Part 52

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*No one's P.O.V*

It was the next day and Julie and Marc just came back from his parents house. They decided to stay at Marc's parents because Marc knew about Neymar's plan to ask Eliana to marry him and didn't want to disturb them. Another thing is his mom and her endless talking. There wad basicly 'no escape'. It became even worse when Julie got a text from Eliana that they got engaged and showed it to Marc's parents. His mom became even more excited and started talking even more (somehow because she was already talking (too) much).

Julie and Marc quietly entered Neymar's house. They try to stay quiet all the time untill they both come down, but with failure.

Julie walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. When she did, she bupmed over a bowl with fruit and such. She tried to catch it but then hits the dishes and everything fell and broke into pieces.

She stood awkwardly there looking at the broking plates. "Really?!" She said frustrated. Marc ran into the kitchen to see what that noise was. "What are you doing? We're-" He stopped when he saw everything on the ground. "What did you do now?" He asked her like if she had done this before.

"He! You're saying like I've done this before!" Julie said. "You have, you even done this yesterday at my parents house. I can tell more times you dropped something." Marc said. Julie stood there even more awkward. "That's not my point! My point is that it happeneds and you need to help me clean it up."

Marc nodded and went to get a broom. They cleaned it up and threw everything away.

"Wait" Julie said when they thought they were done. "We need to vacuum." She said. "But if we do we'll make a lot of noise and wake 'em up." He said. Julie doubted. "But there are still some very little pieces and we can't just let it lay there until they are awake." She said.

"Yeah, that's true. I'll get the vacuum cleaner." Marc said and went to the hallway where the vacuum was. He still tried to be quiet because he was near the stairs and they might be still sleeping.

He opened the door to where the vacuum cleaner was. He went in to grab the vacuum cleaner, still trying to be quiet as possible. He got the vacuum cleaner and took a step backwards. He stepped on something and fell with a loud bang. After that even more things started falling down, also making a hard sound when hitting the ground.

Really... Marc thought. This is too much of a coincidence.

Julie went to the hallway to find out what that loud bang was. She saw Marc laying on the ground surrounded by stuff. ''Uh, Marc-'' Julie said. Marc looked up. ''We're supposed to be quiet, remember?'' She joked. Neymar with bed-hair was now standing on top of the stairs. ''What. The. Hell'' Neymar said as he slowly walked down the stairs.

Julie walked to Marc and helped him up. "Sorry" Marc said to Neymar when he stood up. "Why were you-" Neymar was interrupted by Julie. "How was your niiight?" Julie said with a huge smile on her face. "Oh, well uhh-" Neymar said kind of embarassed because he didn't expexted a question like that right after he woke up. Julie looked up the stairs and saw Eliana standing there. "Oh, never mind." Julie said and went upstairs to Eliana. "Wait, what?" Eliana said sleepy and confused. Julie took Eliana's hand and took her into the bedroom of Neymar.

Julie pushed Eliana on the bed. ''Tell me everything!'' As she litterly stood face to face to Eliana. She just started at Eliana. ''Julie stop that!'' Eliana reached for her pillow and put the pillow in her face. ''Aw okay, I'll stop staring. Just tell me! How was your niiight?'' Julie said with a smirk. Eliana sighed. "Can you guess what happened?" Eliana joked. "Why do you think I'm not sitting on the bed." Julie said with an arm on her hips. Eliana chuckled and face palmed herself.

"So, is there something else you want to know?" Eliana said. "Uh, Montse did wanted to know a few more things...but I forgot." Julie said.

"Was it an instand yes when he asked you?" Julie asked after a while. Eliana got a bit nervous. "Ahhh, you were emotional, weren't you?" Julie said after she noticed Eliana being a bit nervous. "Wah, oh uh, yes." Eliana said while rubbing the back of her neck.

"So, uh-" Eliana said quickly. "Why were you at Marc his parents house?" Julie realised she hasn't even told Eliana yet. "We told them the names we picked out." Julie said. "What! And you haven't told me?" Eliana jumped up. "Yeah, sorry." Julie said.

"And?" Eliana said. "Sophia and Aliyah." Julie said. "So you did choose one of the names I suggested." Eliana smirked. "Yeah, Marc and I both liked Aliyah." Julie said. "Wait, didn't Neymar suggested the name Sophia?" Eliana said. Julie thought. "Hm, you might be right." She said. "Wow, Neymar and I both picked your kids names." Eliana said. Julie had a big smile on her face. "And now you two are getting married!" She said and tackled Eliana with a hug and they fell back on the bed.

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now