Part 43

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*Marc's P.O.V*

It's the next day and I'm getting ready to go to the hostpital. I stayed at Neymar's because the coach wanted me too. I had to make sure he didn't do anything weird and Dani had to stay with Sergi. As for Eliana, I have no idea where she is. I assume she slept in a hotel, but I'm not sure. I tried texting her and calling but she didn't answer.

Yesterday I arranged a babysitter for Davi to come over for today. Neymar told me not to arrange one, he even begged but I convinced him it was smarter if someone helped him.

As I walked down stairs to eat something, I saw Neymar and Davi playing. You could see that Ney kind of had trouble moving around from the fight last night. He had some bandage on his face. Davi jumped up and accidently hit Neymar in the face. When I saw it happen I clenched my teeth, I could almost feel the pain.

"Oh, sorry pappi!" Davi said. "It's okay." He said but you could tell from his tone of voice and face that he was in pain. "Davi, what about we go play outside?" Alexandra the babysitter said to Davi. "Can pappi come?" Davi asked her. She looked at Neymar and he was still in pain. "Let's give him some rest." She said. Davi stood up and they walked to the backyard.

"Happy I arranged a babysitter?" I asked him sarcasticly. "Oh shut up!" He said. "Maybe" He added and looked away. I walked to the kitchen and made something to eat. I sat on the table and Neymar joined me.

It was an awkward silence, I had no idea what to say and I don't want to bring it up. "Did you knew it?" Neymar suddently spoke up. I was struggling to speak because I wasn't sure what exactly he was talking about. "Them" Was all he said. I looked down and shook my head. "I-I'm sorry." I stuttered since I didn't knew what to say. "You're right-" Neymar said. I looked confused. "He seemed more like a flirt, not...this." He said. I nodded. "I really didn't know he would ever do that, to anyone, ever." I said nevoursly. "It's okay, I talked to him today." Neymar said.

"WHAT?!" I practicly screamed. "Calm down." Neymar said. "Nothing bad is said." He added. "I guess it's okay you two are talking, normally." I said. "Yeah, also coach told us to solve it normally." He said just like how I said it and it was the last thing said for a while.

"What are you doing?" Neymar asked me. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Are you nervous or something?" I smiled at his reaction. "You don't know it yet, right?" I asked him. I'm not sure if I even brought it up. "Well? What?" He asked curious.

"We already have a pregnancy doctor and we have an appointment today." I said proud. "Really? Wow! And you haven't told me?!" Neymar said as he hit my shoulder. "It was yesterday." I said. "And I haven't got the chance to say yesterday." I added. "Is that why you arranged a babysitter?" He asked me. I nodded. "Well, a baby is the best thing in the world." Neymar said. "Babies" I said. "Yeah, baby." Neymar said. I shook my head. "Babies" I repeated myself. Neymar just looked at me. "Haha, what?" He said confused. He clearly didn't knew how to react. I just smiled and he looked still confused.

I eventually sighed because he really didn't understand. "Is your vocabulary so small?" I joked. He still just stared at me. "For real?" He finally said something. I nodded. "Woah" Was all he said.

I arrived nervously at the hostpital, I had no idea what to expect! Neymar did told me what most of the appointment will happen but I barely listened. I'm way to nervous!

I walked to the elevator and realised I didn't even knew where I needed to go. I know I agreed with Julie I'd be here around 1:30 since our appoinment is around 2. But that's all I knew. I called Julie but she didn't answer. I walked over to the reception. ''Hallo, can I help you?'' The lady behind the desk asked me. ''Uh, yeah. Can you find where I need to be for an appointment?'' I asked ashamed. I mean, I'm going to have my very first appointment for my first child- children, that's what I meant, and I don't even know where to be!

''Of course, what's the name of the doctor and under what name is the appointment?'' She asked. ''Doctor Rodriguez and under the name Bartra.'' I answered. She typed something in the computer. ''On floor 2, in the waiting area 3.'' She said with a smile. ''Thanks'' I said and went to the elevator.

After I stepped out of the elevator and looked for waiting area 3. It seems a very easy thing, to go to floor 2 and waiting area 3. Well, it isn't. For some reason, I couldn't find it! I was walking around like a lost puppy. I was looking and searching, but seriously, I couldn't find it! It almost feels like I'm walking in circles!

''Boo!'' I heard behind me. I was shocked and turn around to see Julie laughing her ass off. Of course I was a little annoyed, but she looked way better and she was laughing, which is a good thing. ''What are doing?'' I asked her. She was still laughing. ''You mean what are you doing?'' She said and still kept laughing. ''You've been walking around in circles for like ten minutes.'' Now that explains the feeling why I thought I've been walking in circles, I was walking in circles!

''Look,'' She said and pointed at a direction. ''There is where we need to wait.'' I looked at the direction where she was pointing at. It was a waiting area and it actually had a sign with waiting area 3. I face palmed myself for being so stupid.

Julie and I walked to the seats and sat down. ''Hey, I've been thinking-'' Julie said. ''How do we tell our parents?'' She said unsure. ''I have no idea.'' I admitted. It was silent for a while, we were both thinking. ''Maybe we should just tell them.'' I eventually said. ''Just tell them?'' She repeated me like if it was weird. ''How else do you want to do it? Text them?'' I said. ''Well, we can do-''  ''No, no!'' I interrupted her. ''We'll tell them, not text. My parents love you, you even have more contact with them than I do!'' She lightly smiled. ''Yeah, okay. But what about my parents?'' She asked. ''We'll call or Skype them, okay?'' I said. ''Okay'' She said. ''Maybe okay will be our always.'' I said while smirking. She smiled widely and pinched my arm. ''Oh shut up.'' She said and kissed my cheek.

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora