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"Normani I'm not trying to hurt you but I can't help how I feel- Normani!" Camila raised her trembling voice as Normani started to walk away from her "Then why did you kiss me back?!" She shouted "It's's complicated Mani I can't be with you, or anyone..Please try to understand." Camila begged with tears in her eyes "Why do I bother? I'm going out." Normani growled but Ally stood in her way. "Camila is trying to explain how she feels and you're just blocking her feelings out for your own selfish reasons. Normani sit down and listen to her." Ally said firmly, Camila carefully moved past her anyway "It's okay, I really can't say anything else. I just wouldn't know how." She croaked, Camila left the bus and was pulled into Lauren's arms. Camila whimpered and started crying when Lauren's arms had tightened around her frame. "She'll get over it. Confía en mí cuando digo que todo va a estar bien. Camila, Te amare por siempre." Camila tightened her hold on Lauren, just savouring their intimate heartfelt moment as friends. "Sólo necesito para ser feliz otra vez, pero me no sé cómo." Camila's voice was shaky and Lauren knew she was being serious. "You're not happy? Why not?" Lauren asked with her soothingly caring tone. "Soy una fracaso en este mundo y que no merezco vivir en un lugar tan maravilloso!" Lauren's eyes filled with tears "You really think that?" Camila nodded before she spoke again, in a softer and more vulnerable voice. "Nadie me quiere, nadie ama a la chica roto." Lauren smiled sadly and traced light patterns on her shoulder "Camz why didn't you just.." Camila broke the hug and raised her voice "I couldn't! I couldn't say anything because I'm not aloud to be sad, I get attacked for just breathing these days and I don't know what I'm supposed to do! I don't know how to make it right again. I just don't know how to make people stop hating me!" Camila cried and Lauren watched sadly "Camz of course you're aloud to be sad, babe no one ever said that you weren't. Normani, she'll get over it. I've seen clear as day how you've just been disconnecting yourself from us all, and I know it's not what you want. You just want to be happy..I know more than anyone what that's like, and that's all any of us want in life. I want you to be happy Camz, we all want you to be happy." Camila swallowed heavily before she spoke in a very shaky voice. "Luego venir aquí y decirme que todo va a estar bien." There was a short silence shared by the two girls before Camila spoke a second time. "Please Lolo.." Lauren felt her heart ache as she walked over to Camila and wrapped her arms around her best friend. "Que todo va a estar bien, prometo." Camila nodded and rested her head in Lauren's neck. "Te amo Lolo." She whispered and Lauren smiled softly. "Te amo Camz." Dinah watched at the window the entire time, she felt awful. Camila needed a friend and she wasn't there for her, Lauren was though. She always made time for other people in favour of herself. Dinah sighed when she felt a small hand on her shoulder, Ally. "She calmed down yet?" Dinah didn't bother to turn around. Ally crawled up to the window and knelt next to Dinah. "We just need to leave her be for a while. Is Mila okay?" Dinah smiled slightly. "I don't know, Lauren's taking care of her though." Ally nodded before she spoke "I feel like this is bigger for Mila than just her and Normani..Dinah, do you think there's something else going on?" Dinah turned her head to meet Ally's eyes. "Yeah, I do. I don't know what it is, but I think there is something else." Ally hummed and noticed the two girls were coming back inside the bus. Ally and Dinah ducked down and grabbed their phones, sat next to each other so when Lauren and Camila came in, it all looked as normal as it could get. "Hey." Camila mumbled and situated herself on Dinah's lap quietly. Dinah dropped her phone instantly and pulled Camila closed to her. "What's wrong Chanch?" Camila shrugged and played with the hair tie on her wrist. "Just cuddle with her, Camila just needs some love at the moment." Lauren squeezed Camila's shoulder supportively before heading to Normani's bunk knowingly. "Mani, open up." Lauren knelt down and the curtain shifted. "I was such a jerk." Normani sighed and Lauren gestured for her to get out of her bunk. "You overreacted a bit. But you have to get over the fact it isn't how you wanted it to be." Lauren