hear that?" Ally asked, making everyone look up. "It's coming from outside." Camila noticed, getting up and going to the window, Camila gasped and looked back at the girls. "What Walz? What's wrong?" Dinah asked, her protective side coming over her. Camila let out an incoherent sob and pointed to the window. "Holy shit." Dinah frowned. "What's the matter?" Ally asked and went to the window. "Can someone actually say what's going on here?" Normani asked impatiently. "Come see for yourself." Ally mumbled. Lauren and Normani looked at each other before going to the window. 'Camila Cabello from Fifth Harmony is a snake.' Was on a billboard and could be seen from literally anywhere. "How did this happen?" Normani asked and Dinah looked on Twitter, that was the answer for everything fandom related. "Someone leaked your song Camila." Camila whined weakly, she couldn't take her eyes off the billboard. "Oh Mila.." Ally sighed and Camila burst into sobs, Dinah threw her phone to the bed and held the girl tightly. "We gotta get that taken down like, now." Ally said, Lauren went to get the phone. "I'm calling the main desk." Normani rubbed Camila's back and Ally kissed her cheek. "It's okay, we'll get rid of it as soon as possible." Camila sniffled and buried her head in Dinah's chest. "Lauren hurry it up." Dinah said. "I'm hurrying, I'm on hold, fuck it I'm going to the desk myself." "I'll come too. You might need help." Normani offered, she looked to the girls for their aporoval. "We got this." Ally nodded. "Yeah, go." Dinah agreed. The sign was taken down eventually, although the police sirens and fire trucks they used only caused more attention to the words and to poor Camila's reputation. "I'm sorry I ever recorded that damn song." Camila sighed as she sat next to Normani who wrapped her arm around her waist, allowing her to cuddle into her body. "It should have been recorded Mila, it's a really great song, it's catchy, it's not your fault that someone leaked it." Ally reassured her. "I'm sorry guys." Camila mumbled, resting her chin in her palms sadly. "Don't worry about it Walz, now we need some shut eye. Interviews all day tomorrow." Dinah said, Lauren got up and followed her out to their room. "See you in the morning." Lauren said before she and Dinah left the room. "I can have Mila in with me tonight, it's no problem." Normani said as Ally was visibly falling asleep. "Thank you." Ally mumbled as she flopped into bed and snuggled her small body under the ever so large duvet. "Night Ally." Normani giggled. Camila couldn't seem to take her eyes off Normani as she searched Ally's room for her room key. Wow, was all she could think repeatedly. Had she always looked this damn beautiful when she was concentrating? "Mila!" Normani whispered shouted and Camila tuned back into reality. "Huh?" "Back to my room?" Camila nodded, still not with it completely as Normani took her right hand and mindlessly intertwined their fingers, leading them back to their room. "Normani?" Camila asked as she sat in her bed. "What're you doing there? Your bed is over there Mila." Normani giggled. "I know. But I wanted to..I mean..c-can we cuddle?" Normani grinned and nodded. "Sure." Camila became the big spoon since she was the second one into bed after they both did their night routines. "Normani?" Camila whispered. "Hm?" Normani hummed with her eyes closed seeing as she was just falling asleep. "I think you're really beautiful." A smile graced her lips at the compliment. "Aw, thank you Camila." "And you're really sweet." "Hm I try." Normani muttered. "And funny." Normani turned over and decided to address it head on. "If you're actually going somewhere with this can you please hurry it up because I'm tired and I-" Normani was cut off when the Cuban put her lips on hers. As soon as Normani realised what was happening she melted into the kiss. Camila pulled her closer with a hand around her neck  and smiled into the kiss. "Camila what is this?" Normani pulled back from the kiss with a hesitant smile. "Whatever you want it to be, I like you Normani. I remember what I said and I'm ready now, for a relationship, if you're okay with it." Normani cupped her face with a gentle smile on her face. "Camila, are you..asking me out?" Camila grinned and nodded. Normani kissed her and bit her lip shyly when she pulled away. "Mm, was that a yes?" Camila asked, blushing. Normani giggled and blushed alongside Camila. "Yeah? Was it?" The Cuban asked, straddling the girl who was hiding her face in embarrassment. "C'mon say it." "Say what?" Normani's reply was muffled against her hands. "Say you'll be my girlfriend." Camila giggled. "Make me." Normani quipped and she knew she'd made a mistake when Camila tickled her relentlessly. "Okay! Okay! Fine I give up! Yes, yes yes yes I'll be your damn girlfriend, you dork." Normani stared up at Camila, who looked to be the happiest she had ever seen her. "Can I kiss you?" Camila asked shyly. Normani locked her hands around her neck and then brought the Cuban down into a soft kiss. "I really like you." Camila whispered into the kiss. "I really like you too." Normani smiled against her lips. Camila smiled into Normani's neck as they got in a comfortable position to go to sleep, Midnight curled up at their feet. "Best birthday present ever."

Ayyyyy S.S. Normila is finally sailing
- I know it's pretty late for Camila's birthday shut up I was super busy and still editing the chapter. I love you guys, and thank you for being so patient with my updates.

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