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"And we have with us these beautiful ladies here, introduce yourselves guys!" "Hi, I'm Lauren." "Dinah Jane." "Ally." "Normani." "I'm Camila." "And we're Fifth Harmony." They all said in sync. "I will forever be amazed at how you do that so perfectly." The interviewer said in awe making them laugh. "It actually takes us practice sometimes." Normani said. "Especially if one of us loses our voice or starts to, it sounds wrong." Camila said, "Now Camila, we heard a few rumours about what happened but we'd like to hear the truth from you." The interviewer said, and all the girls knew exactly what he was referring to. Normani lay a supportive hand on her girlfriend's knee and Camila cleared her throat to speak. "It was an accident, I just tripped and we know how clumsy I am-" "Camila." Ally sighed. "That's not what happened at all." Lauren said before looking at her friend worriedly. "We went out to meet some fans a few days ago and as you know Camila had released a song with Shawn Mendes." "I Know What You Did Last Summer, a really great song." "Thank you." Camila smiled shyly. "I didn't want to put the blame on anyone, especially since it was with a group of fans but the truth is.." Something snapped, and Camila started to cry unintentionally. "Aw it's okay Mila." The girls all tried to console and support her since she was in the middle of them. "Camila was attacked." Dinah said sadly. "She has cracked ribs and a fair amount of bruising, some are on her face as well." Ally said. "Yeah but you can't see them cause our make up team is really good." Lauren praised them half heartedly. "Which means in the next few performances she won't be able to dance." Camila took a tissue from the interviewer. "Thank you, God I'm so sorry." Camila sniffed. "I'm not usually like this." "It's alright." Ally rubbed her shoulder. "Don't be." The interviewer shook his head. "But uhm, yeah, I'm not allowed to dance for a little while unfortunately. Don't get me wrong I'd love to but, doctors orders." "We didn't think we'd need security that day but sadly we were wrong." Ally said. "The people that hurt Camila that day obviously weren't fans." Normani said. "And listen we don't blame our Harmonizers at all." Ally chimed in. "I know you guys would never do that, it was just bad luck that some haters disguised themselves I guess." Camila said awkwardly. "You know what this girl did though?" Dinah said with an adoring smile. "She got up off the floor, literally in tears from the pain and she hugged a fan because they were crying for her." "It really was something to see, and there was another fan that gave her some water." Ally said. "Our real fans are so incredibly sweet to us and it's a shame we can't meet all of you." Camila sighed. "However I think it's best for us we need to up our security. For all our safety, but especially Camila's, because what happened to her that day was just really unacceptable and disrespectful." Normani said. Lauren rested her head on Dinah's shoulder as she listened. "I think we should move on to a happier topic now. Let's talk about the new single. Word on the grapevine is you're releasing it tomorrow!" The interviewer said. "Yes!" Dinah smiled widely. "On Capital FM radio." Ally grinned. "It's so good." Camila nodded. "It's gonna be great, we're filming the music video for it really soon and it's just gonna be so awesome." Normani said proudly. "It's a new era for Fifth Harmony, we're all really excited to show you what we have in store for our future." Camila said making Lauren smile. "Yeah, we can't wait, it's gonna be dope." She hinted slyly making Dinah chuckle. "Any boyfriends, girlfriends?" Dinah and Lauren raised their linked hands. "We're still going strong." "How long have you guys been a couple now? Can we know?" Lauren and Dinah looked at each other and nodded. "I've been with this loser almost 10 months." Dinah smiled. "The time has really flown by." Lauren laughed when Dinah wriggled her eyebrows. "They're really good together." Ally smiled. "Too bad I'm a single pringle." She pouted. "And you two?" He asked Normani and Camila. "Nope, single." Camila lied. "Totally single." Normani agreed. They wanted to wait a while before becoming pulic, like Lauren and Dinah had. It's not that it would surprise the fandom, because there was always speculation with Camren and Norminah. Even though they had essentially swapped, it still stood they all liked girls, or at least each other. "Anything you can tell us about the upcoming album?" "Yeah we've been recording some songs. Like we've said before we're still fixing some stuff up." Ally smiled. "We are. But we're getting there." Dinah added. "It's gonna be really good, at least I hope it will after all our hard work." Camila joked, and the girls actually laughed along making her feel very proud, unless it was a pity laugh. "This album reflects on us as people and as artists." Normani said. "It's gonna be a lot more different than our last album Reflection which was more like, how would you describe it?" Lauren asked. "It was kind of us putting ourselves out there and it was a little bit of a generic-basically we were fitting into the industry, it wasn't necessarily an indication of who we are but more getting people to know and listen to us-not us but to our music, so people would hear a song and go oh, that's by Fifth Harmony, like, I know that band." Camila said. "Yeah it was really so people knew we were in the industry making music, and it worked. You know? Worth it became like, super successful." Lauren agreed, secretly bitter she didn't get to sing on their most successful single. "I wouldn't say that Worth It really represented us as people though." Normani said, and Camila made a sarcastic comment. "Oh yeah, I like it super rough." And Lauren couldn't help but smirk over at Camila, who had made eye contact and blushed slightly. From what she remembered, if it hadn't changed, she did. "Worth It did so well and we hope our new single will do great too." Dinah said, noting the interaction between her girlfriend and her best friend. "Yeah I don't doubt it, it's a great song." "Some stuff you'll recognise and be like oh, kind of, wow, I didn't see that coming." Ally laughed. "We're really excited for its release and we hope that our fans are too." Lauren closed. "That's it, Fifth Harmony for you. Make sure to catch their new song when you hear it, it sounds like it'll be the bomb. I can't wait to buy it myself and blast it out." "Awwwwww, thanks." They said altogether. When the camera switched off Lauren was pulled by Dinah to one side, into