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"Hey you. What's up?" Dinah asked as Lauren sat on her lap and cuddled into her body while she was on her phone. "Hey, I missed you." Lauren hummed. "That's sweet, I missed you too babe." Lauren laid her head gently in Dinah's neck and sighed. Dinah could sense that there was something wrong so she put her phone down and ran her fingers through Lauren's hair. "What's on your mind Lo?" Lauren shrugged and closed her eyes. "Right now, cuddles." Dinah giggled and kissed her forehead gently and made Lauren look at her. "I wanna know, c'mon, talk to me." Dinah pressed. "I just had to delete my social media off my phone." Lauren admitted. "Why?" Dinah asked curiously. "It was full of hate and shit, I couldn't bear looking at it." Lauren mumbled sadly. "I'm sorry Lo." Dinah pouted and kissed her softly. "That's okay." Lauren smiled slightly. "It's nice to live in the real world as opposed to being stuck in social media." Lauren said. "Oh? Why's that Lauren?" Dinah asked. "Because, you're here, and the girls. You guys are amazing." The green eyed girl praised and Dinah blushed. "Stop it. Here, why don't I take you out tonight? It's been too long since we went on a date. We've been so busy lately we haven't had a chance." Dinah offered her girlfriend happily. "Dinah Jane, you romantic young woman." "Is that a yes?" Dinah asked hopefully. "Yes, of course. I'd love to go on a date with you babe." Lauren grinned before bringing their lips together again. "Yay! I'll pick you up from your hotel room at 7. Now, I said I'd go with Normani to a dance store. I'll see you later love." Dinah tapped Lauren's ass to get her up. "Pick me up an ice cream? I'm craving some." "We're likely to be a while, you know how Mani is with dance. Why don't you ask Mila if she'll get ice cream with you, since Ally has gone out with Troy today." Lauren smiled at the idea and nodded. "I'll ask her. Have fun!" Lauren pecked her lips and left Dinah to get ready. "Camzi?" Lauren called at her hotel room. "Just a second!" She heard Camila call and in a couple of minutes she appeared at the door in a towel with dripping wet hair. "Uh..Lauren?" Camila blushed when Lauren was blatantly staring at her. "Huh? Shit, sorry. You just got out the shower?" Camila nodded bashfully. "What did you want?" Lauren played with her fingers, feeling embarrassed at her previous actions. "Oh, uhm, I wanted to see if you'd come and get ice cream with me?" Camila grinned. "Sure! Just let me get ready." Camila moved away from the door while Lauren stared at the floor. "You can come in Lolo, don't just stand there." Camila laughed, Lauren blushed and stepped inside. "You can sit down too you know, what's up with you?" Camila raised her eyebrows as she gathered a few clothing items to change into. "I guess I'm a little out of it." Lauren said awkwardly. "Have you had your medication today? Are you feeling okay?" Camila fretted. "I'm fine Camz, now go get dressed already so we can go." Lauren chuckled and looked at her with adoration. "Okay.." Camila smiled at Lauren shyly. "I'll be back in a sec Lolo, wait here for me." She said before she disappeared into her bathroom. Lauren heard a phone ring and looked around the room and to find the source of the noise. "Camila! Your phone is ringing!" "Pick it up for me!" She shouted back confidently. "Camila's phone." Lauren greeted cheerily. "Oh hey Lauren. It's Shawn." Lauren smiled. "Hi, how are you?" "I'm great, I just wondered when Camila was coming by to finish the new song with me?" Lauren frowned at his words and looked over suspiciously at Camila's closed bathroom door. "Hey, you still there?" Shawn asked worriedly awaiting Lauren's response. "Uh, I'll make sure she gets back to you on that. I gotta go." Lauren said and hung up on him as Camila came out the bathroom. "What's this about writing a song with Shawn?" Camila groaned. "Damn it Shawn! Well it's not finished yet. I was going to finish it and then I was going to show it to you and the girls." Camila said as she sat next to Lauren. "Oh. So you weren't going to hide it then?" Camila turned to Lauren and shook her head. "No of course not! Lauren you know how much I love Fifth Harmony. I'm so proud of all that we've achieved together, why would I throw that away for one song Shawn and I wrote for fun? Is that really who you think I am?" Lauren sighed. "Of course not. You're right, I overreacted. I'm sorry Camz." Camila nodded awkwardly, though it didn't lighten the heavy tension filling the room. "I'll call Shawn later and sort it out.." Lauren looked down at her lap nervously. "Yeah. Let's go get us some ice cream." Lauren nodded and held her hand out for Camila to take but she declined the offer politely, simply following her out. Since Camila was naturally affectionate, Lauren knew she had screwed up. They stood at the ice cream stand and ate at a table in an awkward silence. "Look, Camila, please don't make it weird. I've said I'm sorry. I hate this awkward tension between us. We're Camz and Lolo, it's never like this." Camila looked up at Lauren and threw her empty cup away. "We were. I don't know Lauren, you're not really who I thought you were to accuse me of compromising our career. You thought that I was going