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"I don't know Lo, how are we going to get in?" Lauren raised an eyebrow at her. "Camila, are you forgetting we're both adults and we're pretty famous now? We'll get in. Relax." The rope was lifted and the two girls entered the club and headed straight for the bar. "What do you want to drink Camz?" Lauren asked her, "Vodka and Sprite?" Camila suggested, Lauren nodded "Two Vodka and sprites please." The barman held a thumbs up and went to get them. "So, why are we actually here Lauren, you never really said why we're doing this?" Camila asked and Lauren shrugged. "I haven't been out in a while and I just figured it was something we could do together. You're not having second thoughts are you?" Camila shook her head and took her drink from the man and paid. "Thank you- No I'm not, I was just a little worried that's all babe." Lauren groaned "Camila I don't want any worrying, we came here to let loose and have fun for a change. So let's just have a good time and worry about the rest of it later." Camila smiled. "You're right, now, down in one." Lauren held up her drink and they clicked glasses. They both gulped down the bittersweet liquid and gasped for air when they put down the glasses. "Wow, you're good." Lauren coughed slightly as looked at Camila. "You shots?" Lauren grinned "Now you're talking, Tequila and Vodka shots please!" About an hour later with mindless chatter and a lot of laughter, the two Latinas were drunk. On the dance floor, the pair were doing an awfully bad attempt at the waltz, which ended up of course with Camila tripping over her own feet. "Camz!" Lauren grabbed her and held her up a bit so they were staring at each other. Camila smiled at Lauren and the green eyed girl blushed. "D-Do you, uh I.." Camila giggled at Lauren's flustered state. "Come on, I think another drink is in order." She dragged Lauren across the club and ordered a Gin and Tonic for them both. "The girls are going to kill us." Lauren cackled. "We're adults, we don't answer to them." Camila said nonchalantly and as she clinked glasses with Lauren. "Bottoms up kid." Lauren raised her eyebrows when she noticed someone looking at them over Camila's shoulder. "Uh, I think it's time we left." Lauren said as she put her empty glass on the table. "But wait I'm not done!" Camila whined as she pointed to the half glass. "No, Camila we have to go!" Camila pulled Lauren back to the bar stubbornly. "Stop it. I'm finishing this drink first, then we can leave." "If you don't want to bump into Austin, who is coming over right now then we might want to get out of here!" Lauren hissed and Camila went pale. "No, no no no, I want to get out now, Lauren let's go." Lauren hushed Camila and pulled her to her side protectively. "Is there a back way we can get out of?" Lauren asked the barman quickly who directed them to it with raised eyebrows, though they did spend a large sum of money on him so he wasn't all that bothered. "Thanks so much!" Lauren dragged Camila out, checking back to see Austin getting too lost in the crowd to find them. As soon as the cold air hit them, Lauren kicked the door slamming it shut and Camila looked positively shaken up. "Hey, hey it's okay, we're out. You're fine. Come here Camz." Lauren wrapped her arms tightly around Camila who returned her hug just as tight as Lauren. "Thank you Laur, God knows what would have happened if-" She whispered into her neck. "No but it didn't though. It's okay now babe." Lauren rubbed her back soothingly. "C'mon, let's get back to the hotel. We'll go to my room so we don't disturb the girls." Camila nodded in an agreement and they called for a cab up the street, just in case. When they got back and safely into Lauren's room, the girls changed into pyjamas and Lauren made them a coffee each to sober up. Camila took the mug and thanked her friend, but she hated how Austin was still affecting her. She should be over it by now, way over it. Still, here Camila was in a hotel room at 5am, sobering up with her first love holding her while she cried, wait what? Camila touched her cheeks and realised she was crying. And Lauren was kissing her temple and telling her it was okay to be upset. But truth be told, Camila wasn't sure what she was feeling right now. Camila cast a timid glance up at Lauren, who already had her eyes on her. "You okay Camz?" Lauren asked worriedly, Camila had to think before she answered. "No, no I'm not. Why aren't I over this? Why does it still hurt?.. Lauren why can I still feel the punches, and the kicks, and stamps and hear the shouting and screaming and-" Lauren carefully took the mug out Camila's shaky hands and put it on the table by her bed, before she pulled Camila into her arms and lap, holding her as close as she possibly could while she sobbed her frail little heart out. "I don't know if I can make this any better Camz, and I wish that I could do, but I don't know how." Camila fisted her top