|| 076|| Meeting The Parents 👯‍♂️ O/F

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Usada Pekora x !GN!Reader


I ended up scrapping Pekora's headcannons for now, but I will do them later. I've had this idea that I've wanted to write for a little. Also, do you wanna see chapters like this for other characters?

(Y/SB) = Your sibling name

Also I got some news on a new book at the end of the chappie.


You gently laced your fingers with Pekora's. She was quite nervous, but the comforting warmth of your hand helped to calm her down a little. She turned and gave you a small smile, her ears flopping slightly.

Pekora deeply wanted to make a good impression on your parents, despite her seemingly immature and personality. Normally, she wouldn't be like this, she was royalty after, they should be the ones wanting to make a good impression on her! But you were just so perfect in her eyes, and she would do anything to make you happy, and this was one of those things.

The walk to the front door felt longer than it should've, and Pekora found herself dreading the moment when you rang the doorbell. A woman's cheery voice could be heard inside, and hurried footsteps announced that someone was coming to answer the door.

Your mother greeted the both of you, and Pekora immediately saw where you got your hair and eyes from. Your mother was slightly shorter than you were, and she bore a friendly smile. Though at first, she seemed to be extremely shocked at Pekora's appearance, though you couldn't blame her.

She was speechless for a few seconds before happily ushering the both of you inside. Pekora looked around wearily, she was used to being prey, so she liked to know her surroundings. Her nervousness just made her cling to you tighter.

"So, (Y/N), would you like to introduce us to.. your girlfriend?" Your mother seemed uncertain of your relationship with Pekora. You gently squeezed Pekora's hand before reply.

"This is Usada Pekora, but feel free to call her Pekora" After not talking to your parents for a little, you had defaulted to uptight politeness. You saw your father enter from behind your mother and he seemed to visibly whiten when he saw Pekora. So far you weren't really liking the way your parents were reacting.

A deafening silence filled the house after your introduction. Your mother shuffled uncomfortably on her spot on the couch. You could feel Pekora shrink slightly next to you. Your father broke the damned silence.

"Heey! I think (Y/SB)'s game is starting to wrap up. You two wouldn't mind staying here for a little bit while we pick them up?" Your dad was already hurrying your mother out the door while he said this. Normally, you would be offended at the way your parents were acting, but the way Pekora was acting, some alone time right now would be nice.

the door closed with a semi loud thud. Pekora sort of crumpled and leaned into you. You felt your heart break at the sight and you immediately gave her a one armed hug while using the other to affectionately rub her ears. This calmed her down, as she stopped shaking, but her upset expression remained on her face.

"Peko-chan... it's alright. Trust me, the way they reacted has been way better than with my previous partner..." You weren't sure how she would react to your words, but it lightened her mood somewhat.

She took a few deep breaths.

"Are your sure, peko?" You smiled and gave her an eskimo kiss. Pekora giggled at the action. You also giggled. Even when she made a small giggled, it still sounded like her signature laugh. You two stayed like that for a little while, faces close to each other and just talking casually.

"(YYYYYY/NNNNNNNNN)!!" The loud shout of your younger sibling made you and Pekora jump away from each other in surprise. Seconds later, said sibling barrelled into you. You had a love/hate type of relationship with your sibling. While you cared deeply for them, and hated it when you saw them sad, you also could hate them with a burning passion. Especially during times like these, when their attention had turned from you and they started tugging at Pekora's ears, asking if they were fake.

Pekora, looked to you for help, and you had to wrestled your younger sibling away from your girlfriend. They gave Pekora a goofy look, but Pekora gave them one that was a mixture of hate, horror and fear.

"Please don't pull her ears, (S/BN)" You sighed wearily at their endless energy. "But look!' They shouted, pointing at her human ears. "She's got two sets of ears! So one of them gotta be fake!". Pekora gave them a deadpanned look at pulled off her fake human ears. she had told you that her mother had given them to her so she could blend in with the humans better.

(Y/SN) looked disgusted by this, clearly expecting the rabbit ears to be fake, and they proceeded to sulk off to their room upstairs.

"Well then!" Your mother said, clapping her hands together. "Let's get dinner started! Pekora? Do you have any dietary requirements?".


The beginning of dinner was tense. (Y/SN) kept glaring at Pekora, who ignored him. Your parents remained silent apart from the scarce amounts small talk. Your mother had made a stew made with vegetables and chicken, though Pekora had gotten a separate plate without the chicken.

"Sooo..." Your father awkwardly tried to start a conversation. "Pekora, what do you do for a living?" He gave a a small smile. You felt a little better knowing your dad was at least trying to make an effort. Your mother gave him a side-eye and (Y/SN) continued to glare at Pekora. Pekora's gaze flickered for a second, her eyes wide. She clearly wasn't expecting to be talked to.

"I'm a Virtual Idol. I work with Hololive" Pekora mumbled a small peko after finishing her sentence. Your mother rolled her eyes, but your father seemed interested. "What does that entail, Pekora?" Pekora relaxed, seeing how your father was genuinely interested with her work.

For the next forty-five minutes, Pekora happily rambled on about her work with Hololive, and all of her friends and co-workers. She also started talking about how you worked in hololive, though you were off a staff member and not a producer, much like one of your other friends, A-Chan. Though you did sometimes join in with streams, though not very often.

Your mother asked a few questions, hinting to you that she was getting used to Pekora now. Your sibling had gone back up to their room straight after dinner, so they didn't input anything into the conversation.

You happily sat besides your girlfriend, who had been trying to entice you into sitting on her lap, which you refused to do in front of your parents. Sometimes you had to interject and fill in a few holes in her stories, but otherwise, the evening had taken a lovely turn.


Pekora tried her hardest to stifle a yawn, her eyes barely staying open. Every now and then, she'd mumbled a few quiet 'peko's. Your glanced over at her quickly before focussing back on the road.

"Peko-hun, you can have a nap. I'll wake you when we get home". Pekora hummed happily and proceeded to fall asleep almost instantly, thought not before mumbling an 'I love you, peko..~'.


Just a note, in any other chapters I write Pekora, she'll probably be more energetic, but I made her more quiet and reserved because she is more shy around new people, and she was nervous about meeting her S/O's parents.

Also, I was wondering if any of you play a game called Girls Frontline? Because I have started a oneshots book for it. I would love it if you took a look at it and made a few requests.

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, peko

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