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"Come on guys, meet and greet starts in 5 minutes. I really want to get there on time for once!" Normani sighed

"Geez Mani let us breathe would you?" Lauren laughed at her

Dinah smiled throwing an arm over Lauren's shoulder, she was happy to see her in a good mood

"Okay everyone ready?" Ally asked

"Yep!" Camila answered joining the rest of the girls

They all arrived at the meet and greet on time and waited for their fans

They got through maybe 50 fans, they didn't know, they'd all lost count, before the last one came out

"Oh my god oh my god oh my fucking God." The last girl squealed making them all laugh

"Chill babe, it's just us." Dinah nudged her arm playfully

"Can I give you something?" The girl asked Lauren who had remained silent, she was still scared of the reactions that would follow tonight after the last shows events

"Sure you can!" Lauren smiled taking the envelope

"Do you want me to read it now?" She asked politely and the girl nodded

Lauren read the letter slowly making sure not to miss a thing

Dear Lauren,
I know you've been away for a year but I want you to know I never stopped thinking of you, and wondering if you were okay even though I didn't know you personally. You're literally the light of my life and I want you to know and remember every day that you're loved, amazing, beautiful, smart and worthy. You're perfect Lauren and I love you so much. Never forget it.
Love forever, Laura xxx

Lauren smiled on the verge of tears as she finished reading the letter

"You're so incredibly sweet, thank you so much Laura." Lauren smiled pulling her into a tight hug

"I love you Lauren." Laura squeezed her in the hug

"I love you too babe." She pulled back admiring her, she was beautiful

"You're so pretty, believe me." Lauren smiled at her squeezing her hands noticing some red and white lines

Lauren frowned and pulled the girl to one side away from the others

"I'll just be a minute." she told them

"Is everything okay?" Lauren asked the fan, her tone was gentle and loving

Laura went quiet and shook her head

"Not really." She said wiping a few tears away

Lauren smiled sadly and hugged her

"Listen to me, you are so amazing and you're a really beautiful girl. I know it's hard but please don't do this to yourself. You're so worthy, you're honestly worth so much more than this. Promise me." Lauren said

Laura took a deep breath and nodded

"Hey, can I get a pen and some paper?" She asked an assistant standing nearby who quickly fetched it giving them to Lauren

"Thanks." Lauren smiled gratefully

Lauren wrote the girl a note of inspiring words, including what she had said to her at that moment.

"Take this and give me your phone. I'm gonna record a voice message." Lauren smiled and Laura gave the girl her phone awkwardly

Lauren repeated what she'd said and wrote into the microphone and gave it back to the girl

Broken, Honest, BeautifulWhere stories live. Discover now