in search of the maximum comfort her friend could provide. Lauren held her as tight as she could and tighter, and buried her head in Camila's neck while whispering soothing words. She kissed it affectionately to try and relax Camila, but the girl was hysterical. Lauren was sure they were sober enough by now to control themselves, but Camila was just an emotional wreck. She wondered if this was all her sober emotions pent up. "Do you want me to find him and beat him up like Dinah did?" Lauren asked, Camila almost found herself agreeing just so he knew what it felt like to be a punchbag. She knew Lauren would do it, Lauren would do anything for her. "I have to be the better person and say no. But thank you Lauren." The Cuban had choked out, "It's okay, try and get some sleep, okay? I've got you Camz." Lauren kissed her temple and laid them both down together in the bed. Their legs were intertwined perfectly, and Lauren was holding Camila as tightly as she could as they fell asleep. As innocent as can be, they were two friends holding each other while they slept. Nothing at all was wrong with that. But then when Dinah came back to her room to look for Lauren at 9am..well she wasn't too happy with the sight. Dinah licked her lips in thought as she assessed their presence. She trusted her girlfriend, she did. Plus the fact they both clearly had pyjamas on was a good sign. But why were they in Lauren's room alone rather than in Ally's with the rest of the group like they planned? Dinah stood there, contemplating on waking them up, before she remembered how much sleep Camila and Lauren had both been missing out on. So she let them sleep in for now and decided to just wake them up later if they didn't stir of their own accords. She was puzzled though, how the pair got into that situation, and she really wanted to find out. Dinah had a right to question her, right? But then at the same time, she also didn't. Camila had been struggling and Lauren was there for her. She'd seen this kind of thing before of course she had, Camila and Lauren had always been very close apart from that one time period they all knew of. But for whatever reason, she felt suspicious. So she did what she felt was right, and she went to wake up the eldest of the group to talk to her. "Ally!" Dinah whispered loudly next the small girl sprawled out on the large bed, with closed eyes next to Normani. "Dinah be quiet, I'm sleeping." She mumbled in a tired voice. "Get up I need to talk to you. It's important." Ally opened one eye to look at the youngest. "How important?" "Oh I don't know Ally, important. It's really annoying me, I've got something on my mind and it's bugging me to my wits end so can you get up and help me?.." Ally pushed herself off of the bed and rubbed at her brown eyes sleepily as she then trudged into her bathroom. "Gimme 5 minutes." Dinah exhaled a sigh of relief and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her. Normani was such a deep sleeper when she was too tired, it came in handy. "Okay Dinah, what's up?" Ally sat beside her looking more awake than when she woke up. "Lauren is in her room with Camila and they're all cuddled up with each other." Ally gave her a look and raised her eyebrows. "So this is an issue how?" Dinah sighed. "I don't know, something just feels, off. I mean, they both agreed last night that they'd be in here with all of us, then suddenly they're in mine and Lauren's room cuddled up like a couple??" Ally gasped and almost laughed at Dinah. "You're jealous!" Dinah crossed her arms and stood up furiously. "I'm not Ally I'm just worried about her!" "Jealous!" "I'm worried." "And it feeeeeels like jealousy!" Ally sang and laughed. "Look I'm sure it's nothing, they're just really close friends. You know that. Lauren was probably just comforting Mila last night and they wanted to be in private." Dinah looked at Ally skeptically, she could be right. Well, she probably was right actually. Lauren was naturally a comforting person, so it seemed a bit more than reasonable to assume that she was merely comforting Camila last night. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I was being stupid, thanks Ally." Dinah said with an embarrassed blush on her heated cheeks. "You know I'm always here whenever Dinah, but could you make it a couple hours later next time?" She teased and Dinah slapped her arm. "Shut up Smalls, let's go get some breakfast." Ally of course ended up taking Dinah to get WaffleHouse with her. But the youngest wasn't too bothered by it. Being the youngest and oldest, the two didn't spend that much time together. And that morning made them both wonder why the hell not. "Good morning Camz, you sleep well?" Lauren rubbed at her eyes as she saw Camila sit up on the edge of the bed. "I slept good Lo. Was someone in here earlier?" Camila asked with a yawn. "Maybe, if they were then it was probably Dinah. This is her room too, she probably came to get clothes or something." Camila