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"Are you ready babe?" Dinah asked. "I am, wait no, one more thing. I'm nearly ready I swear." Lauren rushed to grab her phone and money. "We're going to be late for the shoot Lauren hurry up!" Ally groaned. "Sorry, I'm sorry!" "Just go Ally. We'll be down in a second. I'll carry her if I have to." Dinah said, her girlfriend backing away. "You don't, I'll be ready in a minute tops." "Too long." Dinah decided, throwing Lauren over her shoulder relentlessly. Lauren let out a squeal and only just managed to grab her bag on the way out. "Ugh I so hate you right now Dinah Jane." Dinah laughed and slapped her ass. "Oh hey-woah. No! No do not do that, I did not agree to that." Lauren scolded. "Come on, it's photoshoot time." She sang. "Ah finally girls!" Big Rob said as he pulled Lauren out of Dinah's arms and pushed her into the car. Lauren landed on top of Normani and chuckled nervously. "I uh..I didn't mean to do that, Big Rob just pushed me in." Normani shook her head and laughed. "Just sit down Lo, so Dinah can get in and we can leave. Ally has been a nervous wreck these past 5 minutes." Lauren apologised to the girl swiftly and looked around as the door shut. "Wait where's Camila?" Normani answered, "She's meeting us there. She said there was something she had to do with Shawn." Lauren hummed before she focused on the car taking them to their photoshoot. Dinah nudged her so Lauren looked up. "What's up?" Dinah puckered her lips, trying not to smile. Lauren giggled and pecked her lips. "I knew you didn't hate me." She teased. "If you say so hot shot." Lauren rolled her eyes. "You called me hot." "It's an expression loser. Shut up." Lauren said as she got out the car. Camila was out front waiting with a wide smile on her face. "Hey Camz." Lauren smiled as she pulled her into a hug. "Lolo we finished it! We finished the song, do you wanna hear it?" "Woah girl, you really wrote a song?" Dinah asked happily. "Yeah I did, with Shawn! I didn't want to say in case it didn't work out and then it did and I wanted to wait till it was done." "So that's what you were doing this morning!" Normani clocked. "Wanna listen?" "We'd love to Camila, after the shoot okay? You can show us when we get done here." Ally suggested. "Okay!" Camila grinned and shoved her phone into her back pocket. Lauren slung an arm around Camila's shoulders, Camila wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled. "I can't wait to hear it." Lauren smiled reassuringly. "I'm actually kinda nervous, I'm excited for you all to hear it but what if it's not even good?" "If you think it's good then I bet we will too. Don't worry Camz, let's just do this photoshoot." "Gotcha." Camila kissed her cheek and followed a woman into hair and makeup. "Lauren can we talk please?" Lauren turned around to see Ally. "Sure thing Ally." Ally tugged on her arm and lead them into a secluded area. "What's up?" Lauren asked as she leant back against the wall. "What's up with Dinah? Do you know?" Lauren frowned. "What do you mean?" "She's crying in the bathroom and I can't get her out." Ally sighed. "I'll sort it Ally, go back, we'll see you out there." "Thanks Lo." Lauren nodded and went into the bathroom. "Dinah? Where are you?" Lauren knocked on the cubicle doors. A woman came out making Lauren jump and quickly apologise. Dinah unlocked the door and pulled her girlfriend into her cubicle. "What's the matter baby?" Lauren asked gently as she snaked her arms around her waist. Dinah hid her face in her neck and sniffled. "I don't want to be on camera today, I look like crap." Lauren stroked her hair and gave her a proper hug. "You don't baby, you look as perfect as you always do. Plus if there's something you don't like about yourself I guarantee you I love it. And if you're really uncomfortable, you can go and talk to the editor before we leave." Dinah hummed and snaked her arms around her waist. "You're cute." "Come on babe, you need to get your makeup and hair done." Lauren smiled as she pulled back and wiped her girlfriend's eyes. "You good?" "I'm good." Dinah smiled before she leaned in. Lauren giggled and pecked Dinah on the lips. "Dang, is that all I get? I can't kiss you for probably hours just in case I end up ruining my lipstick and I get a peck?" "Is that you're polite way of demanding I make out with you?" "Maybe?" Dinah giggled questioningly. "We're stood in a bathroom cubicle Dinah, I promise I'll kiss you later. Plus Ally's really nervous today and I want to make things run as smooth as possible for her. She's really been feeling the pressure lately." "Let's just do the shoot and then you can talk to her." Dinah