a quieter part of the building. "What was that?" "What was what?" "That thing with Mila." "It didn't mean anything DJ, I just found her joke funny." "That's it?" She asked suspiciously, crossing her arms. "Yes. That's it." Dinah didn't look too pleased though. "Oh for God's sake. Don't give me that look." Lauren scoffed. "What look? I don't know what you mean." "I'm not an idiot Dinah. I know when you're being off with me. Don't you trust me or something? Do you think I'm just gonna run off and fuck Camila behind yours and Normani's back?" Dinah looked down at her shoes. "I mean, no of course not but it's been a while now Lauren and nothing like that has happened with us." Lauren sighed and shook her head slightly. "We talked about this." "But-" "Babe, you know I want you." "You don't find me repulsive then?" "This is what I mean. I don't want you and I to, you know, if you're not comfortable with yourself and your body. You've had some bad experiences lately with Nela," Dinah swallowed the lump in her throat that formed at his name, trying to hide the unsettled look in her eyes. "see what I mean? Even his name freaks you out. I don't want to do anything you're uncomfortable with. I mean, you couldn't even undress with me looking at you without feeling embarrassed. "You need to be ready, I need to be ready." "Why aren't you ready?" Dinah asked softly. "I just, I'll be honest with you, and don't hate me for bringing it up. But sex was a large part of mine and Camila's relationship, and I don't want it to ruin ours. Cause we're good as we are, aren't we?" Dinah nodded slowly. "Right, and I don't want that to change." Lauren said, reaching for her girlfriend's hand. "So please just try and understand where I'm coming from. I wouldn't be waiting if I thought that we were both 100% ready to take the next step." Dinah nodded again, no words coming out though. "If you have anything to say to me, don't hold back. This is the time to say it." Lauren said, giving her hand a squeeze. "No. You're right, I guess I just feel insecure. Maybe a hint of jealousy too." Lauren giggled and kissed her cheek. "You don't need to be jealous baby, just trust me, and try to love yourself, because I love you. Just the way you are." Dinah took a deep breath and nodded, letting go of Lauren's hand and holding her arms out for a hug. Lauren hugged the girl tightly and smiled into her neck. "Neither of us love ourselves right now, but we'll get there." Lauren reassured her. Dinah sighed deeply and nodded. "It's a shame we can't love ourselves like we love each other." "One day DJ. Now come on, the girls will be waiting for us." Lauren said, pulling apart and reaching for Dinah's hand. Dinah held it and intertwined their fingers as they walked over to meet the other three girls, who were chatting animatedly about only God knows what, besides them obviously. "Damn. Finally." Camila joked. "We thought you'd never come back to us." Normani pouted, teasing them. "Shut up." Dinah rolled her eyes. "Let's go get some food already." Ally said excitedly. "Yeah I'm starving." Camila agreed. Before the girls knew it, the next day had rolled around and they were about to release their new single to the world on the radio. They were all buzzing, Lauren especially. "And next we have Fifth Harmony's brand new single, or should I say band new single." The girls all looked at each other awkwardly and raised their eyebrows, shaking their heads before acting as if it didn't happen. "Here it is live! Work From Home!" The intro started playing and all five girls just got up and started singing. Dinah and Normani were both snapchatting, Ally was holding herself back from screaming, they could all tell, and Lauren and Camila were jamming out together. After answering some tweets and questions, they left the studio high on good vibes. They were about to go out and celebrate, before Simon asked them to perform an exclusive song for a few people he could gather up, aka their entire team. They only found this out when they had arrived though."We all agreed we want to hear 1000 Hands." Camila and Lauren looked at each other thinking of their duet. Normani, Ally and Dinah all smiled knowingly. "I really wanna sing this one." Dinah smiled. "Then let's do it." Camila shrugged with a smile. "Your mics are set up over there." "You so planned this out, like all of you." Normani shook her head as she followed her friends and girlfriend to the small stage he had set up for them.
The music started and Camila took a deep breath before closing her eyes to sing. "Tired, tired, you're all I want, yeah." All the girls watched in awe, how such perfect and unique vocals could come from such a tiny girl made them wonder "It'll be 'til the end, give me nothing I've ever tried. It'll be the perfect sin, something like the truest lie." Normani followed. "Everywhere somehow, the only place I'll ever be.
As long as you hold me down, oh such a liberty." Dinah looked over at Lauren as she sang gently but whole heartedly. "Warm me with your touch, pressure from your fingertips. Never be enough, I'll do nothing but submit." Lauren smiled as she sung her part. "I just wanna feel a thousand hands from you, only you." Dinah's heart melted as she held out her notes. "Can you make me feel a thousand hands from you, only you?" Normani came again. "Grab a hold of my soul and make me feel complete within, you'll be the one to show these goosebumps on my skin." Ally came next. "I'll wear my heart on my sleeve, I need you to feel the pain
Would you take a bullet for me? Cause you know I'll do the same." Dinah's turn came around again. "Warm me with your touch, pressure from your fingertips. Never be enough, I'll do nothing but submit." Camila was so into listening to her friends she almost missed her cue. "I just wanna feel a thousand hands from you and only you. Can you make me feel a thousand hands from you and only you?" The girls all watched Camila sing, they were all comfortable with each other in that moment. "I just want to feel a thousand, from you. A thousand hands from you. Just wanna feel a thousand, thousand hands from you. Feel a thousand hands from you." The music closed and everyone just stared in a trance. No clapping, nothing for a minute, until Simon stood up. "Now this is how I know I signed an amazing group. These girls have such a bright future ahead of them. Let's give them a hand." Camila held out her hands and everyone joined them, taking a bow as their team clapped for them. Dinah's stomach suddenly growled making all four girls look at her. "Uhm, can we eat now?"

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