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I stomped my way through the front door of the new house Klaus got built for everyone once he undaggers them that includes Rebekah who he left daggered.

I was pissed the little trip I took to La Push to hang with everyone was ruined by Bella and that made me angry to no end.

She was everywhere I was it was like she was my shadow or something.

Jacob is another story the simple fact that he went and did his own thing also pisses me off to no end.

I slammed the door shut and made my way to the kitchen to grab a blood bag since I haven't fed in about three days.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" I turned and saw Emmett making me slightly calm down. As if noticing my attitude he rushed over and pulled me into him.

"What happened?" I finished the blood bag and tossed it in the trash before wrapping my arms around his big frame.

"Bella is what's wrong" I mumbled into his chest not noticing the concerned look on his face.

"Bella? I thought she was home sitting in her rocking chair 24/7" I clicked me tongue "she was until she became an adrenaline junky she found out about the pack" I grumbled removing myself from him and walking to the living room flopping down onto the chair.

"How?" I rolled my eyes and sneered remembering "Jacob. He went to her place while he was meant to be on patrol and tried to get her to figure it out by reminding her of the legends he told her back in our junior year" I glared at the the vase in front of me as it shattered.

I hadn't meant to do that but I was pissed at the moment. "Did he imprint on her?" He asked as I scoffed.

"That's the worst part about it he didn't imprint on her. He's just too 'in love' to realize she's using him and when or if Edward comes back she'll go right back to him. He follows her around like a lost puppy. Him and Paul almost got into it when he stepped to me about me punching Bella" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as Rosalie made her way into the living room as well.

"Now she's hanging with the wolves? She really can't mind her business can she" Rosalie sneered don't get her wrong she doesn't like the wolves mostly because it's in her nature to hate them.

As I said before though because of the whole imprint thing she has made an effort to get along with Paul.

She hadn't thought she'd actually get along with him but it turns out they can be quite civil.

"She's just using Jacob and it makes me sick especially when he's two years younger than her is 16 and 18 even legal?" I asked scrunching my nose up at the thought of the two dating at their ages.

There was nothing wrong with age gaps but it felt illegal. The way she kept him around felt like she was grooming him.

"Well calm down remember tonight is the night of the ritual for Klaus after this is all over we can go wherever you want" Rose said as I took a few deep breaths and nodded.

Tonight was going to be extremely hectic...

Time Skip

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