smiled as she opened the door. Lauren nodded in agreement, "I will, after we all listen to Camila's song. Are you excited to hear it?" "Well yeah, but I'm a little annoyed." "Why?" The raven haired girl asked, "She wrote a song with another artist, not any of us. What if it ends up getting released? I'm a little peeved I have to admit, she's never shared her writing with any of us before." Lauren rolled her eyes. "Dinah you're reading too much into it. If you wanna be mad at her that's up to you, but I'm going to actually support her." She said as they walked out. Dinah just scoffed. "Lauren come on, you don't know her true intentions." "And you do?" Lauren fired back. "Maybe I just trust her a little more than you do-" "Yeah because you're still in love with her!" Dinah shouted in her face. Lauren was stood still, unaware that all eyes were on them, including Camila's. "You know what," Lauren shook her head. "I-I can't deal with you right now. Just, just get out of my sight Dinah." "With pleasure!" Dinah growled and stormed off. Lauren rubbed her face tiredly and ran a hand through her hair. "Are you okay Laur?" Normani asked hesitantly. "Fine. Let's just get on with it." Camila watched nervously. Did they just have their second fight? And more importantly, was it over her? Camila almost jumped back when she realised Lauren was in front of her, eyes staring into hers, a tell that she was hoping for a hug. Camila opened her arms and Lauren nestled her head into her neck. "What happened?" Camila mumbled into Lauren's hair. Lauren just shook her head and shuffled closer to her. "I was just defending you." Lauren said in a small voice. Camila was touched, but also upset she'd caused the two lovers a fight. "She said she didn't trust you, but I don't think she even trusts me." "Do you mean because of the song Shawn and I wrote? Ugh fuck, I was afraid this would happen." Camila sighed. "I think Dinah's just feeling a little insecure. It's not a big deal with the song either-" "It isn't about the song Camz it's about her not trusting you! Honestly, am I like the only one that does?" Lauren scoffed and Camila sighed. "Probably." "I feel like I'm the only one that's on your side sometimes and that's not right, we're a group, we're in this together in every sense and it's only right to support each other." "I get what you're saying. I don't know much Lolo, but it's not right, and I'm grateful you're standing by me. You have no idea." Lauren nuzzled her head into her chest now. "She was right in a way." Camila furrowed her eyebrows. "Right about what?" Lauren pulled back and looked around her, they were alone. "A part of me is still in love with you." "Oh I-I see." Camila croaked, that's all she could get out? Not an 'I love you too. I have been for ages but I was too stupid and scared to admit it' or 'I've made a ton of mistakes every time we tried so what could we get out of it now?' Not even the right response of 'You can't do that to Dinah, it's not fair on her, and you've been happier with her than ever, we've all noticed.' No, Camila was just a stuttering fool. "Camz, maybe she was right not to trust me, maybe we've just grown apart. It happens, doesn't it.." "I don't know what you're trying to say." Camila admitted. "I really want to kiss you." Lauren mumbled. "Lauren, you can't.." "Why not?" Lauren asked sorrowfully. "Because you're with Dinah, and baby we were broken from the start. You've said it yourself. Plus, you said a part of you, you still love Dinah, Lo." "Are you saying that you don't love me?" Camila shook her head quickly. "No! No I am not saying that, not at all. I do love you. I think I always have." "So let me love you back!" Lauren whimpered. "I'm sorry, Dinah's my best friend. It's just, it's just not right." "Camz please, you were mine before I was hers. Hell, she even shipped us at one point." "That point was before she fell in love with you too." "Too, so you are in love with me?" Lauren asked. "Once, Lauren you were my first real love. I've been in love with you once and some part of me always will be. But I'm your friend now because we know from plenty of hurtful past experiences that we're better off this way, and Lauren I can't do that to Dinah, you can't either. You're happy with her-" "Not right now, and I was happy with you too!" Lauren interrupted, tears spilling over the edge. Camila cupped her face and wiped them away. Before leaning in and kissing her forehead. "Goodbye Lauren." Camila smiled sadly before squeezing her hand and walking away. Lauren covered her face and screamed into her hands. Why was her life such a mess all the time?

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