38 - Pehli Rasoi

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Both reached downstairs to see everyone present in the living room having their morning tea or coffee while HP ( their cook ) with his brothers were preparing the breakfast..........

Anjali : Atlast you both came downstairs I toh thought you both won't come down on the very first day after your marriage.........

She said in a tone of taunting but Nandini didn't understand her so she just passed a polite smile to her..........

But others understood her taunt sheetal smirked hearing this.......

Manik fisted his other hand angrily as his other hand was clutching Nandini's hand in a firm hold......

Seeing this Atharv handled the situation........

Atharv : Ofcouse Anjali we also thought the same that the newly wedded couples must be busy in themselves.........

He said and Manik's friends chuckled..........

Manik mentally thanked Atharv for handling the situation.......

Anjali : Anyways ( she rolled her eyes).........Nandini as its you first day after your marriage you have to make a sweet dish as your pehli rasoi........

Nandini gulped thinking that she don't even know how to cook anything except maggi and coffee that sometimes she used to make for herself in hostel........

And as a saviour Manik came to her rescue..........

Manik : Guys Its my also first day after marriage right ( all nodded ).......so shouldn't I also make some sweet dish with my wife.......

All looked at him in disbelief hearing his logic...........

Anjali : It is not possible.......

She said firmly......

Manik : Okay then if I can't cook then Nandini is also not going to cook.......that's final.......

He said in his no nonsense tone.......

Anjali looked at him angrily seeing his denying her in front of Nandini who was looking at Manik shockingly.......

Controlling her anger Anjali said........

Anjai : Do what ever you want but this ritual will happen anyhow........

She said and went to her room........

Manik smirked........

Manik : Lets go Nandini......let me show you the kitchen of your home..........

He said and took her to the kitchen.......his friends smiled genuinely seeing them together while Sheetal fumed and went to Anjali......


Manik : And They are HP, DP, OP.....

He was introducing her to all the helpers calling them in the kitchen......

Nandini : Namaste.......

She greeted them giving them the same respect like she treated everyone.......

Manik smiled seeing her.......

They looked at her amazed..........

All : Namaste Bhabhi......

She smiled at them........

Manik : Okay so now as the introduction is done......you all can go to do your respective works.......

They nodded and left........

Manik : HP, DP, and OP is the breakfast ready........

HP : Ji bhaiya ji , just we have to place it on the dinning.......

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