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"Every time we go out on the stage feels like a dream come true, and it is a dream come true." Ally told the crowd as the concert calmed down

They were just at the end concert before Who Are You, that was the last song, but this was the part where they all talked to the crowd and broke the walls down

"I think it's so amazing how we met on the X Factor because initially we didn't know who each other were and now we're best friends touring the world together." Dinah added

"That is amazing but you know I think the fact that we have fans is like, really indescribable because never in a million years did I think a Normani girl would exist." Normani laughed

"The fact we can see all your beautiful faces at our shows is just an amazing experience both for us and for you. No matter how small you think you are in the world you're relevant to us." Camila glanced over at Lauren remembering their conversation last night

"You all allow us to live our dreams and I want you to have the confidence to live yours out too. Because it took us confidence to audition for the X factor to live our dreams. And we were all scared weren't we?" Lauren said looking at the others who nodded in agreement

"But by having the confidence to override our fears we got beyond what we wished for." Lauren explained

"We couldn't have lived out our dreams had we not tried." Normani spoke

"I don't think it was coincidence we all auditioned and got put together. It was fate." Camila smiled

"I want to see my dream!" A girl shouted out and Lauren heard her

"What's your dream babe?"

"To see you and Camila have a Camren moment on stage." She replied

Lauren laughed and Camila stuck her tongue out at the girl and began walking over to Lauren

"Here you go then!" Camila jumped on Lauren's back and Lauren nearly fell over

"Jesus Camz, little warning wouldn't go a miss!" Lauren steadied herself as Camila clung on with her arms around her neck

"When have I ever given you warning?" Camila laughed

"Never." Lauren huffed

"Well there's your Camren moment." Lauren smiled at the girl who was videoing the event

"Now will you get off me? My arms are tired." Lauren frowned trying to hold Camila up

"Hold on." Camila agreed getting down and Lauren went back to her seat

She thought Camila would go back to hers too but instead she followed Lauren and sat on her lap

"Really?" Lauren laughed snaking her arms round her waist holding her up

"You love it." Camila smiled tapping Lauren's nose

"Awwww" Normani cooed

"Last song?" Ally asked

"Can I have my mic?" Camila asked Dinah who handed her the microphone

"Are you planning on sitting on my lap through the whole song?" Lauren asked

"Why not?" Camila pouted

"Okay fine. But if I get cramp it's your fault." Lauren laughed

Camila grinned and sang the first vocals as the intro began

Monday you sent me flowers
Tuesday made me feel stupid
Wednesday the world was ours
Thursday you didn't prove it
Friday fell back in love
Saturday we didn't talk
Sunday you said you needed space

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