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It was about 2 pm when we made it to Mystic Falls where my big brother Klaus had just returned to.

I drove the car that we got along the way Jasper sat next to me in the passenger seat while Alice sat in the back.

We've been driving for a few hours now. We agreed to go to find the boy from over a century ago who is the same as Renesmee.

First we had to see Klaus since the plan was for me to turn a few wolves into hybrids not against their will of course I had to get him to tell me where some were.

Soon I pulled into the front of the mansion Klaus made for the family for when he undaggers them.

Sure it sucks not having my family out but there's nothing I could do. Although Klaus may not be stronger than me it's still not worth the risk. If he could do it to the people who were with him for so long imagine what he could do to me?

The mansion was still being made the outside was done now he was getting all the rooms together which included rooms for the kids, Embry & Jessica, Nathaniel & Bree, and because Leah and Alexis are mated to Kol and Finn he decided to put them in the same room but created a room just for Alexis and Leah just in case.

I have to admit the place is nice a bit too grand for me but nice nonetheless.

I was not happy still when I found out who Rebekah's mate was. It makes sense as to why neither of them know. After all he was compelled to forget them up until recently of course.

If you guessed correctly yes Stefan Salvatore is in fact my big sister Rebekah Mikaelsons mate.

He is in fact in love with my big sister but he does not know they're mated. Rebekah doesn't either and I'm not exactly surprised. Ever since she found out about Elena she's avoided him.

I'm not very happy about him being her mate but I also know she really does love him and deep down he loves her and once I get Klaus to give him back his memories completely then I'll tell them the truth.

Of course I know who Klaus mate is she's a wolf named Hayley Marshall. She's a friend of Tyler's and it can't be helped.

As for Elijah I regret to inform the family that he's mates to Katherine godamn Pierce.

Katherine did find me at one point and explained everything to me how she really does love Elijah but she knew he'd do anything for Klaus and she didn't want to die.

How her parents took her newborn daughter away from her and called her a disgrace.

How Klaus planned on sacrificing her for the ritual and didn't know Elijah made an elixir to help her.

How she used Trevor to help her escape and ended up killing herself forgetting she had a vampire named Rose's blood in her system causing her to turn.

And especially how Klaus slaughtered her whole family back home when she escaped and she was on the run ever since.

I felt bad for the girl honestly yes she did betray my big brother but she wasn't aware of his intentions so it can't be helped.

She's aware of them being mates but doesn't want him to know because she's scared he'll always choose Klaus and he'll kill her or he'll reject the bond and not everyone can get a second mate since it's very rare and usually the bond is created by the ancestors.

So me and Katherine are fine I never actually met her prior to hate her but I can see where she's coming from and have no bad animosity towards her.

"Ah Lily my dear sister what brings you here today?" Klaus asked as we walked into the house.

I opted to not tell him everything because I didn't want him involved knowing him it would resulted in bloodshed and if I can prevent it then I will.

"Hello brother I need your help" I said as we sat in the living room. He had a glass of bourbon in his hand making me scrunch up my nose.

"What can I do for you?" I sighed and placed my hands on my lap. "I need you to tell me where I can find wolves at" he raised one eyebrow as if to tell me to continue.

"I plan on creating hybrids but they will be created of their own free will I will not force them but I do need them with my family getting bigger and the kids being so young I need to make sure they're protected at all times so can you help me?" I asked as he looked at me for a few seconds before sighing and standing up.

He stood in front of the fire place and just looked at the flames.

"In the Appalachian mountains there's a rather large pack as well as the Himalayan mountains there you should find a pack each pack consisting of between 15-20 people I decided not to create any more hybrids for the time being at first I was going to head there but you clearly need them more" I breathed a sigh of relief Jasper and Alice doing the same next to me.

"Thank you brother" I hugged him tightly as he chuckled and patted my back.

"Do come back to visit again soon and bring the children and your mates with you it's about time our family was together again don't you think?" I nodded at him with a big smile as we left the mansion.

Klaus had other matters to attend to and we still had to go to see the male from years ago then the wolf packs this would take quite some time but it's for my kids and family so it's worth it.

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