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"Hey Walz." Dinah said when Camila came out of her bunk. "Hey China." She rubbed her eyes tiredly. "Any news?" Dinah looked nervous at the Cuban's question. "Maybe you should talk to Lauren. She's in the back room." Camila cast her eyes in that direction and bit her lip. "Is it bad?" Dinah shrugged. "Back in a few." Camila said cautiously before opening the door. "Hey Camz." Lauren said, wiping her eyes. Camila widened her eyes. "What's wrong? What happened?" Lauren cleared her throat and handed Camila her phone. "What-why are you getting all this hate?" Lauren sniffled. "Cause everything to do with Camren is my fault, remember? Cause I forgot." Camila sat down and widened her eyes. "What?" Lauren asked when she saw Camila's reaction to something. Suddenly Ally burst in and took her phone. "Ally!" "No, it's not good." "Give me the phone." Lauren insisted. "No Laur-" "Give her the phone Alz, she should know what's being said." Normani said sadly. Ally sighed and reluctantly handed her the phone. "It's a trending tag." Dinah said sadly. "#Laurenruined5H?" Camila read out with anger in her eyes. "How could they say that? Where did this come from?" Lauren leant her head on Normani's shoulder when she pulled her into a hug. "You haven't ruined anything Lauren." Ally reassured her. "Yeah, we're all good. We know that." Camila said. "So let them assume, screw them." Dinah shrugged. "The people saying this stuff aren't fans, clearly." Normani added. "They're all just ignorant assholes." "ALLY!" The girls chorused in surprise. "What? They are! No one hurts my children." Lauren giggled through her tears and smiled. "Thanks guys." Camila joined the hug with her best friend and girlfriend. "Group hug!" Ally announced. "I got it, let's clear the air with a livestream!" Dinah bounced in her seat. "Yeah we haven't done one in forever!" Camila agreed. "I'm down." Lauren nodded. "I'll get my laptop." Ally went. They set everything up and tweeted from the main group account and watched as tons of people started watching. "Hey guys." Normani said with a wave. "We're just gonna answer some questions and stuff cause we haven't done this in a while." Camila said. "Ooh, here's one. It says "is there any new music coming up?" Yes, it's all in the works right now but it's gonna be awesome. There's good things to come." Dinah smiled. "Here's another one." Camila pointed to the laptop screen. "This one says "why is ally so short?" Oh my gosh!" Camila cackled before Ally smacked her arm. "Next question please!" Lauren chuckled and leaned in to look at the computer. "Uh, "how did you guys cope with lauren leaving for a year?" Yeah, I'd like to know too." Lauren said curiously. "It was hard, changing up solos and changing choreo to make it right for four people for a while." Ally said. "But we knew it wouldn't be for long, we knew she'd be back and badass." Dinah punched her arm making Lauren pout. "Abuse to your girlfriend much." "Sorry." Dinah leaned over and pecked her lips, causing a shit ton of Laurinah freak outs. "Here's another one," Normani started. "it asks "why did you post that video about camren? Mila? You wanna answer that?" Camila nodded and looked over at Lauren who looked nervous. Camila rubbed the girl's knee supportively and turned back to the camera. "We posted that video because there are a lot of rumours going around, and as usual, the main one is about this delusion of Camren. It's not real, it really isn't. We're best friends, we're close, but not intimate. Lauren is happy with Dinah, and I'm happy too, nothing more, nothing less." Camila explained. "Shoot, there's the inevitable. "Lauren ruined Fifth Harmony, why is she still in the band?" Because she didn't ruin anything guys!" Dinah huffed. "We're all good, honestly. Lauren is an essential part to Fifth Harmony and we all love her very much." Ally said. "Thanks Allycat." Lauren pouted and pulled the small girl into a hug. "Hey this is a cool one for Mani, "what is you favourite song right now?" I know who this will be by." Lauren chuckled. "Shut up Lo. It's definitely Formation by Beyoncé. Lemonade is fire." "Yes boo!" Dinah high fived Normani eagerly. "There's another one. It says "camila is gonna leave the band right? That's what everyone has said recently." Camila you should take this." Ally said after she read it out. "I'm not leaving the band. I don't know where that shit came from." "Mila!" Dinah laughed at her swearing. "I did a new song with Shawn a little while ago, yes, but we all work on solo projects every now and then. It doesn't mean any of us are not dedicated to Fifth Harmony." "Couldn't have said it better." Lauren smiled. "And to the one who leaked the song, I guess I should say thank you, because while I'm here getting negativity, I'm also getting positivity." Camila said with a shy smile. "But back to what I was saying, no, I'm sticking around. Sorry, you guys are stuck with me." She shrugged. "That's not a bad thing." Normani said. "is there something going on between normani and camila?" Camila looked over at her girlfriend who smiled and gave a small nod. "Yes." Camila smiled at the camera. "Everyone is dating everyone in this band but me." Ally huffed. "You're the Mom though." Lauren said. "Yeah Ally, that's weird." Normani cringed. "Hm, true." Ally said thoughtfully. "This one says, "when is your new single coming out?" Ah, here comes the exciting part." Lauren grinned, mainly because she got the chorus. "It actually drops next week." Normani smiled. "On Thursday, we'll be at a radio station and that'll be the first time you'll hear it." Camila said with a wide smile. "It's one of our best songs yet, y'all are gonna love it." Ally smiled. "Shoot. We have the red carpet in an hour, we gotta go." Dinah said as she looked at the clock. "Thanks for watching guys." Normani waved. "Oh wait one last question, "did Lauren really try to kill herself?" Ally read. "No comment." Lauren said immediately. "Bye guys! Thanks for watching." Camila said and ended the livestream. "Are you okay Laur?" Dinah asked Lauren worriedly. "Yeah D, I'm good." "Promise?" Normani checked. "Yes." Lauren smiled. "We better head down there." Ally said. "So much efforttt." Camila whined. "We get to perforrrm." Dinah reminded her. "I'm up, I'm up." Camila huffed. "If I didn't love singing I'd hate you so hard." She grumbled to Dinah. "Love you too Walz."

Hi, I'm not dead. Sorry.

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