Part 17

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The flight was silent. All that Julie could think about was the kid and mother and what they said, that was one reason why it was quite. The other reason was that Eliana slept the whole flight. She couldn't understand how Eliana can sleep. Airplanes are terrible and Julie knows that Eliana is a privet person. Eliana has said several times she doesn't like it when paparazzi is around. Julie doesn't mind it that much, as long they're not bothering them or make weird rumors.

But now it actually makes Julie worried...or curious, she didn't know, but she wanted to know what the woman has read over them and what the media has said. She doesn't understand how Eliana could sleep and not freaking out over it. When they were 15 and some gossiped about us she already freaked out, and she hasn't done it now.

She really wanted to talk to Eliana, but for her sleep is one of the most important thing and she was wearing this sleeping mask saying: do  not disturb, or I'll kill you :-).

Yes...that's literally what it says. The creepiest part, she made it her self. So Julie didn't even tried to wake her up and be quite as possible.


Neymar's P.O.V  (yeeh)

For some reason, I am scared. Yes, the 'Brazilian hunk', btw not my words; my fans words, is scared. Marc may have everything 'perfectly' planned, but still I was nervous and scared. Maybe because I didn't knew Marc's whole plan, all I knew for so far is the part where Eric would bring our luggage and we were already checked in. But it's something different...I guess.

We were almost landing when I thought about it again. Her parents. I am nervous because I need to meet her parents. Marc hasn't told me this! I look at him, he seems relaxed, like nothing is going on. Of course he isn't nervous or anything, he has everything 'planned'.

He didn't really wanted to meet them, he's fine with everything now. I used to go out with girls who were only in for one night stands. But Eliana is different, far different from all my exes. Most important my last ex. She was horrible and all she did was hurt me. But now everything is better.

But that still doesn't change the fact that I am actually scared of her parents, even though I have never met them.

Marc's P.O.V (again, yeeh)

I am nervous as hell! I have never been this so nervous, not even on my first Barcelona game. I was fine before I boarded. Not that I am afraid of planes, but what's going to happen now.

I planned that I'd contact their parents, it's not that hard I thought. Well, it is.

I did it last minute because in those 3 weeks that we planned this, we couldn't find any phone numbers or anything else and I didn't want to look on Julie's phone when I had the chance. Luckily Eliana's father has a company with his e-mail address.

'Luckily'...I don't know if you can call it that. Eliana told Neymar about her family on the ride to the airport. I mailed her father e-mail address saying that we were planning on surprising them and if he could tell it Julie's parents too at the entrance of the airport. When we further walked in to the airport, the Wi-Fi  didn't worked that well, so I couldn't check if he has replied or not.

I look over to Neymar, he looks relaxed, like nothing is going on. Of course he isn't nervous, he has dated lots of woman before.

Yeeh faster update than normal! Did you like Marc and Neymar's p.o.v? Something we could do more? Next up Marc and Neymar meeting their parents. Did Eliana's father get Marc's mail...? Do their parents agree with Marcs and neymars surprise? Are they still as nervous?  Will Julie and Eliana see them earlier then expected...or not. Hehe, little teaser for what could happen in the next chaps ;-p

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now