explained to her best friend sympathetically and Normani nodded. "She's not the one for you. But Mani there's someone out there waiting for you. It's just not Camz. Plus, I don't think she feels ready after what happened with Austin." Lauren said in a hushed voice. Normani nodded and went through to where she saw Camila being hugged by Dinah, and she was crying. "Camila I'm really sorry, we're friends for life right? Always." Normani rubbed her arm and Camila nodded but clung on tightly to Dinah. "You're okay Mani, just give her some space yeah?" Ally said, Normani nodded and smiled "Can we get pizza?" Ally smiled and nodded excitedly. But Camila didn't even react to her second favourite word, her first one by far was serendipity. "Mila, do you want pizza?" Dinah encouraged but Camila didn't react this time either. Lauren's heart became increasingly heavy as she had to watch her friend in such pain. "We'll pick it up, see you later." Ally smiled at the girls and left with Normani. "Mila.." Dinah mumbled and Camila let out a shaky sob, the first of many. "I want Lolo." Lauren quickly stepped in and sat next to Dinah, holding Camila's hand while Dinah wrapped her arm around her girlfriend's body. "I'm here Camz, we're both here." Camila just let go there, she had her two best friends by her side. That was all she could have asked for in one of her low moments. But as could be expected from Camila, when the smell of pizza wafted through the bus she cheered up on her first bite of her slice. "Happy?" Lauren smiled and Camila nodded at her with a grin on her face. "Happy." Dinah giggled as well as the rest of the girls. Lauren held out her arms and Camila smiled widely as she cuddled up to her. "Do you feel better now Camz?" Camila nodded and gave Lauren an Eskimo kiss. "Hate to break up the cute moment and all but I'd quite like to kiss my girl now, with her pizza loving lips." Dinah said and so leaned over to Lauren with her lips puckered up. Lauren smiled and gave Dinah a simple kiss. "Dinah if you're not asking for a kiss then it's a selfie. It's a miracle your lips haven't frozen that way." Normani laughed, Dinah shoved her arm playfully and stuck her tongue out. "Well screw you too! You just lost your photographer." Normani gasped "NO PLEASE YOU'RE ALL I HAVE!" Ally cackled at how serious she thought it was. Even Camila gasped "Is it that serious?" Lauren laughed and Camila nodded "Yes!! This girl is like our Instagram lifeline!" Both Ally and Lauren shook their heads fondly as the two girls scrapped and Camila tried to help Normani reason with Dinah. "You guys are insane!" Ally chuckled and Dinah turned her head. "But you love us!" Ally shook her head teasingly. "No I don't." Lauren smirked "Yeah you do Ally." Ally shook her head again. "No." Camila giggled "Yes you do! Admit it." Ally stood up "Nope! You're all idiots and I am out!" She stood up only to be tacked down again by Normani "Admit you love us!" Ally pressed her lips together and shook her head. "Say it!" Dinah pressed but Ally refused. "Guess we'll have to....I don't know..tickle it out of you!" Lauren said attacking her sides. "NO PLEASE DO-!!" Ally cackled loudly. Camila and Dinah joined in and until they did it until Ally couldn't even breathe. So when she caught her breath back at last she sighed. "Fine. I love you even if you are bitches." The four girls gasped in shock and their hands flew to their mouths, making Ally look around automatically for any sign of danger. "Wha-what??" Normani just burst into laughter, "You-You swore Ally!" Camila said and Ally's cheeks turned into quite a deep shade of red. "Oh shut up." She mumbled embarrassed and Lauren giggled and ruffled the shorter girl's blonde hair. "Our widdo Ally's growing up." Dinah smiled cheekily only to be hit over the head by said girl. "No! Just because I said one swear word doesn't mean that I'm growing up Dinah Jane." Lauren rolled her eyes. "Oh Ally you act like you've never sworn in your life." Ally turned her attention to Lauren "I haven't." Camila smirked "Oh that is so not true! I've heard you." Normani also raised her hand. "Me too!" Ally looked around at them in shock. "When?!" The four girls proceeded to quote Ally's low moments and they were quoting Ally on things that she had forgotten about, which it seemed was quite a lot. "Oh my gosh." Dinah rolled her eyes. "Aaaaand, she's back."

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