Part 23

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*Neymar's P.O.V*

"I was mainly talking about Pablo how stupid he is." Eliana said sticking her tongue out to Pablo. Of course Pablo stock his tongue back.

"Like little kids" I say as I sit down. "Kids aren't that bad." Wendy says. "I know" I say. "I have one myself." and the table went silent. José did his creepy staring thing to me.

Uh-oh. Did I say something wrong...

*Marc's P.O.V*

I feel this weird poking on my chest.  I open my eyes the tiniest bit to see Julie. I hold her tighter to me.

I fall slowly back to sleep until I felt Julie moving.

"Hey where you going?" I say in the most sleepiest voice someone can have. Hope it doesn't sound weird. "Bathroom" she quickley said and wanted to stand up but I held her back. "No" This is way to comfortable. "Stay" I say.

"Marc if you don't let me go, I'll pee here." She said. Uh-oh. It sounds gross and of course no one will do that but she has a horible bladder. At least she always tells me that when she needs to go.

"Ew" And I let her go. She litterly ran to the bathroom. I get out off bed to take a shower after Julie was done. I gather my stuff but I don't have a towel. I walk to hallway and see a closet. I grab a towel and went to the bathroom and Julie wasn't there anymore.

I undress myself and I was about to walk to the shower until I see Julie walking in. How did she...? Oh, I forgot to lock the door.

"Poor nail" she says and she clearly hasn't seen me.

"Ehem" I say to get her attention. "Yeah poor nail indeed but uhh...." OH SHIT. I haven't even notice myself I was naked. I quickley grab my towel and put it around my waist.

She turned around right after I had my towel around my waist. Pff. "Uhm, whoops?" She said in a cute giggle. But it was still really awkward.

"Can I shower now?" I say to kinda make it less awkward?

"Uhm, yeah." She replied. I was waiting for her to leave but she's staring? Can you see it from there? You know, sounds weird but...yeah you can guess it...Something to make it even more awkward.

"I meant with 'can I shower now' if I can shower, alone, private." I say fast. I mean obviously I wouldn't mind but... "Yeah sorry, I thought that the towel rails weren't hanging right." She said and practically ran away again.


After I took my shower I go downstairs for breakfast, if I can call it that. It's 12pm.

I come downstairs to see Julie eating still in her pj's.  ''I thought we were going to the city?'' I asked her. ''Yeah why ask that?'' She said with her mouth full. She didn't get me. ''You're still in your pj's'' I said. ''Because you needed to take a shower before I could. So it's your fault.'' She said.

I rolled my eyes. ''Yeah right.'' She nodded her head. ''Now we can't go because you took to long.'' She teased.

"That's not that bad since I don't want to ride a bike." I say not thinking what I was saying. She smirked at me. "Ohhhhhhh. You don't know how to ride a bike, do you?" I crossed my arms. "Pff, of course I do know how to ride a bike." I say in the most convincing way.

"Your posture and the tone of your voice tells me you're lying Bartra." And she crossed her arms like I did. Damn it. I said it in the most convincing way! "I have ridden a bike before." I say. I wanted to say something else but like yesterday she interrupted me.

"You've ridden a fitness bike before?" Julie said laughing. Sometimes it looks like she knows a lot about me.

"I also have ridden a cross bike before. But the weird ones you have here." I actually have ridden a cross bike before. But I fell all the time.

"Lemme guess, you did ride a cross bike but you fell a lot and you don't want to fall on the tube near the saddle." She says standing up. Seriously how does she do that?

I was just standing there trying to say something but she pretty much said everything.

"I'll take a shower and you eat and mentally prepare yourself for the bike." She said kissing my cheek and walking upstairs. "I bet the bike is evil!" I joked.

Hai, so the next part should or shouldn't we do the part where Marc and Julie are going biking? We'd really like your opinion 'cause we aren't sure if we should. Please comment if would or wouldn't like that. If you do, tell us what you think what could happen on the bike. Maybe comment something what could happen on the bus with Eliana and Neymar? Or what the reaction is from Eliana's family after they heard Neymar saying he has a kid too...

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now