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"Wake up Lauren." Lauren groaned in her pillow at Camila. "I don't want to." She replied, but it was a muffled mess. "Come on Lauren, you have a guest." Camila smiled. "You're already here, and you're hardly a guest, you're like annoying family." "No stupid, not me." Lauren rolled over and met her brown happy eyes. "She means me." Lauren's eyes snapped to Dinah and she couldn't help the scream that came out of her mouth. Dinah laughed as she hugged her tightly. "What are you doing here?" Lauren asked, squeezing the girl tightly while Dinah returned the gesture with a wide smile. "Mila bought me a ticket, she said you weren't feeling your best." Lauren nuzzled her head into her neck and sighed, tears brimming in her eyes from happiness, sadness and relief. "I'll give you two some space, see you back on tour, okay guys? I promised Sofi I'd spend today with her." Dinah nodded. "Thank you Mila." Camila smiled and kissed her cheek. "You're welcome." Lauren kissed Dinah's shoulder before she pulled back to look at her, but her girlfriend's hands were still supporting her waist. "What's up babygirl?" Dinah asked in such a gentle voice, Lauren's bottom lip wobbled. Lauren leaned in and crashed their lips together, Dinah immediately kissing back. "You okay?" Dinah asked in a breath as she leant her forehead against Lauren's. "Hold me." Lauren mumbled, her green eyes hidden behind her eyelids. Dinah kissed her lips and brought her back to Lauren's bed. Dinah spooned Lauren in the bed and rested her chin on Lauren's shoulder. "I didn't think I'd get to do this for a few more days." Dinah said, but Lauren was enjoying the silence. "Shh..just stay like this." She mumbled. "I love you." Dinah mumbled against her jawline. Lauren smiled and pulled the duvet over them. "I love you more." Luck was never on their side, Camila had woken them up hours later and the three were on a plane to LA going back to work early, having to meet Ally and Normani there. "I cannot believe this shit, how dare they." Lauren grumbled after their flight announced they were preparing for landing. "How dare they let the plane land?" Dinah smirked. "No! Stupid. How dare they send us back to work early. Camila and I were going out for a meal with our families tomorrow, together as a big group." "I know, it sucks. I barely got to say bye to Sofi and my Dad." Camila sighed from the seat behind Dinah. Lauren knew by her voice she'd been crying. "At least you can see Normani." Dinah said with a small smile. "Yeah I know Dinah, and I'm happy about it, don't get me wrong, but a few days more with my family never hurt, considering we're away for months again." The plane landed and they all unbuckled themselves before getting off the plane. There were a ton of fans they had to walk through to get to their car that would take them to the hotel. "Woah where's Camila?" Lauren looked around frantically. "What? She was here a second ago!" Dinah looked around in surprise. "Guys!" Camila squeaked from a crowd of fans around her, so many they couldn't even see their bandmate. "Camz!" Lauren shouted. "Hey! Please guys back up!" Dinah tried to move the fans out of the way, revealing poor Camila having an anxiety attack. "Shh come on. Let's get you out of here babe." Lauren wrapped an arm around her back and lead her away. "Dinah! Can we get pictures?!" "Only when you guys are respectful. We have to go." Dinah replied, shielding her tired eyes from the flashes. "Come on Dinah!" Lauren called out from the car. Dinah shuffled in and saw Lauren stroking Camila's hair while she was crying in shock. "Are you okay Walz?" Camila shook her head, grabbing hold of Dinah's hand instinctually when she held it out to her. "I want my Mom." Lauren kissed the top of her head and continued her light strokes. Dinah shut the door and nodded at the mirror for the driver to go. Both Camila and Lauren fell asleep on their journey, and so Dinah had the task of waking them up. "Guys! Come on we're at the hotel." Lauren groaned and looked down at Camila. "She not up?" "No, help me." "Camz, come on. We're here." Lauren shook her. Camila groaned and opened her eyes. "Can't we go home?" "Sorry Chancho, let's go and see Normani and Ally." When they got to the lobby both Texas girls looked as tired and grumpy as they were. "Mila what happened??" Normani asked hurriedly when she saw her girlfriend, rushing to her side. "She got mobbed." Lauren explained, going over and hugging Ally who was just as upset as the others were to leave their families. "Are you okay? You look like shit." Camila scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Wow, what a lovely girlfriend I have." Normani kissed her cheek and rubbed her thumbs over them. "Sorry. C'mere. I missed you." Camila smiled sadly and pecked her lips, wrapping her arms around her waist and