|| 110 || Hello, Old Friend 🐉 O/F

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Art by Loyz on Medibang (I believe, may be wrong)

Kiryu Coco x !Gender Neutral!Reader

It has been one year since our favourite yakuza dragon graduated. Fly easy Kaichou 


(also someone please request some KronFauMei I have fallen in love with them and I need an excuse to write for my fav trio)

(also another apology for this chapter being kinda short)


"Hey, Kanatan," You nodded towards the angel, hefting your bag over your shoulder. She didn't respond, and instead just waved before returning to whatever she was doing, which looked to be trying to coerce Luna into eating her vegetables. You paused for a moment.

"You sure you don't wanna come with?" With a sigh, Kanata finally slammed the fork into the table, done with the princess's shenanigans.

"Nah, I'm good. I already went to see her yesterday," You thought so. Kanata did look a little more tired than usual. Like she'd been staying awake at night missing her dragon and crying. Behind her, Luna managed to shimmy out of her high chair and run into the next room over, probably to annoy Watame or Towa.

You gave her a sympathetic nod before you left. You made a silent promise to cook dinner tonight in hopes to make her feel a little better.

You shook that thought from your head for the meantime, instead focussing on navigating the maze-like streets of your city. You took a tram to the underground subway, and from there you took two different trains to reach the outskirts, away from the towering buildings and bustling streets. From there it was a peaceful, three-and-a-half-hour hike into the middle of nowhere until you reached your destination.

The sounds of the city had long since left you, instead it was only the breeze that tussled your hair and the birdsong twinging through the trees. The sight would've been perfect if it weren't for the flies buzzing around your head.

Calf-height green grass swayed back and forth, rustling with the canopy of leaves above your head. Sunlight trickled through and dappled the overgrown path you were walking. Small, pink flowers bobbed in the wind, waving jovially to the heather and bracken that grew in the woodland around you.

The sound of rushing water greeted your ears, and you swatted away a low-hanging branch as you passed into the clearing.

A trickling stream parted through the treeless land. Shrubs, flowers and floating petals dotted the sky, flowing and dancing in the faint breeze. Purples, deep greens and pinks swirled in the golden sunlight, creating a beautiful cacophony of colours.

And there she was in the middle of all of it, like she had grown from the Earth itself. Iridescent, amber-orange scales twined with grass and old leaves. Her wings lay like oversized blankets across the landscape. Small bushes grew in-between curved claws, and the leaves on her snout were buffeted upwards each time she exhaled.

With a soft smile, you trotted over and settled in a mostly clear patch against her flank, setting your bag beside you. 

"It's been a while, Coco," You leaned against her warm scales, taking out your water bottle before having a big sip. The dragon didn't respond, but her tail twitched ever so slightly as she snorted in her sleep. You could feel the rhythmic thump thump thump of her giant heart. So slow her unconscious heartbeat was, that you could stand up and walk in a circle twice before it beat again. 'Like a hibernating bear' You mused to yourself.

At least she was happy.

You remembered her words clear as day. The same day she graduated, she announced her plans to the rest of her generation. A dragon's retirement, Coco had called it, although the rest of you weren't exactly thrilled for her to take a 500-year-long nap. But it was her only wish, and you all respected it, even going as far as to hike out to her chosen spot at least once a month to visit the slumbering mountain.

"One year down, four hundred and ninety-nine years to go," You looked up at the clouds, the faintest shades of orange peaking over the horizon. You frowned. It was such as shame it took so long to reach this place. Most of the time you had to leave as soon as you got there, and other times you fell asleep against the great dragon and Kanata or Towa had to come get you.

Turns out today would be the latter.

The late afternoon heat was starting to take its toll and you, and the long hike certainly didn't help. The lull of Coco's heartbeat thrummed peacefully in the back of your mind, sonorous and calming like a steadfast lullaby.

You promised yourself you would just close your eyes. You promised yourself it would just be a quick nap. In the end, you kept neither of your promises, and you ended up waking up to Kanata's face, staring your down.

Her silhouette was framed by the moon, and you could barely blink the sleep from your eyes and slip your backpack back on before the angel slung you over her shoulders. You both shared a moment of silence, staring at your sleeping friend before you were launched into the night sky with two, powerful beats of the angel's wings. 

'One year down, four hundred and ninety-nine years to go' You thought with a hint of gloom.

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