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"Police are here." Normani told Lauren quietly so as not to alarm Dinah. "Hello there, you're Dinah Jane, am I right?" Dinah looked up curiously at the female unfamiliar voice addressing her. "My name is Detective Benson, this is my partner, Detective Stabler." Dinah looked at Lauren who wore a gentle smile. "This has to end at some point, mama." "She's right." The male detective agreed with Lauren in a heartbeat. "El.." The woman warned. "I was just agreeing." He defended. "So, do you think you can come down to the station with us and tell us what's been going on tonight?" Dinah's brown eyes watered as she glanced back at Lauren. "You'll be fine babe." She nodded. "Can someone come with me?" Dinah asked in a small voice. "I'll come." Ally said as she sat next to Dinah on the other side from Lauren, coming out of nowhere. Dinah side hugged the girl and nodded. "Can my friend come along too?" Dinah asked Detective Benson. The woman nodded. "Yes she can, but we need to interview you alone." Dinah nodded and Lauren released her hand and kissed her cheek. "Don't worry Di. Ally will look after you, so will they. It'll be over soon." Dinah and Ally went to the station while Normani, Camila and Lauren sat in Dinah's room. "Cheechee will be okay, won't she?" Camila asked worriedly. "She'll be just fine Camila." Lauren kissed her cheek, pulling the girl in her lap. "Is it too inappropriate to order takeout and try and forget this is happening?" Normani asked the pair awkwardly. "I'm in." Lauren agreed as soon as her best friend had said it. "Me too." Camila seconded. "How does a Chinese sound?" The dark skinned girl suggested. Nods from the Cuban girls told her it was a go and she got a phone and called the nearest place. "You okay Camz?" Lauren asked the quiet girl in her lap. "I'm just upset for Dinah." She shrugged slowly, a sad tone to her words. "Me too. But she's a strong girl, we all know that." After the trio watched some films on Netflix, Ally and Dinah walked in the room. Dinah had a happy smile on her face as she approached them. "Someone's smiley." Camila noted happily. "They got Nela!" Ally grinned. "The idiot was hanging around the station to threaten Dinah." "Such a dumbass." Dinah breathed. "I don't even have to to go trial. They're going to use my statement from there and take into account I'm in a famous ess girl group." Dinah lay herself across their laps. "Ally tell em!" Their eyes all went to Ally who stood there. "You guys won't believe this..WORTH IT HAS GONE MULTI PLATINUM!!" They all jumped up and screamed in celebration. "AND, WAIT AND, WE'RE GROUP OF THE MOTHEREFFIN YEAR Y'ALL!!" Their screams got louder and Camila jumped into Dinah's back kissing her cheek. "I love you Walz but you're heavy." Dinah groaned and Camila clung on tighter. "I will drop you if I have to." She warned, "You wouldn't dare." The Cuban rolled her eyes. "Try me Mila." Dinah was just about to let go but Lauren grabbed her and prised Camila away. "Dinah! Don't do that someone could have got hurt." Ally scolded. "I'll piggy back Camz, you piggy back Ally, Mani-" "AYY HOTEL RAID!" Normani yelled, the girls never did this unless it was a massive thing to celebrate and they would be leaving the next morning, which they were, so it was a good day. "TO GROUP OF THE YEAR!" Normani yelled proudly as she squirted cream in Dinah's face. "Pfthh- Mani it's my eyes!" Dinah laughed. Ally wiped the cream from her friend's face, smearing it on Lauren's. "ALLY, THAT SHIT IS SO NOT FAIR NORMANI DID IT!" The green eyed girl gasped. "ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR LAUREN!" She cackled. "Race! I'll be ref! Whoever wins gets to squirt this whole can over the other team." Dinah proposed. "I am in! You're so going down, Miami!" Ally switched to get on Normani's back. Ally poked her tongue out at the Cuban's. "In your dreams, Texas!" Camila jeered competitively. "3, 2, 1...GO LOSERS!" Dinah shouted out from the end of the hotel corridor. They sprinted eagerly to the end but Dinah had a hilarious idea of squirting an extra can over the floor as an obstacle. "Ha!" Camila laughed as Normani slipped over the cream having to stabilise herself against the wall. "Go Mani!" Ally cheered as she continued to run immediately. "Lauren, watch out!" Camila used one arm to point quickly at the cream. "Shit!" Lauren squealed as she slipped. "Ha! Whoa!" Normani tried to gloat like Camila, but Camila pulled them down with her and Lauren. "EHHHH! You guys both lost!" Dinah laughed at the four girls. "No way you totally sabotaged us!" Lauren whined in protest. "Whatchu gon do boo?" She teased. The girls all turned and looked at each other before pulling Dinah with them, the Polynesian let out a squeal, landing on top of them all. "That's what we do." Normani laughed. Ally squirted cream all over Dinah's face. Naturally, Camila poked her tongue out at the girl and licked some cream off her nose. "I can't deny it's good cream." She licked her lips happily. Lauren smirked, and kissed the cream off of her girlfriend's lips. "Okay I'm taking the can, who has it?" Ally asked them eagerly as Camila was just squirting the whipped cream directly into her mouth. Barely able to speak she tried to say. "Mani has one." Ally turned around and tried to grab it