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"Please Lauren?" Camila sighed handing her a sandwich she'd made specially for Lauren

"It's your favourite, and we all know I make the best sandwiches out of all of us." Camila wiggled her eyebrows to which Lauren cracked a smile

"I'm not in the mood Camz." Lauren confessed as tears came to her eyes

"C'mon Lolo, eat half at least, for me?" Camila asked sitting down beside her

Lauren looked over at the sandwich and sighed audibly, she picked up half and ate a bite and before she knew it she'd finished the whole thing

"I'm very proud of you." Camila smiled moving the plate out her way

"Cuddles?" Lauren asked timidly

Camila smiled and held out her arms giving Lauren a long cuddle, they had both got settled so now they were comfortable

"Why haven't you been eating Laur?" Camila asked carefully treading around the topic

"I've just not been hungry. I couldn't bring myself to eat. I'm a mess Camz."

"You're not a mess Lauren, we all need a little fixing sometimes. Now it's just your turn." Camila turned to look at Lauren who had her head rested in her chest with her arms wrapped around her waist

"Kiss me." Lauren mumbled

"What?" Camila asked in case she'd heard wrong, but that still didn't stop the butterflies fluttering in her stomach

"Kiss me." Lauren repeated louder than before, bravely looking up at Camila

Camila leaned down and softly connected their lips savouring the moment before she pulled away herself

"Lauren we can't." Camila sighed

"Why can't we?" She sounded hurt

"You remember how it worked out last time right? I don't want to hurt you again. Think about this." Camila said

"I'm the one who broke things off. I made a mistake Camz, please..I've missed you, I've missed us." Lauren gulped as tears became visible

Camila bit her lip considering it for a moment "Okay. We'll give it another shot, alright? I'll admit I've missed you too."

"Thank god." Lauren sighed relieved and made no hesitation in bringing their lips together again

"Holy shit." Normani walked in watching the girls until their broke apart upon hearing Normani's entrance

"I-we, uhm.." Camila stuttered

"We can explain." She started

"I didn't gasp at that. You guys are fine by me. But Lauren did you eat??"

Lauren nodded with a small smile and Normani squealed and rushed over engulfing her in a hug

"Well done Mila." Normani grinned happily to which Camila breathed out in relief and smiled back

"So you two are back together?" Dinah asked icily

"Yeah." Lauren smiled, slightly confused at the tone of Dinah's voice

"Cool. Can I have a word Lauren?" Dinah asked getting up

"Sure but I don't want to move." Lauren answered cuddling up further to Camila who happily tightened her hold on her girlfriend

"I really think that this should be a private talk." Dinah hinted

"Why? Whatever you have to say then say it." Lauren shot back

"Okay fine, I don't think that you both getting back together is a good idea." Dinah folded her arms showing her disapproval

"Says the biggest Camren shipper ever?" Camila raised her eyebrow questioningly as she spoke

"You hurt Lauren." Dinah said simply

"Dinah please don't start this again." Normani intervened, Lauren wondered when this had happened before. Perhaps it was last year in her absence and she didn't know.

"No Dinah, I broke things off. She didn't do anything wrong." Lauren defended Camila

"You just became so withdrawn and then you-" Dinah argued

"I didn't break things off with Camila because of us, it was because of me, Dinah. I'm the person you're pissed at, not Camila. So whatever you really want to tell me, say it." Lauren said now standing up to face Dinah head on

Dinah sighed and rubbed her temples thoughtfully "I'm not mad Lauren, I'm just worried that you'll hurt yourself again. I hate seeing you in pain."

"I know, and I don't want to fight with you. Can we just forget this shit and hug it out?" Lauren offered

Dinah nodded and brought Lauren into her arms, Lauren wrapped her arms around her briefly

Right when she was about to pull away Dinah buried her face in Lauren neck and Lauren heard sniffles and felt tears against her neck

"Babe what's wrong?" Lauren sighed tightening her hold on Dinah

Camila raised an eyebrow at the babe comment but Lauren shot her a glare as if to say (stop being stupid)

Dinah shook her head and sobs racked her body and Lauren further tightened her grip and rested her head against Dinah's

"Come on Mila, lets go get a drink. There's a good bar around here. Ally's already up there waiting." Normani said encouragingly to give the girls some space and alone time

"Alright." Camila agreed

"Don't drink too much, and be safe all of you." Lauren warned them

"We won't, and we will." Normani shot her a smile before they left the bus

"They're gone." Lauren told Dinah softly as she stroked her hair

"I hate seeing you cry Dinah, what's wrong?" Lauren asked the Polynesian girl in her arms

"I just wish I knew how to help you." Dinah cried clinging onto Lauren for dear life

"I don't want to lose you again, I can't let that happen." Dinah admitted

"You won't Dinah I promise." Lauren soothed although she knew she couldn't be 100% truthful

"You can't promise what you don't know Lauren, I know you don't know yourself." Dinah told her moving back

"I'm trying, but listen. You're the one who's stuck by me this entire time. Please stop being scared of me, or worried about me, or even both. Your life cannot revolve around me. I'll ask for help when I need it." Lauren stroked the hair out of her face revealing her tear stained cheeks

"I just want everything to be okay again." Dinah bit her lip as fresh tears brimmed in her eyes

"So do I DJ, so do I." Lauren sighed sadly before bringing her into another hug, this time for herself


I'm updating because I MET ALLY YESTERDAY❤️❤️

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