Part 54

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Just realised that I haven't put this in the last chapter, but I decided to go with my original plan and the sequel. Enjoy reading~

*No one's P.O.V*

A few days have past. Marc and Julie have let the world know that they are pregnant. They decided that they would just tell it were twins and two girls. They didn't want the paparazzi would annoy them with those questions, however they haven't told the names yet.

Neymar and Eliana have been planning their engagement party...or actually Julie is.

"Come" Neymar said to Eliana and reached out his hand to her. "What?" Eliana asked. "Just common!" Neymar said and reached his hand out again. Eliana looked at the clock. "It's almost ten o'clock, where do you possibly want to go?" She asked him. "You'll see." He said with a smirk. Eliana raised an eyebrow.

"What about the organizing the party?" Eliana said. Neymar chuckled. "We all know that Julie does everything anyways." Eliana laughed. That is true. The whole engagenent party was Julie's idea and she planned everything.

"What about Davi?" Eliana asked. Neymar sighed. "Are you making up excusses not to go with me?" He said sarcasticly. "No! It's just that I want to know." She replied. "I got it all settled, don't worry." Neymar said and he reached his hand out again. "Will you come with me?" He asked. Eliana excepted it and took his hand.

"We do need to be quiet though, or else Julie will get mad at us 'not helping her plan'." Neymar said. "I don't get why she would get mad though. She plans everythng anyways." Eliana said.

They sneaked past Julie and Marc and went outside to the car.

"Pff, I don't know Julie. You should ask Eliana and Neymar what they like more." Marc said to Julie. "okay" Julie said and stood up. She walked to the kitchen where she thought Neymar and Eliana were sitting. She looked at the papers she was holding. "Hey, which one would you guys like more, this or-" she looked up, realising they are not there. She looked around and even in the back yard.

"Where are Eli and Ney?" Julie asked. "Oh, are they already gone?" Marc said. "What do you mean with that?" She asked him. "Oh uhm, well Neymar told me to watch Davi if he would wake up so they can go somewhere. Although he didn't say when they would go." He replied. "Why wouldn't they tell me? Now I'm planning everything!" She said and dropped the papers on the table and sat next to Marc.

"We all know you were planning everything anyways." He said. Julie turned to Marc with a raised eyebrow. "Not my words!" He said quickly in defense. "Neymar's words." He added. Julie crossed her arms. "Well duuh! If I wouldn't do it neither of them would." She said. "And you're doing a great job." Marc said while stroking her hair. "I know." Julie said softly. Marc chuckled at her words.

Neynar drove to the park. "What do you-" Eliana said but got interrupted. "Just wait and see." He said with a smirk. "You're not going to kill me, right?" Eliana joked. "Just be patient." Neymar said.

He parked the car in the empty parking lot. Neymar got a blind fold and gave it to Eliana. "Put it on." He said, giving it to her. "Oh my god, you are trying to kill me!"

Neymar laughed. "Yes, i am. Just cover your eyes." He said. Eliana took the blind fold and covered her eyes. Neymar got out of the car, walked to the passenger seat and opened the door. Neymar held his hand out for Eliana to take it, but he realised she couldn't see his hand.

He took her hand and led her out of the car. He closed the door and guided Eliana. When they got to the spot, he tilted Eliana's head up so she's looking up.

"Take it off." He said. Eliana basicly threw her blind fold off in curiosity. "Oh wow." She said, still looking up. "This is beautiful!" Neymar nodded. "I knew you'd love it." He said. She turned to Neymar. "How would you know I like looking at the stars?" Neymar lifted his shoulders.

"Let's be honest, which girl doesn't like looking at the stars at night." He addmited. Eliana laughed. "Why didn't we just sit in you're backyard then?" She said. "You're really good in ruining romantic moments, aren't you?" Neynar joked. Eliana laughed and Neymar sat on the ground. Eliana followed him and sat next to him. They eventually lied down and looked at the stars.

Neymar rolled Eliana on top of him. "What are you doing!?" She yelled in surprise. "Nothing, just rolling you on top of me." He said. Eliana rolled her eyes. "And I'm the one who ruins romantic moments? Now I have to look at grass." She joked.

"You know," Neymar spoke up. "If I got the chance to look at the stars, like now, I would still look at you." He said, looking her in the eyes. Eliana eyes widened in surprise. "And if I got the chance to look at the grass, like now, I would still-pff haha!" She started laughing half-way her sentice.

"You really are someone who ruins romantic moments, Eliana Rivera."

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now