from her. "No!" Normani pushed Ally away to save it. "Lick it off Dinah. This can is mine." She held it out her Ally's reach unfairly. "Mani!" Ally whimpered "That's not fair! I'm too short." But of course Normani knew it was a trick. "I don't care! Dinah's right there." "Yeah, playing sucky face with Lauren, gimme some!" Lauren pulled apart and giggled "What the fucking hell is sucky face?" "What y'all were just doing, now help me get the cream!" Ally complained. Dinah casually reached up and grabbed it with ease. "Aw!" Normani huffed so Lauren swiped the can. "Open up." She ordered. Normani eagerly opened her mouth and Lauren squirted a load in. "Open Ally." Ally grinned and opened her mouth happily. Lauren squirted in a generous amount before she did the same for herself and Dinah. Camila on the other hand was laying on the floor groaning about having too much cream to herself. "Aww. Does someone have a tummy ache?" Lauren pouted but she couldn't not laugh. "Yes I-OW!" Camila gasped when Midnight pounced on her stomach. "Oh my god guys look!" Ally gasped when Midnight was licking off cream from Lauren's covered face. "It's not funny guys." Lauren scrunched up her face at the puppy's creamy kisses. "It's so cute!" Dinah cooed. "You want me to get him off?" Ally offered the girl half heartedly. Lauren giggled and just picked up the puppy from Camila and placed him in her lap as he continued to lick her ace happily. "He's fine here. Wait, can dogs even have cream?" "I'm fairly certain it won't hurt him." Camila said as she stroked the puppy.  "Hey!! Get all of your asses out of this hotel!" A muscular man approached them at a very quick pace. All the girls scrambled up from the floor, Lauren grabbing the puppy. "We gotta go!" Ally bolted in the other direction to the man with the rest of the group closely following behind. "Is-is he gone now?" Normani panted, hunched over as they reached an alley. "I..Yeah, I think so." Dinah gasped for air, leaning against a wall for support, her legs felt like jelly. Sore, achy, jelly. "I can't believe we just ran 4 blocks." Camila breathed out. "That may be the scariest moment of my life. Did you see his face? I swear he was going to kill us on the spot." Lauren huffed. "I know!! I have never, anywhere in the world seen anybody run as fast as that man did to chase us." Ally agreed sitting on a step. "Jesus Christ.." Normani took a deep breath before Dinah started laughing. "What?" Camila asked. "Come on guys, that was actually really funny." Lauren chuckled before she looked at Normani and Ally. "She's right." Ally laughed, "I love Fifth Harmony behind the scenes." Camila grinned. "These are the times I cherish the most, anytime I spend with you guys is amazing." Normani smiled. "Group hug!" Dinah held her arms out and they all hugged each other tightly. "Uh oh..guys?" Camila bit her lip. "That is not a good face you're wearing Camz, what's going on?" Lauren asked the girl cautiously. "We kinda just..missed our own show." "Oh my god we're so gonna get fucked up." Normani face palmed in shock. "What do we do??" Dinah asked frantically. "It's too late to do anything! They're everything packing up." Lauren groaned. "Oh my god, we've just let an entire venue of fans down." Camila's eyes grew wider than ever. While Ally broke out into uncontrollable laughter, and the four girls looked at her like she was crazy. "How the fucking hell is that funny Al?!" Normani shouted, terrified for their fates. Suddenly Will jumped out making the four girls scream. "You just got pranked, losers!!" He shouted, high fiving Ally. "What are we missing here?" Normani asked with a shaking hand on her heart in relief, as well as shock from Will's surprise appearance. "Mani you never come between mama and her cream." Ally winked. Everyone except burst into laughter and even a few tears while Normani stood their in shock with a dropped jaw. "But why'd you scare us all?" Lauren huffed. "Yeah we helped you!" Dinah seconded. "Well I thought we could all use a laugh." She shrugged. "You girls have a free week to enjoy from now. I'll go find you another  hotel." Will said as he got out his phone to search for one nearby. "Thanks Will, you're a pretty awesome dude." Dinah smiled. "I know." Will said sassily as he got in a taxi he'd hailed to scope out the area they where in. "Hey," Lauren said, catching everyone's attention. "You all wanna know what I fancy doing?" They all nodded interestedly. "Let's all hit up a club. Dinah's 18 now, we're all legal." Camila grinned at the idea, as did Ally and Dinah. Normani was on the phone already. "Mani?" Lauren asked to see if she was up for it. "What? I'm searching for clubs." The group all laughed at her immediate enthusiasm. Tonight would be fun, after all..it was them against the world. "Thank you for today Lauren, I don't know where in the world I would be without you." Dinah smiled at her, it was obvious to Lauren and everyone it was something she needed to say. "It's nothing babe, we've all got your back." Dinah grinned and wrapped her arms around Lauren, then it was made into another group hug. "What did I do to deserve you guys?" Dinah smiled into Lauren's neck. "I still have no idea DJ." Normani teased. "Shut up and love me you little brat." Dinah rolled her eyes.

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