54 ~ A Witch Hunter and His Lover

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"Mommy?" Mari asks. "What was daddy like?"


Months passed with little luck finding a way back to the demon realm. They'd attempted to restart the portal by hooking up hamster wheels to the shack door, but that only gave them false hope. The door seemed to work for a split second before bursting into flames.

They'd been in the human realm for so long, that Hunter's hair grew to his shoulders. (Y/n) liked to braid it whenever he got out of the shower and his hair was wet.

Dating in the human realm was relatively the same as dating in the Boiling Isles. The humans also went by days and months and years (Although, the years still confused them. How were there only 2000?). But it was still difficult to keep track of how many months had passed since they'd arrived in the human realm.

After settling into the human realm, they'd become accustom to the city of Gravesfield.
Since they knew their way around the town, Hunter decided to visit the library by himself. He wanted to know more about Caleb—more about who he was supposed to be. So he left the house in search of a book about witch hunters.

Hunter didn't want anyone knowing that he was going to look for a book on witch hunters, not even (Y/n). He felt as if it was his mission to find out who Caleb and Philip were, and that involving anyone else would harm or burden them.
And deep down, he felt as if everyone would resent him if they knew that the original him was a witch hunter, even (Y/n).

Sure, they were both grimwalkers, but she was a clone of a witch and he was a clone of a witch hunter. He was a clone of someone who wanted to kill her kind.

He kept asking himself, does she know? As he walked down the sidewalk. He let it fester his mind, does she know what Caleb was? No, definitely not. If she did, she'd hate me! She knows Philip was a witch hunter, so has she connected the dots? She's certainly smart enough to. So why didn't she hate me?! Does that mean she hasn't found out??!
He began to sweat from worry.

But Hunter kept walking. He walked until he came across the familiar building of the library. "El... biblioteca..?" He guessed in vain. "No.. no. La biblioteca..." He muttered under his breath.
He'd picked up certain words of Spanish from Luz and Camila. He figured it would be a good idea to learn the human realm's language while he lived there.

He walked up to the door, "La puerta." He muttered to himself before opening it.

The biblioteca was smaller than the ones they had in the Boiling Isles, but he'd still find what he needed. He searched through the history section and ran his fingertips over the spines of the books, scanning for anything about witch hunters. He stopped once he spotted the word 'witch'

The Witch Hunters of Gravesfield, the book was titled. "Ah!" He exclaimed, grabbing the book. "La bruja... hunters.. de Gravesfield.." He said with the limited Spanish he knew.

His trip to the library was brief as he quickly checked out the book and headed back to the Nocedas' house. By the time he returned, the sun was already meeting the horizon.

Hunter opened the door to see Amity walking past the entrance holding a laundry basket. "Hunter, where've you been?" She asked with a slightly concerned face.

"I went on a walk." He half lied to her and hid the book.

"Why didn't you tell anyone? We all thought you got abducted by aliens or something." She said with a chuckle. "Help me fold the laundry."

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