to go behind all of your backs and release a song? No. I would never do that without either permission or a legal contract binding me to do so. I thought you knew me inside out." She said with her voice cracking. "Camz," Lauren croaked. "I do." Camila sighed and got up from her chair. "Right..See you around Lauren.." Lauren watched sadly as Camila walked away from her. "Camila!" Lauren shouted with tears in her eyes. Camila looked back at Lauren for a second, but she still kept walking. Lauren thought that it would have been better if Camila didn't look back. "Why do I always fuck up?" Lauren hissed to herself as she rested her head in her arms on the table. "Lauren?" Lauren lifted her head to see Troy and Ally at her table. "Not now guys." Lauren took a breath and left the pair alone, going back to the hotel by herself. Lauren took out her phone to call Camila, and just as she had expected it to be, her call was declined. Lauren stepped into the lift and pressed the button for her floor. When she got to her room she had realised she was locked out, and everyone else was out, except for Camila, who was currently mad at her. Lauren just sat outside for the next few hours until one of the girls came up. It also crossed her mind she had a date to her ready for. "Great." Lauren sighed in defeat as she leant her head back against her door. Lauren ended up falling asleep until she was woken up by none other than her girlfriend. "It's 7 o'clock." Dinah said giggling. "I kinda got locked out." Lauren said awkwardly. "Yeah, I can see that babe. You fell asleep. Hey, where's Chancho?" Lauren's face fell. "We had a fight, I don't wanna get into it." "Okay. Well you left your key in my room. You can grab it and get ready. I'll be back in half an hour?" Dinah offered. "Thank you." Lauren giggled. "Don't keep me waiting." Dinah said playfully as Lauren quickly grabbed her key card. "I'll be ready on time, I promise." Lauren said before she dashed out the room to get ready for her date. Dinah and Lauren went to the roof for their date to stargaze, Lauren sat next to Dinah, well away from the edge. "Are you sure this is okay for you Lauren?" Dinah asked nervously. Lauren squeezed her hand and gave her a nod. "Don't worry so much." Dinah rested her head on Lauren's and smiled. "They look so beautiful." Lauren stared in awe at the stars. "So do you babe." Dinah breathed as she scanned her body, her girlfriend felt hear rising to her cheeks at the compliment. "Stop it Dinah, I'm nothing compared to you." Lauren said bashfully. "Come here." Dinah said in a whisper to Lauren who leaned in to kiss her. "Tonight's been so perfect." Lauren kissed her forehead after. "I'm glad you had a nice time. I think we should go in now though, it's getting cold." Dinah said. Lauren immediately took off her jacket and placed it around Dinah's shoulders. "Thank you." Dinah bit her lip at the gesture. "No problem. Come on then." Lauren hauled herself up and they made their way to their rooms. "Can I sleep in your room tonight? I'll be good?" Dinah asked with a pout that made Lauren melt. "Yeah sure. I'll meet you there. There's something I have to do first." Lauren handed Dinah her key card and made her way to Camila's room while Dinah went to her room. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door, even though it was 11pm she knew Camila would be awake. Camila appeared at the door with tear stained cheeks. "Look, I know you don't want to see me but I hate fighting. I'm so-" before Lauren could say anything else Camila wrapped her arms around her neck and then buried her head in her shoulder. "I forgive you." She said, her voice trembling. "What's wrong Camz?" Lauren asked as she wrapped her arms around her waist. "I just really needed a hug." Camila said weakly. "That's not all though, is it Camila?" Lauren sighed knowingly, Camila let out a sob. "Talk to me Camila, what happened that's made you so upset?" Camila took a deep breath before she pulled away to look at Lauren. Her eyes looked so lost, and scared as she spoke. "Austin got off, and he came to see me tonight." Lauren took a sharp breath in at the news. "Take off your dressing gown babe." Camila shook her head and sat on the bed with her head in her hands. "I'm going to get the girls, okay? Wait here." Lauren instructed. "Wait Lauren-" Camila started, but she was already gone. When Lauren returned with the three tired girls they soon all became wide awake when Camila took off the fluffy robe, revealing her bruises. "Oh my god Camila." Ally gasped. "I-I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to fight him off. I was too weak." Camila sniffled. Normani wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought her into a hug. "You are not weak, and this isn't your fault." She promised. "I can't believe this." Dinah growled, she was so mad. Lauren grabbed her hand and ran her thumb over it gently. "Don't be angry. This is about Camila right now babe." She reminded her. "We'll deal with Austin later." Ally made it a group hug while Camila drowned her tears in Normani's chest. "You're safe with us Mila." Dinah promised and Lauren nodded, running her fingers through her hair gently. "We won't let him hurt you again."

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