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"Lauren, Dinah get up!" Ally called and Dinah lifted her head from its positions on Lauren's stomach, they hadn't slept in their bunks last night.

They all had their room keys at first for the hotel but there were fans swarming the hotel and so they got kicked out.

"Why?" Dinah huffed at Ally, irritated by her disturbed sleep

"We have an interview remember? Can't miss it." Normani chimed in

"For fucks sake." Dinah muttered

"Come on Lauser, time to get up."

"Why?" Lauren mumbled cuddling up to Dinah again

"Interview, as much as I'd love to stay and cuddle we can't. Get dressed." Dinah sighed getting up and going to her bunk to find her clothes

"Ugh, why today? This is meant to be our day off." Lauren groaned going to her own bunk, when she pulled back the curtain she found Camila sleeping in her bunk

"What are you doing here?" Lauren frowned moving back waiting for Camila to get out

"Uh, sorry." Camila blushed waking up and got out the bunk, she wasn't sorry though.

Camila really missed Lauren so she spent the night in her bunk to feel close to her, to pretend that everything was okay for a night. As if nothing had even happened.

Camila stared at Lauren awkwardly, making the most of her time before Lauren pushed her away again

"Are you gonna move, or am I gonna make you?" Lauren snarled

Camila quickly moved away from Lauren and went into their small kitchen to make breakfast, aka toast.

Lauren got changed into fresh clothes and slipped on her leather jacket content with her choice of clothing

"Breakfast?" Normani offered Lauren a slice of toast

"No thanks." Lauren smiled until she turned away and then her expression became neutral again

"When's the interview?" Dinah asked while munching on her toast

"It's..now!" Ally realised checking her watch and jumping up

All the girls raced out the bus to get there before the interviewer did

They found their stylist on the way who insisted Lauren's jacket didn't match her top and Dinah's shoes didn't go with her outfit and so she made them both change again

"I really hate her sometimes." Lauren frowned as she slipped off her top seeing as she refused to change her jacket, for obvious reasons.

"I know, we looked fine!" Dinah complained along with Lauren

They met the girls just in time before the interviewer came along

"And here we have the amazing girl group with their new headlining tour, Fifth Harmony!" She praised them

"Hey girls! How are you all?"

"Hello!" The girls all waved enthusiastically at the interviewer

"We're all great, how are you?" Ally chirped, she was in a lighter mood than the rest of them were

"I'm good thank you, so why don't you tell me about your new tour?"

"The Reflection Tour, yeah it's our second show tomorrow night." Normani smiled

"It's gonna be amazing, I even heard there's extra tickets on sale now so if you're the bomb you should get those." Dinah winked at the camera and Lauren slapped her arm playfully

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