suddenly looked at her. "Or she maybe came to look for us because we didn't stay last night." She pointed out making Lauren press her lips together. "Oh, right. That could be it." Camila groaned and held her head. "Have we got any Advil?" Lauren only then noticed her own headache. "In the draw, and give me some too. Fuck this kills, why did I think it was a good idea to drink as much as I did?" She cursed herself. "We had the same shit, I don't know what the hell we were thinking." Camila said as she threw her the bottle. Lauren caught it and winced at the pills rattling. "That bad huh?" Camila asked, Lauren nodded. "Me too, but come on. Let's go to Starbucks, get some quality coffee that's better than the shit here." Camila dragged a very reluctant Lauren up. "We're both in pyjamas you know." Camila rolled her eyes. "I can't be asked to change with this headache, I bet you can't either with yours." Lauren sleepily trudged her way into the lift where they caught Ally and Dinah. "Morning!" Ally chirped, Camila and Lauren groaned at her high volume. "Shhh Ally we have a headache, we're just getting coffee and then we're going back to bed." Camila mumbled as she leant against the wall. "Have you two been drinking? Oh my- is that where you two went last night?" Dinah asked with her voice getting a bit louder with each word. "Babe please be a little quieter. Tone it down, this is so killing me right now." Dinah rolled her eyes. "Well I would be sympathetic, if you didn't go behind my fucking back, and sleep in our bed with Mila." Lauren looked at her, "Oh you did come in, and it wasn't like that. Look we went for a night out and then Camila needed me, it's not a big deal." Dinah crossed her arms. "You didn't even invite me." She pouted, Lauren held her arms around Dinah's waist and looked up at her with puppy dog eyes. "I sowwie, can Dinah forgive Lolo?" Ally watched them and had to suppress a laugh, as did Camila. "Fine. Only because Lolo's so cute." She grumbled Lauren smiled cheekily and Dinah went to kiss her. "Ew. No Dinah I have morning hangover breath. You really don't wanna kiss me right now." Lauren cringed and backed away from her girlfriend. "Where are you two even going?" Ally asked Camila "Starbucks to get some coffee so we feel less shitty. You wanna come?" Dinah shrugged. "I could. Ally?" Ally shook her head. "Nah I just had WaffleHouse with Dinah. But thanks for the offer, anyway, someone should probably stay with Mani. Maybe she's even woken up by now wondering where we all are." Lauren smiled and a nod followed, "See you later." Ally got out, since they hadn't actually pressed the floor button to move yet and the 3 girls headed down to Starbucks. Dinah swinging both of the girls hands as she was stood in the middle of them while they walked. When they got in, Lauren and Camila found the nearest table and laid their heads in their arms in search of an inviting darkness that didn't hurt their heads like the light did. "Geez y'all got it baaaad, you really had that much last night?" Dinah said as she put their drinks on the table. "Mhmm." Lauren hummed sleepily as she took a small sip. "Okay now there's finally no more morning breath, now you can kiss me." Dinah puckered her lips and Lauren shook her head with a smile. "C'mere then." Dinah leaned over a little more and Lauren connected their lips briefly before she pulled away, knowing for a fact that Camila wouldn't want to see a make out session in front of her, plus Lauren had to admit she didn't want to do anything except sober up and get rid of her damn headache. "So what even happened last night with you? Why did you need Lauren there after you came back? Was everything okay Chancho?" Dinah asked with obvious concern in her voice. Camila's eyes watered as she wiped at them, feeling quite furious at herself for appearing so horribly weak at a simple question. "We saw Austin at the club and Camila got upset." Lauren explained for her. Dinah squeezed her hand on the table and kissed her cheek. "He can't hurt you anymore. You've got us to protect you. I'm sure Lauren did a great job of that." Dinah looked at her girlfriend with a grateful smile. "Yeah, she did." Camila smiled but it faltered as she tried to contain her emotions. "I don't know what's wrong with me lately God, I'm sorry." Camila tried to laugh it off since they were all in public but that still didn't make the tears stop. "Camila it's okay." Dinah rubbed her back and made them both stand up, pulling her into her body hugging her tight. Camila wrapped her arms around Dinah's neck and tried to make it not so obvious she was sobbing in public. Amazingly with a simple look, Lauren had cleared the upstairs area for them so they were in private. Camila's knees buckled making Dinah lower them to the floor and hold Camila down there. Lauren and Dinah exchanged worried looks. This wasn't normal for Camila, she was not okay.

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