New beginnings

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"Dinah?" Lauren whispered waking the taller girl up, it was still in the middle of the night

No matter how many times Lauren tried to sleep she couldn't; as proven in the last few hours.

"Hmm?" Dinah mumbled in response

"I'm scared." Lauren admitted

"What about?" Dinah asked opening her eyes to meet Lauren's

"Touring, what if it gets too much again. Like what if I get so stressed I have another breakdown? I already scared you all tonight. I can't deal with this alone." Lauren rambled

"But you're not alone anymore, you've got us. Personally you've always got me and that's never going to change. You know you can talk to me about anything." Dinah reassured Lauren

"I hate this. I feel like I'm insane, like I'm crazy." Lauren sighed running her hands through her hair in irritation

"You're not insane, and we're all a little crazy but that doesn't make us bad people. We're all still learning Lauren. We'll be learning till the day we die but give yourself the chances you deserve." Dinah said

"What does that even mean?" Lauren questioned Dinah inquisitively

"Every one of these experiences, good and bad are all learning experiences. We grow stronger every single day from our different experiences."

"Still not with you." Lauren confessed

"What I'm saying is, basically, hold on Lauren. It will be okay, you just need to stay strong and push through it all. I've got your back every day of our lives and after." Dinah explained

"Are you sure?" Lauren asked

"I'm sure. Honestly I felt incomplete when you were away. I'm glad I got you the help you needed like you asked me too. But there was this hole inside of me because you weren't here to cuddle me or to make me smile, laugh and even cry. Don't leave me Lauren, I'm begging you." Dinah finished in tears

"God, Dinah." Lauren sighed hugging her girl tightly resting her head on her shoulder

"I really love you so much. I didn't think I could promise this at first but now I know, I promise for you that I'm going nowhere. I'll come to you for help if and when I need it." Lauren swore honestly, and she meant it this time.

"Really?" Dinah asked hopefully

Lauren nodded pulling back to look at Dinah but she intertwined their fingers as she spoke, looking into Dinah's eyes

"I'll definitely try to stop hurting myself, I'll talk to you, I will. But it's going to be so hard for me I won't lie."

"I know it'll be hard Lauren but you really mean that? You'll really try for me? Seriously?" Dinah asked, honoured at Lauren's sincerity

"Yes, I do. You've always been an amazing support system for me and I can't thank you enough."

"I love you Lauren, and I'm really fucking proud of you." Dinah smiled through her tears

"You know what? I think I'm proud of myself too." Lauren smiled genuinely, and it felt so good.

"You know I'm not even tired anymore." Dinah groaned

"Me neither." Lauren sighed

"Can we go out somewhere?" Dinah asked randomly

"Dinah you do know this bus is moving? The driver slept all day to drive us all night." Lauren laughed

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