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"She's been quiet all day.." Dinah said staring over at the girl

"It's seriously worrying me, she's usually the loud and annoying one out of us all.." Normani commented

They were all surprised when Camila didn't give a comeback as she usually did whenever they teased her.

"See?" Normani gestured to the girl huddled up silently in the lounge area, sat alone for once.

"I said I'd meet Shawn at WaffleHouse so it's your jobs to deal with it." Ally patted Lauren's back pointedly

"Oh come on Ally don't leave us here like this!" Lauren protested standing up to which Ally gave her a sweet wave before she left the bus

Lauren sighed and turned around to see both Normani and Dinah staring at her in waiting.

"I'll deal with it okay? Since you're such chickens." Lauren rolled her eyes

"Yes! Thanks girl!" Normani grinned as she and Dinah got up from being squatted on the floor spying on Camila

"Wait where are you going?" Lauren spun around watching them head for the door like Ally did

"We going shopping." Normani smiled and left the bus before Dinah

"Are you serious?" Lauren groaned to Dinah who smirked back at her

"You're on you're own kid, good luck!" Dinah followed Normani out shutting the door behind them

Lauren shook her head to herself and went into the back of the bus to sit with Camila and talk to her

"What's up Camz?" Lauren asked gently stroking some hair out of her face so she could see her better

Camila looked over at Lauren and twisted her position so she faced her instead of a window

Lauren raised an eyebrow waiting for Camila to speak but she didn't.

"It's just us, no interruptions, what's going on?" Lauren asked sincerely

"Why are people so horrible? Why is there so much hate in the world? Why is so much hate being thrown at me? Why Lauren?!" Camila raised her voice with each question breathing heavily

Lauren sat with wide eyes surprised by her sudden outburst

"I don't know, the world is pretty messy. People are different, some are mean and some are good. It's only the good people that are worth your time though Camila." Lauren said moving closer to her

"Why are they saying these things about me?" Camila asked and Lauren's eyes went to the phone in her lap

Lauren picked up Camila's phone to see she was on Twitter looking at her replies, they were much more hate filled than usual.

"Because they're low life's with too much time on their hands. None of this is true Camz, none of it." Lauren said putting her phone to the side and taking her hand squeezing it tightly

"What's wrong with me?" Camila whimpered and Lauren frowned realising Camila was going to cry

Camila didn't cry often, it was a rare sighting. She never cried in front of anybody, it was only Lauren but nevertheless it was rare to see.

"Nothing's wrong with you Camila don't say that!" Lauren said firmly and adjusted her position so Camila could move closer

"Come here." Lauren opened her arms to which Camila crawled into them and settled herself in Lauren's lap wrapping her arms around her too

"Why don't they understand that the things they say hurt people? It hurts Lauren." Camila cried burying her head in her shoulder deeply

"I know Camz, but it's gonna be okay I promise you. I promise." Lauren whispered before turning her head and kissing her cheek

"I'm sorry." Camila sobbed

"No shh it's okay. Don't be sorry, it's not you. You're aloud to feel hurt and sad, you're aloud to feel what you're feeling." Lauren told her

"No I'm sorry for this." Camila clarified, referring to her position in Lauren's lap

"Don't worry about it, you're aloud to be comforted too. Don't worry Camila, you worry too much." Lauren said wrapping her arms tightly around her body while she cried

"I'm scared though, really scared." Camila said anxiously

"What are you scared of?" Lauren asked resting her head on Camila's shoulder, relaxing herself as she held the whimpering girl

"Love, it terrifies me." Canila admitted vaguely to Lauren

"I know you've had a terrible experience in the past with Austin-" Camila flinched at the sound of his name alone making Lauren squeeze her tight in the hug for reassurance

"He can't hurt you anymore..I know what he did to you was awful Camz but I swear to you that's not love, it wasn't love." Lauren sighed

"What is it then..love, what's it like?" Camila wondered

"Love is your heart beating a thousand times faster at the mention of their name alone, its when you're close to being speechless in their presence, you'd do anything for them." Lauren explained and Camila listened intently, it all sounded so familiar..

"But it hurts; because love is so strong that it makes you weak, weak for them. Nothing you can even try to do about it will make a difference. Nothing gets in the way of love. Ever." Lauren gulped, of course she had to be asked that question.

"It can't be." Camila whispered in disbelief to herself

"What can't be?" Lauren asked, just about managing to make out Camila's words clear enough to ask

"I can't say it." Camila gulped

"Camila say it." Lauren pressed without looking at her, was she really about to tell the truth at last?

"That's how I feel around Dinah." Camila gulped and Lauren's heart sunk into her stomach

Camila loved Dinah? This was bad, really bad. She couldn't love Dinah, Lauren loved Dinah.

Lauren couldn't bring herself to speak so she gave Camila a gentle nudge and Camila got off her lap; wondering what the sudden change was.

"Lauren I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you in any way." Camila sighed rubbing her temples frustratedly

"It's okay." Lauren whispered as she went to her bunk laying down to think things through

She concentrated on breathing deeply as Dinah had showed her before when she got anxious about things. It made her fall asleep after a while though.

When she woke up though, Lauren found her arms wrapped around Dinah's waist in her bunk and hers were delicately placed around Lauren's. How did this happen?

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