Part 28

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*day of the game*

*Eliana's P.O.V*

So today is the friendly game between Spain and Brazil. I was in the hall where only players and wags- I sighed. It's just so weird to call myself a 'wag', anyways it was a place where only they can come.

I'm really familiar here since the friendly is held in camp Nou, so it's easy for me. But the only 'thing' that isn't easy is a kid running everywhere and is always lost.

I've found Davi for the hundered time and I walk to the bar where Neymar was. I was sure to hold Davi's hand or he'll walk away again.

"Hi Eli." Neymar said to me when I walked to the bar. "Hey soon-to-be scoring against Marc." I said. He laughed. "And you bet I will, so how's Davi liking camp Nou? It's been almost 2 years ago since he last saw it."

I chuckled. "He's been exploring himself since he keeps walking away." I told him. "Yeah sorry, Carolina told me he'd probably do that. He's been doing that more often." Neymar looked behind me. "Speaking of Davi, where is he?"

"I'm holding his hand." Ney shook his head. "That's his dino you're holding." I look down to my hand. And indeed, I was holding his dino. " I was holding his hand. He did let go for like a millisecond but I grabbed his hand right away." Neymar rubbed his face with his hands.

''He probably switch his hand with his dino, didn't you look when you grabbed his hand?'' Neymar said. I covered my face with my hands. ''You didn't look?'' He said in disbelieve. ''No, I was talking. I felt his hand slip away and just grabbed it, oh my god!'' I said still covering my face, I feel so stupid. ''He really is just like you.'' I mumbled. Neymar raised an eyebrow. ''Sorry?'' I looked up. ''Uh, never mind. I have to find him!'' I turn back to where I came from.

''Wait! I'll go with you.'' Neymar said and hopped off his chair. ''You can't, you have to do warm up in a few minutes.'' I said. He shook his head. ''He's my son and a few minutes is enough to find him.'' He started walking but I stopped him. ''No Ney, I'll find him. I've been doing it the whole day. I'll be on my seat with Davi before you are even done with warming up, tops when the game starts.'' I said. He sighed. ''Fine'' He said and kissed my forehead. ''Good luck kicking Spain's ass.'' I said. ''Weird you're saying that since you're father is Spanish.'' He said. ''Never mind, just good luck.'' I said and started searching for Davi.

*20 minutes later*


I really don't know what to do. I mean I could tell security but I don't want it to go through whole camp Nou. I've searched everywhere and I'm back at the door that leads to the other team. I think I should look there, just to be sure. It's only 10 minutes until the game starts.

I walked in seeing some supporters walking around, not many people. I looked around me while I was walking and I see Julie standing with some guy. She can help me find him!

''Julie!'' I said and walked towards her ignoring the guy she was talking to.

''What are you doing here?'' She asked me as we greeted. ''I lost a kid.'' I said straightaway. Julie sighed but then pointed behind me. I turn around and I see Davi! And he's with...

''Here's the kid.'' Sergi said holding Davi. I was in shock. I didn't expect him here.

''He found Davi.'' Julie said which broke my shock. Well, a little bit. I still obvious was in shock. I just need to go right now I thought. I reach for Davi but Sergi's hand stopped mine. Great Sergi's touch, just what I needed. NOT.

''I thought you said you were allowed to come here?'' Sergi asked Davi. Davi lifted up his shoulders. ''Man at the door let me in.'' He said. Julie and Sergi started laughing at Davi's comment. I just faked laughed, I really don't want to be around Sergi after a long time not seeing him. ''He meant that you said Eli and Neymar were okay you were here.'' Julie said. Davi looked down with a thinking face. ''Oh, no.''

''So, nice seeing you. After the game we'll talk again.'' I said and reached for Davi. ''Why don't you sit with us?'' Julie asked. Oh no, I can't be around Sergi. I wanted to speak but Sergi was first. ''Yeah we have two seats left, so Davi can sit too.'' I just shook my head. ''Someone might come and sit there, now I should go back.'' I said trying to avoid them convincing me to sit with them. ''No, Rick and Sergi's sister were supposed to come but couldn't.'' Julie said. ''Yeah!'' Davi yelled in excitement. I looked at Davi and shook my head.

''Aw common, for Davi.'' Julie said. Davi nodded to what Julie said. Ugh Julie, if you just knew what was going on.

So I was sitting right from Davi and Sergi was sitting left from him. There are three things that can make it worse. One, since Davi is so small, it feels like I'm sitting next to Sergi. Two, Sergi's hand is over the seat from Davi and he sometimes happens to touch me, which feels so awful. And lastly, Julie is sitting next to Sergi, so I can't talk to her. I can't even see her since Sergi is sitting so wide.

I was just thinking of maybe telling her. I'm not sure yet but it's the best. It's actually the best if I tell Ney, but I just can't... But I also can't help thinking of Julie with her, how should I call it? Standing pose? She's been holding her arm in front of her stomach, like she's almost hiding something. She even pulling the sides of her vest around her. Julie never stands like that.

''So why aren't Rick and your sister here?'' I asked Sergi to kill the silence. ''Rick was sick and my sister decided to watch the game at her boyfriends house.'' He said. ''I understand why Rick can't come but not my sister. These are the best seats, we're literally sitting in front of the field.'' I faked chuckled. ''Stupid from your sister.'' ''Oh well. Now you two are here.'' And he winked at me.

Oh my god. It is really stupid of his sister not to come. Now I'm practically am sitting next to Sergi and he's winking. I swear Eli, don't be so stupid again like that one time...or actually more times.

Uh-oh, Eli going insane next to Sergi. Will something happen between Sergi and Eli again...

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now