15 ~ I Feel Right At Home

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Why do I feel like I've seen you before?


"So, you return empty handed?" Belos asked with a frown.

"Yes. The Owl Lady was too strong, even with the two of us." (Y/n) replied. "But if we could have more scouts-"

"Aup-up-up." Emperor Belos hushed the girl. "More scouts aren't necessary. You just need to try harder."

"Emperor Belos, with all due respect, even with me and my partner's combined strength, we could not take her down without hurting her."

"And where is your partner?"

"The Owl Lady casted a sleep spell onto him. He's in his room resting, he should be awake tomorrow morning."

"That incompetent fool." Belos muttered under his mask. "Fine. But I want to see her captured soon I don't care if you have to hurt her, capture her." He demanded. "I can count on you and your brilliant talent, can't I?"

"Yes, Emperor. I will see to it that it's done."

(Y/n) left the throne room, defeated. Why wouldn't Belos let them have an army of sorts? Why did it have to be just them two?

The Silver Scout opened Hunter's bedroom door to find him awake.

"Oh, good morning." She smiled, taking a seat on the bed next to him.

"That was the best sleep I've had in ages. I need to go back to The Owl Lady for more sleep spells." He joked, earning a giggle from (Y/n).

"Emperor Belos wasn't too happy to see that we failed."

Hunter's heart dropped. Was this considered a fuck up? Would (Y/n) be turned stone?

"But he let us off with a warning."

Hunter sighed in relief. "Oh thank titan." He mumbled inaudibly.

"Do you have any idea of how we can catch her off guard?" (Y/n) asked, fiddling with her thumbs.

"I heard she's chaperoning Hexside's Grom next weekend."


"Grom." He reaffirmed with a shrug. "I don't know what that is but... wait- you're from Hexside right? What's Grom?"

"It's a big dance for everybody. It's usually fun for everyone except the Grom royalty. Grom is short for Grometheus The Fear Bringer. It can shape shift into your worst fear and is—for some reason—kept under a school. So every year, they host a big party and choose one unfortunate student to fight it."

"Huh. Interesting.. Have you ever been Grom royalty?"

"No, and thank Titan I wasn't." She flopped backwards, onto his bed and lied down. It was dark out, the only thing illuminating her face was the candle on Hunter's nightstand. "I don't even know what my worst fear is. And I certainly don't wanna find out."

She turned to look at her partner,

"What's your worst fear?" She asked.

"I dunno either." He shrugged, leaning against his headboard. "Uh, bugs?"



(Y/n) giggled a little bit.

"What!" Hunter shouted defensively.

"No, I'm just imagining the big bad Golden Guard being afraid of bugs."

"Listen, I don't like their creepy crawly legs, okay?"

"Thats- understandable."


(Y/n) giggled quietly, planting a smile onto Hunter's face.

"Do you.. wanna read again?" He quietly asked, grabbing the book they'd read the previous night.

(Y/n) nodded and sat up, next to Hunter.

"Okay, magic from the savage ages. Witches used to study and practice magic with the elements of the isles. They practiced elemental magic using symbols. Combining the symbols would cast certain spells, for example a fire symbol and an ice symbol will create a mist..."

They continued reading together until they fell asleep.

(Y/n)'s head rested on Hunter's shoulder and Hunter's head rested on hers.


Every night, I dream of running in a large field.

There's nothing but flowers for miles.

I'm running with a person I don't know. I can't see their face no matter how hard I try.

Every night, we run and run. We laugh and laugh. Every night is the same.

I never know what comes after we run. I wish I did.


Every night, I dream of a cave. It's dark and eerie.

I don't like it, but I'm here every night. I never know how I got into the cave. But I wish I did.

I'm with someone, but I can't see who. They seem familiar, but I still don't know who they are.

Every night is the same, we walk into the silent cave and follow a torch light.

Something bad happens in a flash.

And then I wake up.


Hunter tossed and turned in his sleep, haunted by something in his state of unconsciousness. His nights are restless and his days are endless.

But the last two nights that he'd slept beside (Y/n) had been peaceful.

He'd dreamt of meadows and flowers for miles on end.

Did (Y/n) have anything to do with it?

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