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"Wake up Lauren! Come on honey!" Ally called slapping the girl's cheek lightly to try and rouse her

"I'll get some water!" Normani said rushing to get some

Normani threw it over the girls face but it did nothing for her

"It didn't work." Ally said nervously shaking Lauren

"Come on Lo! Please wake up!" Dinah called on the verge of tears

Suddenly Lauren's body started shaking wildly

"What's happening to her?!" Camila gasped

"Shit! Guys move away, she's having a seizure!" Dinah realised

"Ally call an ambulance! Normani help me move everything out the way! She can't hit her head or she's screwed." Dinah said moving things aside

"How do you know this?" Normani asked helping her move the sofa back

"My brother had a seizure once. Mila can you move out the way babe?" Dinah asked politely but calmly

Camila obliged, but couldn't stop staring at Lauren until she stopped convulsing

"How long did it last? This is important!" Dinah asked Ally

"About 3 minutes." Ally replied who then went back to telling the ambulance their location information

"Okay good, that's good." Dinah replied

"It is?" Normani asked in disbelief

"Any more than five and she would have been in trouble. Camila can you put Lauren in the recovery position?"

"How do you do that?" Camila asked worriedly

"I'll do it." Normani volunteered and put Lauren on her side

"Get a pillow." Dinah instructed Camila who placed it beside her

"Mani lift her chin up, she can't choke if she's sick." Camila told her

"Got it." Normani did it

"The ambulance is here!" Ally called as she looked out the window

"How long did she seizure for?" A paramedic asked the girls

"3 minutes roughly." Ally told them

"Okay and what's her name?"

"Lauren." Camila answered

"Hello Lauren, can you hear me?" The paramedic called to her loudly

Dinah kneeled down beside her and took her hand in her own

"Lo squeeze my hand if you can hear us." Dinah told her and Lauren hesitantly squeezed Dinah's hand started to open her eyes

"What happened?" Lauren mumbled

"Hi Lauren, I'm Andy. I'm a paramedic, you've just had a seizure my love so we're just going to take you to the hospital and run a few tests, to check you over. Is that okay?" He asked

"Mm" Lauren replied closing her eyes

"Lauren keep your eyes open babe." Normani told her

"I'm tired, n' I have a headache." Lauren slurred slightly

"Is she gonna be okay? Like is that normal?" Ally asked

"Perfectly normal after a seizure, but we still need to take her up to the hospital and monitor her overnight. Safety precautions." Andy replied

"Do you need any help getting her to the ambulance?" Dinah asked

"Yes please. Easy now though, she's bound to feel quite nauseous and unstable." Andy warned

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