Free Secrecy

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Lauren woke up early that morning, Camila still sleeping peacefully in her arms as they were all night

"Morning Lauren." Ally stretched out

"Morning Ally, hey what time is it?"

"Like 9am, I couldn't get back to sleep for the life of me." Ally complained

"It's because of our work schedule. That's why our sleeping schedule is so fucked up." Normani agreed coming into view

"So, what are we all planning on doing today?" Normani asked

"Well Dinah texted me saying she's on a flight back so she should be here around midday, I don't know what we're doing." Ally said

"Me and Camila are having a lazy day, we could all do that?" Lauren offered

"Yeah but I kinda don't wanna stay cooped up in this bus on a day off, I'd rather go out." Normani told them

"I think there's a fair going on not too far from here, we could go to that? It looks like fun." Ally suggested

"Cool, I'm in." Normani grinned

"Maybe we'll come too after a few films, I mean it's open till late, right?" Lauren contemplated the idea

"Midnight." Ally informed Lauren

"We'll join you later then. Is Dinah meeting you at the fair?" Lauren asked

"I'll text her and tell her where we are, I imagine she will. You know she can't turn stuff like this down." Ally laughed

"Can we go now?" Normani asked

"Yeah sure, it's probably open already. See you later Lauren." Ally waved

"Bye Lo, call us if you need us!" Normani called as they left the bus

Lauren smiled, this felt normal again. Just a normal conversation like it used to be, discussing plans for the day without taking Lauren's problems into account.

All of a sudden Lauren felt Camila move and stretch out in her arms

"Hey." Lauren greeted her as she started to wake up

"Hey. Where's Mani and Ally?" Camila asked looking around for them

"They went to the fair, I said we were having a lazy day but we'll join them later. Oh and Dinah's flying back, she'll be here, well, at the fairground around midday." Lauren informed her

"Oh cool. So, I'm thinking a few films and some popcorn?" Camila offered getting up

"Sounds good to me." Lauren agreed sitting up watching Camila find the popcorn packets

"Sweet or salty?" Camila asked rummaging through the cupboards

"Both." Lauren answered

"Okay." Camila acknowledged bringing out two packets of popcorn ready to put in the microwave

"What films did you pick?" Camila asked Lauren reappearing with the bowls of popcorn

"Classic Disney ones. That good?"

"Great." Camila smiled helping herself to some sweet popcorn

As the intro started Dinah burst through the door making them both jump and the popcorn flew out of the bowl and onto, well, everywhere.

"Dinah!" Camila whined looking at the loss of popcorn from the bowls

"You scared us!" Lauren gasped placing her hand over her chest

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