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"Dinah come to my bunk, it's okay I promise." Lauren wrapped her arm around her waist and lead her right through the quiet hallway. Dinah looked scared to get in first and Lauren caught on. "I won't leave you, get in." Dinah couldn't resist the fluffy blankets and familiarity of Lauren's bunk, so she did. Then as Lauren had promised, she followed. Lauren scooted closer to Dinah and opened her arms again giving Dinah the thankful opportunity to hide away. "You're not leaving me, why don't you hate me?" Dinah cried out into her neck, Lauren rubbed her back soothingly. "I couldn't ever hate you Dinah. We're gonna deal with this. I'll deal with Nela." Lauren mumbled and placed a small kiss on her head. "But why are you still staying with me?" Lauren sighed "Because Dinah, it was Nela who blackmailed you, so it clearly wasn't your fault. Less so, your choice. I love you Dinah, and you love me. That's really all that matters." Dinah looked up and into Lauren's captivating green eyes. "So, are we still together?" Lauren smiled and stroked the hair out of her face. "Of course we are. We were never really apart." Dinah tightened her hold on her girlfriend "I don't deserve you." Lauren nestled her head in the crook of Dinah's neck too. "Yes you do, now get some sleep babe." Dinah played with Lauren's hair gently making the girl sigh in contentment. "I love you Lauren." Lauren couldn't help the smile that graced her lips. "I love you too Dinah." Dinah fell asleep with a smile on her face, and so did Lauren. The girls had listened out for what was going on and what they had all indirectly gotten so far was that Nela was blackmailing Dinah. But that alone wouldn't have caused Dinah to have a breakdown, because she was probably the strongest of the group besides how Lauren appeared to the public. "Normani, are you awake?" Camila whispered as she moved aside the curtain to her bunk. "Mmhm, now. What's up Mila?" Camila gave her the infamous puppy dog eyes snd Normani scooted over slightly. "You wanted a cuddle buddy." Normani pouted as Camila wrapped her arms around her and smiled against her chest. "Yup." Normani wasn't finished though. "You're jealous of Dinah and Lauren." Camila hugged her tighter. "No I'm not. You give way better cuddles than them Manibear." Normani cracked a smile. "Mila I'm not taking about cuddles. I'm talking about the fact you still love her. I know you love Lauren." Camila sighed "But she loves Dinah, and there's not a thing I can do about it." Normani gave a small nod "Except move on?" Camila groaned "But I can't. Lauren is just so different." Normani shrugged "Maybe you need a new different Mila." Camila scoffed "With who? Who would even take any interest in me?" Normani carefully pressed her lips to Camila's and the Cuban's eyes widened so much she thought they would fall out of her head. "Oh my god." Camila was fully surprised, but she still found herself kissing back until Normani leaned back "See? Were you thinking about Lauren in that kiss?" Camila smiled sheepishly "What was that?" Normani giggled at Camila's suspicious smile. "Just some friendly advice, goodnight Camila." Camila couldn't help but wonder as she settled down into Normani's chest to go to sleep. "Night Mani."

"And next question for the interview, who is the most unlikely couple out of you guys?" Ally pointed to Normani and Camila "Those two-" Lauren shook her head "No cause they make that like really awkward weird eye contact in interviews all the time." Camila giggled "Awww well I love Normani more than you guys." Camila situated herself on Normani's lap without warning. "Hey Camila! Oh my god. What are you even doing?!" Normani quickly hurried to support her. "Loving you more than these losers." Camila answered, poking her tongue out to the other girls. Dinah laughed and did it back making Camila giggle. But she still couldn't help but think back to Normani's kiss last night, and why it happened. "Who's the last ever person you kissed, all of you." The man asked and everyone bit their lips. Their eyes flitted to one another as Ally gave a nervous laugh. "Can we move on to the next question?" The interviewer smirked "Nu uh. Go on, secrets are safe in here." Lauren groaned "Yeah, well, that won't be the case when this gets aired. We'd really prefer to keep our love lives private if you don't mind." Ally was about to agree before Camila raised her hand. "Normani kissed my cheek yesterday. Does that count?" She lied but she caught the way Normani's face flushed red. "Nope, it's gotta be the lips I'm afraid." Ally groaned "Okay! I'll say that's a good place to end for now, bye!" The second Ally had finished talking, Normani had stood up and grabbed Camila's hand as she fled the room. "I can't even-What was that about Mila?!" Normani asked shutting them up in a closet. "How classy." Camila observed playfully. "Camila!" She whispered in a harsh but panicky tone. "What? I only said the cheek, but why did you kiss me last night?" Camila asked curiously "I was just trying to help you get over Lauren. I was trying to be a good friend to you." Camila shook her head "No, you were blushing in there!" Normani rolled her eyes. "You're the one who's unreasonably obsessed with me." She stated and Camila laughed, "I said that like 2 years ago. Do you like me Mani? Is that why you did it?" Camila asked and she saw Normani tense. Camila edged closer "I won't be mad if you do." Normani gulped at Camila's new close proximity. "I-I have to go." She reached for the doorknob but Camila grabbed her arm, swivelled her round and then kissed Normani. Normani pulled away quickly. "Stop! Just stop!" She shouted, Camila went to answer "But-" Normani growled "Stay away from me," and with that she left the closet, and then she left the building. Ally, Dinah and Lauren all came down the corridor in a hurry and saw Camila standing there with tears in her eyes, and Normani out of sight. "Camz what happened?" Lauren rushed over and pulled the shaking girl into a hug. "I don't know Lolo." She mumbled and buried her head in Lauren's neck, hugging her best friend back. "I'll find out from Normani. I'll see you guys on the bus." Dinah dismissed herself and looked around before kissing Lauren on the cheek. Camila felt rejected again and she wasn't even sure if she had the right to be. Did she have feelings for Normani? Quite possibly. Did Normani have feelings for her too? If she did, she had a funny way of showing it.

So...How do you guys feel about Normila?

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