61 ~ Safe Haven?

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"Tell me what he was like."


"You'll never make it. Said a familiar voice. (Y/n) was sure she'd heard it at least once somewhere. "'Cause you guys are losers!"

It was Mattholomule. A young boy (Y/n) had seen around Hexside when she and Hunter had hid there from the Emperor's Coven. Next to him was another student they'd seen when they camped out at Hexside—Barkus. Though they'd hardly seen or met either of them. 

Skara was the only face they truly knew. She was their Flyer Derby teammate just a few months ago.

The trio lead the other seven back to Hexside, which was apparently where a safe haven was being held.

"Since the Golden Guard- I- I mean, Hunter, told us about the Emperor's plan for the Day of Unity, Principal Bump allowed students and teachers to camp out at Hexside." Skara explained as they walked.

"We thought we could handle whatever the Emperor threw at us, but when the draining spell hit, we realized things wouldn't be so simple." Mattholomule added. "After the adults recovered..."

"That's when the Collector's spies showed up. The grudgeby team snuck out and tried to hold them back, but.."

"It didn't work. Bump and the adults were turned into toys and taken away." Mattholomule explained. And (Y/n) couldn't help but think the same had happened at the orphanage with Ms Adeline and the kids. Or worse, if she'd been taken from the kids and the kids were left to fend for themselves. "We've been hiding here ever since."

As they walked, the feeling that Ms. Adeline and the kids had been turned into soulless puppets gnawed at (Y/n)'s mind. She'd already seen Ollie as a puppet. Who's to say he was the only one? She gripped her red stained skirt as an attempt to focus her mind on something else. Don't think like that, (Y/n). She berated herself.

Hunter noticed (Y/n)'s distressed look, but was hesitant to help her. Did she need his help? Would she even want it? He didn't want to add to her burdens. So he gave her space, hoping that's what she needed.

They came across the familiar cemented walkway of Hexside. And walking through the forest to gaze upon the school, they realized Hexside looked just as bad as the center of Bonesborough—all run down with graffiti and debris scattered about.

"We did a little redecorating these past few months.. so let me welcome you to... New Hexside!" Skara told them as they revealed the school, opening the doors.

But the inside was just as bad as the outside, if not worse. The students ran around with no order—swinging on lights, fighting for supplies, sleeping on hammocks supported by abomination goo.
A fireball was launched Luz's way with barely any warning, only a measly 'heads up!" was said.

And the cafeteria was no different than the entrance hall. They'd turned it into some kind of market place. "T-shirts! Get your T-shirts!" One vendor shouted. "Bootleg candy! Now that your mama's a puppet, it's time to eat that candy!" Another said.

The seven led by Skara and Mattholomule walked into the main hall where a statue of Principal Bump was placed. Mattholomule, Skara and Barkus all saluted the statue, but (Y/n) stood there, confused. Why was Bump's statue skateboarding? And why was the name "Princy B" engraved on it?

Soon, the students who walked around the halls gathered to see the new set of seven that had stepped foot into their school, instantly recognizing most of them. They gasped and talked about them as if the seven were celebrities.

But their moment was interrupted by the sound of the PA system. "Ahem, attention! Would Captain Tholomule escort his guests to the council chamber? And do it now!"

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