cuddling her. "We'd best go to our rooms before fans find this place." Dinah said as she came back from the desk. "Right. Let's go to our room." Normani agreed. "Did your flight go okay?" Ally asked Lauren simply. "Yeah, not too bad. Yours?" "It was fine I guess." Lauren rubbed Ally's shoulder and sighed. "I'm sorry, it's not that I don't love you guys, I do, you all know that but I just really missed my Mom." Dinah rubbed Ally's back and smiled down at her. "I know Smalls." "We're all pretty bummed out to leave our families." "Well you'd all better get unbummed before the interview in an hour." Will said as he gave them their room keys at their floor when the doors opened. Lauren snatched the key and stormed into her and Dinah's room, promptly slamming the door. "She's not so happy about this." Dinah said awkwardly. "Yeah neither am I. I really missed my grandma and I barely got to see her." Normani said, on the edge of tears which was unlike her. "Makeup will be at your rooms shortly." Dinah growled as Will wandered off and took a deep breath. "I'm going to check on Lauren, make sure she doesn't break anything." Ally nodded. "See you in the lobby when you're done." "Sure thing." Dinah replied. "Come on Mila, you can come with us." Ally smiled slightly and lead her and Normani to their room. "I hate being called back early." Camila huffed. "Us too, Mila." Ally sighed as she fell back into the bed similar to a cloud making her moan involuntarily. "Is it comfy?" Normani asked. "I could sleep in this forever." Ally moaned. "I wanna try!" Camila perked up. "Come on then, the bed's big enough." Camila dived on and Normani followed. "Oh my god." "It's so nice." Camila agreed. Meanwhile, "Lauren I know that you're mad but please, please don't trash the room." "Dinah-" "I get it, it sucks to be back at work early, and we all feel the same way as you do, but we can't do anything about it." "Dinah I-I can't b-br-breathe-" Lauren gasped for air and Dinah's eyes widened. "What's wrong?" "P-p-pa-" Dinah looked up at the ceiling and sighed, muttering "Two in one day, help me God." Lauren clung to her girlfriend when she calmed down, a simple hug meaning more than words. "You feeling better now baby?" "I don't know, call me that again." Lauren smiled. "You're a dork." "Your dork. Can I have a kiss now, to make me feel better?" Dinah chuckled. "Don't be a baby." Lauren crossed her arms. "Not what I meant." Dinah giggled and pecked her lips. "Only kidding, come on. Makeup's knocking on our door." Dinah said, going to open it. "Alright ladies, who's first?" - "and here we have the lovely ladies of Fifth Harmony, Ally, Dinah, Lauren, Normani and Camilla-" Camila bit her lip awkwardly, but let it slide. "It's actually Camila." Normani unashamedly corrected him. Camila blushed at her sweet girlfriend sticking up for her. "Oh, my apologies Camila." "It's fine." Camila waved her hand dismissively. "Glad to have you all here." "Of course." Lauren smiled. "Thank you for having us." Camila smiled. "I heard your new song with Shawn Mendes leaked and it caused a real feud-" Camila coughed to hide her choking up with emotion. "Can we talk about something else?" "Our second album is coming soon." Ally and Dinah both cut in to help. "Right so let's talk about your upcoming album. Can we have any more details?" He asked. "I mean it's all still in the works right now." Ally started off. "We're still pulling some tracks together, trying new things out," Lauren explained "Yeah, and just really exploring our creativity together." Camila nodded. "But we can say, as we go along we will start recording some stuff, seeing how it sounds." Normani let up. "I really think you're gonna love it, and you'll hear again from us soon with our music. It is coming, you're all gonna love it." Dinah hinted. Lauren looked af Camila confused who lightly punched her knee as a hint. "What?" Lauren whispered. Camila shook her head and looked af the interviewer again. "You seem confused lauren." "Hm? No! No, like we say, we still have stuff to go over." She shrugged. "It's gonna be great." Ally grinned. "Bigger than Worth It?" He asked. Normani laughed. "It seems crazy to think that because Worth It was a really massive achievement in our career, but yeah, I mean we hope so." Ally looked at their team who nodded and she turned to the interviewer fluently. "We have a new single coming up which you'll get to hear on the radio first, really soon." "When we record it." Dinah muttered. "Onto another topic, Lauren, you recently announced your relationship with Dinah. How's that working out?" Lauren blushed and coughed. "I kinda like to keep work and my personal life separate, but we're really happy to be able to be open. Right Dinah?" "Right babe." Lauren squeaked happily and rested her head on her shoulder. "You guys are sweet." Ally pouted. "And I'd say that's a wrap. So, expect