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"Some of these are ridiculous." Dinah laughed. "Oh my gosh, this one says I was in a club last night with some dude footballer." Ally laughed. "Only place you were last night was down in my bunk snoozing it up." Normani said. "Let it go! I'm sorry okay? I was tired, I didn't realise it was the wrong bunk." "This one says Lauren and I are related, imagine that!" Camila giggled. "We'd be hot relatives." "Ew!" "What? What do you mean ew? We are hot!" "Camz that would make our past incest." "Now I'm saying ew, I don't wanna be thinkin' 'bout y'all's sex life thank you very much." Normani scrunched her nose up. "Yeah me neither." Dinah huffed. "Sorry babe." Camila kissed her girlfriend's nose adorably. Lauren went over, cupped Dinah's cheeks and gave a sympathetic smile. "You know what we said. Give it some time baby." Dinah nodded sadly. "Y'all are nasty." Ally cringed. "Hey! Don't be actin like you didn't do the deed with some guy last week in the hotel." Normani accused. Camila's jaw dropped. "No way!" "You did not!" Lauren laughed. "Oh she did. I heard her." Normani cringed. "Ally you dark horse." Camila nudged her. "Allysin is back!" Dinah laughed. "Okay okay, shut up." She covered her face with embarrassment. "A woman has needs alright?" "That's just Ally talk for 'I was horny shut up', it's okay mama, we get it." Lauren patted her back with a smirk. "I frickin' hate you guys." Ally grumbled. "Nooo you love us." Camila hugged her tightly. "Get off of me." Ally swatted her away at first, but ended up hugging her back. "Cutie pies." Lauren pouted as she snapped a photo. "Aww let me see that." Normani reached out for Lauren's phone so Lauren handed it to her. "Aw guys you look so cute." Ally peered over and smiled. "Aw look Mila, she's right." "Cute. Send that to me Laur, I wanna post it." "Camally's lit!" Dinah commented. "You're so weird, why are you my best friend?" Camila chuckled. "You love me." Dinah grinned cheesily. "Yeah." Camila smiled back. "Caminah's lit." Normani smirked. "Copycat." Dinah poked her tongue out as Camila sat on her lap and hugged her tightly. "Mani, can I talk to you?" "Uh oh." Ally shook her head and smiled reassuringly. "It's nothing bad, I promise." "Okay.." Normani trailed hesitantly. "Go on through to the back, we won't bother you." Lauren said, nodding her head in it's direction. "Yeah come on." Ally lead the girl through while Lauren, Camila and Dinah watched. "What do you think is going on back there?" Camila wondered. "I don't know, but it's none of our business." Lauren shrugged, though she had to admit she was curious too. "Babe," "Mm?" Dinah looked up from her phone to Lauren. "Can I take you out tonight?" Dinah smiled. "On a date, obviously." Lauren clarified. "Yeah, I'd like that." "Aww." Camila pouted. "You guys are too cute." "Camz come here please." "Ooooooooh what did you do?" "Nothing! I think.." Camila hesitated cautiously. "Come on." Lauren tugged on her arm. "What is it?" Camila asked. "Help me plan the date." Ally shut the door and motioned for Normani to sit down. "You're moving in with me." "Ally-" "No hear me out. My brother just moved out so there's room, you can stay in my room but I just want you to know there's space for you." "Ally are you sure?" "I want you to be safe. If I can make that happen, I will." "You're incredible." Normani smiled and pulled the girl into a hug. "I know." Ally smirked. "Aaaand the moment's over." Normani pulled back and patted her head. "But really, thanks so much." "You're welcome." "Ally, Mani!!" Lauren called out, her voice strained. Ally opened the door and they both saw Camila and Dinah dog piled on top of her. "Guys," Normani laughed. "Get off of her." Ally slapped the two girls asses and they gasped and got up to glare at Ally. "Ally! You don't know me like that." Dinah flipped her hair and helped Lauren up. "Thanks." Lauren chuckled. "Mila," "Yeees?" Camila looked at Normani with a smirk. "Why'd you dog pile Lauren?" "She said she'd get me bananas yesterday and she forgot!" "What about you?" Ally asked Dinah. "It looked fun." She shrugged. "Fun? Y'all crushed me!" Lauren shouted, moving Ally in front of her. "Protect meeeee, they're so mean." Lauren hid behind the blonde. Ally giggled and shook her head. "Seriously guys, let's calm it down a bit." "Oh god." Camila scoffed. "What babe?" Normani asked interestedly. "This rumour, it says I'm cheating on you with Lauren." "That's just ridiculous." Lauren rolled her eyes. "Right? We're just best friends. When will people see that?" "You guys have a special friendship though." Dinah said. "Yeah but people don't have to go ahead and make assumptions. We're public now, surely that should deter this shit." "Don't get mad Lo. We all know the truth." Camila said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe we should make a video." Lauren suggested. "You know, to set them straight." "Or gay." Normani joked. Ally smacked her upside the head and glared. "You think?" Camila asked, considering it. "Can't hurt to try." Dinah shrugged. "Ally?" Lauren looked at the older girl. "Go for it." Camila set up a webcam and nodded for Lauren to come over. "Ready?" Lauren nodded, confirming she was. "Okay." Camila said and turned on the camera. "Hi guys. It's Camila." "And Lauren." "And we need to talk about something that's..I mean it's sensitive and I don't think we've ever really touched on the topic properly have we Lauren?" "No we haven't. It's about..Camren." "Camren isn't real guys." "We're just friends. We have a really close friendship." "Mhm. Like you guys know, Lauren is in a relationship, as am I." "And we're both really happy." Lauren emphasised. "We love you guys so much but these comments affect us sometimes." Camila looked at Lauren subtly. "and honestly it does damage our friendship from time to time. Right Camz?" "Right. Like I love Lauren so much." "And obviously I love Camila too." Camila giggled. "We love each other and we always will, but it's just a friendship and it's a strong bond of that." "Nothing more, nothing less." Lauren insisted. "Love you guys. Thanks for watching." Camila smiled and Lauren blew a kiss to the camera and hugged Camila tightly. "Love you." "I love you more Lolo." Camila smiled and kissed the girl's right cheek before pulling away. "Awesome. I'll edit it for you and send it to you both." Dinah said. "Who's gonna upload it?" Camila asked curiously. "You should. You're the main one that everyone talks about." Ally said awkwardly. "I don't mean to be.." Camila said apologetically. "It's not her fault people love her. I know I do." Normani said, squeezing her from behind. "Thanks." Camila giggled and rubbed her girlfriend's arm. "It's ready." Dinah announced when she came into the girls all doing various things in the lounge. "I sent it to both your phones. So Camila, your time to shine." Dinah nudged her. "Okay, let's do it. You sure about this Lauren? I'm sure the fans will cause more chaos with this." "We can say we both tried though. Do it Camz." Camila nodded and uploaded the tweet.

@camilacabello97: hi guys, pls watch this. it's very important. *video attached*

"Done." Camila said breathily when she found the courage to press the tweet button. "Now we wait." Ally said, wrapping her arms around the nervous girl and pulling her into a hug. "Come here Camz." Lauren patted her lap and Camila let out an anxious sigh and hugged Lauren's waist as she did the same. "It'll be okay. No matter what happens after this, we're still best friends, always." Camila nodded and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Get some sleep Walz." Dinah patted her hair. "Yeah if anything happens we'll let you know." Normani assured the girl. "Thanks." Camila yawned and rested her head against Lauren's chest. "Sure you don't mind?" Camila asked Lauren tiredly. "Of course not. Go to sleep babe."

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