Part 8

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Sergi P.O.V

*at Sergi's house*

"So, now our Sergi is a 'flirt expert' he?" Gerard joked. "I don't know about that" Dani said. "He doesn't even have a girlfriend himself!" Sergi rolled his eyes at him. "Oh shut up Dani, you're just jealous that you're not the 'flirt expert'." He said teasing. "All you did was tell how to kiss a girl, and now he is a 'flirt expert'?"

"Well, we all know that Marc is really bad with girls." Gerard said. They started laughing. "Unlike Ney." Dani filled in. "He is a bit too good with them. The only thing is he has a different girl after one day."   "Ha, that's why the 'flirt expert' helped them." I said. "Marc told me that Ney is crazy about the girl he is dating." Gerard and Dani both raised their eyebrows in confusion. "So, not just a girl he wants to play with?" Gerard said in disbelieve. "It's true! I was also surprised when Marc told me."

"How long have they been dating?" Dani asked. "I dunno, 1 or 2 weeks." I answered. "Ha! Looks like Neymar finally broke his record." Gerard said laughing. "What about Marc? He is acting strange lately." Dani nodded. "Yeah, I've also noticed that. One time he's happy, then he is off. His emotions keep changing, like if it's that time of the month." Dani said. "Marc didn't wanted to date and he made a promise with Neymar." I replied. "Let's call them! As a prank, so we can hear how their dates are going." Dani suggested. "Yeah!" Gerard said. Dani and Gerard reached for their phones. "I'll call Marc, Dani you call Neymar." Gerard said. "Okay, but after that can we finaly play FIFA? That's why you guys are here remember?" I reminded them. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now keep quiet, I'm calling Neymar." Dani said.

*What earlier happend between Marc and Julie*

Marc realised he was still stitting on Julie. He tried to be fun, so he hugged her around her neck and said: "this is romantic he." They both started laughing. Before they both knew it, they were really close, face to face. There noses were almost touching each other and then-


And then- right before their lips touched each other, Marc's phone rang. They were both startled when they heard his phone. Marc sighed. He couldn't believe it. Soooo close, and his damn phone rang. He got off Julie's lap. ''I'm sorry- you know, the phone.'' Marc really felt embarrassed ''It's okay, you can answer it.'' She replied. ''You sure?'' Julie nodded. Marc took the phone out of his pocket and answered without looking who is calling him.

''Hello" He tried not to sound annoyed. He heard a really hard greeting from the other side of the line. ''HEY MARC, MY BABY BOY!''  'Oh no, not now, why?!' Marc thought ''Gerard what do you want.'' Marc said.''I just wanted to know how my Marc is, AND OF COURSE his date.''  Gerard basically yelled. "Wait, what? How did-" Before Marc could finish, Gerard interrupted him. "Dani is calling Ney, we'll put you on speaker!"

*What earlier happend between Neymar and Eliana*

''You did this, so you're going to help me.''Eliana said and she dragged Neymar along into the ladies restroom. When they entered, the few women who were there were shocked to see a boy in the ladies restroom, some even screamed. Neymar ignored it and walked towards the sinks. He turned it on and he put his finger on faucet and aimed it to Eliana. She did the same thing and aimed the water to him. Luckily the few women already left. Neymar tried to walk to Eliana, but she pushed him away. Because they were trying to spray water on each other, the floor was wet and he fell. While Eliana laughed, Neymar pulled her down so she also would fall. She fell on top of Neymar and they both were silent. Their faces were close to each other and they-


And they- (also) got interupted by Neymars phone. 'Are you kidding me!' Neymar thought. "Who is it?" Eliana asked. Neymar picked up his phone, it saidDani. He doubted to pick up the phone, but he decided to do it anyways.

"Eyy Neyy!" He heard Dani scream from the other side from the line. "What do you want!" He tried to say not to loud. "Where are you?" Dani asked. "I am in the- uhm" Neymar did not knew what to say. "Well? Where?"  Dani asked again. "In the- ladies restroom." Neymar said quietly."Hahaha, hey you guys you heard that, Ney is in a ladies restroom!" He heard Dani scream away from the phone. Before he could say something else too him, Dani said, "We also have Marc on the phone, we'll put you on speaker."  Neymar was confused. ''What?''

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now