good stuff from these girls, thanks guys." The interviewer closed. "Where to now?" Ally asked Will, who guided them to a car, where fans were waiting. "We're going to get you girls to the studio to record the new single." Camila peeked out the window and grinned. "Can we meet some fans first?" Dinah jumped up excitedly. "Ooh, let me see?" "How many are there?" Will asked. "Maybe 50." Camila said hesitantly. "I do miss the fans, meeting them all is so nice." Lauren reminisced. "It'll be fun, please Will." Normani fluttered her eyelashes. "You can book a session, we have time." Ally said. "Alright, but be careful." Will said. "Yes, I'll go first!!" Camila cheered and opened the door. "Wait-" Normani shouted after her, but laughed when her girlfriend bounded out the door like a puppy seeing an open field for the first time. "Ahhhh!" "Look, oh my god!" "Hi Camila!" The fans chorused excitedly. "Hey guys!" Camila beamed, going to the front. "How are you?" "I'm good thanks, can I get a picture?" "Of course." Camila smiled. Camila took a few pictures before Normani came out. "Mani!!" "Hi!" Normani smiled, "Let's take some pictures loves!" "Ally!!" "Hi babies!" She grinned. "Where's Dinah?" "I'm hereeeeeeee!" Dinah danced out, laughing at herself. "Is Lauren coming out?" "I don't know." Fans murmured to one another. The girls looked at each other hesitantly before lauren emerged with sunglasses. "Sorry! I'm so sorry, it took me a while to find glasses. My eyes are really sensitive to the sun." Lauren apologised when she came out, and the fans rushed over. "Woah, guys one at a time please." Lauren said shakily. "Can you calm it down a bit?" Camila asked, going to Lauren's side. "Are you okay?" Lauren nodded. "Yeah, thanks Camz." "Give Lauren some room and all make a line, okay?" Ally instructed. "We'll make sure you all get pictures with us. We'll go one at a time." Normani said. "In the mean time let's chat!" Ally said and Dinah smiled. "I'll just keep an eye on Lauren." Camila whispered into her friend's ear. "Okay Chancho." Lauren smiled obediently and leaned in for the first photo when the camera was thrust in front of her. "Thank you." "Uh sure." Lauren nodded hesitantly as they just walked away. "Hi there gorgeous." "Hi Lauren." The girl blushed. "Aw, you're so cute. How are you?" "I'm good thank you, how are you?" Lauren smiled. "I'm good, thank you for asking sweetheart." "It's really nice to see you smiling again Lauren." The girl bit her lip shyly. "You have the most beautiful smile in the whole world." The fan continued. "Aw, can I hug you?" Lauren asked. "Yes!" She said hurriedly. "Come here. Thank you baby, what's your name?" "Jess." "Jess, got it. I'll remember you babe, do you want a picture Jess?" "Yes please." Lauren grinned and wrapped her arms around the girl tightly, closing her eyes. "I'll take it!" Ally smiled. "Aw, you guys look so cute in this." She pouted when she took the picture. "Let me see. Oh that's so cute!" Lauren gushed. "Do I follow you on Twitter?" "No." "No? Give me your @ and I'll follow you." "You will?" "Yeah! When I do, send me that photo." "There you go. I will." Jess grinned. "I've really gotta keep this line going I'm so sorry, I'll follow you later." "No worries, everyone should get their chance to meet you. Bye Lauren." "Bye baby." Lauren squeezed her in another hug and moved onto the next person. Meanwhile Jess pulled her friend to the side. "Dude did you see that??" "Yeah! I caught it all on video for you." "What?! Shut up!" Jess gasped. "Yeah! Who's the best friend ever." "Oh my god, you. Thank you so much." After another hour of meeting people Will rushed the girls into a car. "Dinah!!" "I love you!" Dinah pouted. "Are you all excited to record the new single?" Will asked. "Do I get to sing on this one?" Lauren asked sassily. "You have the chorus." Camila smiled. "Really?? Awesome!" Lauren beamed and started talking to Dinah excitedly about getting a main part. Ally looked at Camila puzzled. "Huh? I thought you had it Mila." "Shh." Camila said quietly. "You gave Lauren your-" Normani started. "Shhh, be quiet. She might hear you." "Aw Camila, that's so sweet of you." Ally pouted. "You did a good thing babe." "Well I sure as hell wasn't gonna let my best friend get fucked over by management again. It's not fair she didn't get to sing in the most successful song we've ever had." "Miss Movin' On won a VMA." Ally said simply. "Well yeah but come on, Worth it was the breakthrough of our careers, don't deny it." Normani agreed with her girlfriend. "Look how happy Lauren is, don't ruin this for her." Camila said warmly. The three girls looked over at the wide smile plastered on the raven haired girl's face. "She does look happy." Ally cooed. "Exactly. And when we record the song, you'll see that I made the right choice."

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