35. Truth

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Hoseok had his father's plane flown over last night, so it could immediate transport Jin back to their kingdom

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Hoseok had his father's plane flown over last night, so it could immediate transport Jin back to their kingdom. Everything ready, but knowing Taehyung, he definitely hasn't played all his cards yet so they needed to be extremely careful.

"Yoongi's is outside," Hoseok seemed impatient.

"Ok, let's go. Keep safe kids," Jimin leaned down to kiss the heads of both moon foxes then got up while the babies began to ran behind him. "Stay, basket!" He ordered chuckling how they tottered back sitting in the fluffy blanket cutely. "Ready," he said putting th backpack on, lifting the sword.

Hoseok nodded leaving the garage immediately so Jimin followed heavy hearted.

Yoongi's car was parked on the driveway, the alpha as tense leaning against it. Jimin knew it must have been so difficult for him to see his mate who was so unreachable.

Love has kicked us all, he thought bitterly climbing into Hoseok's military car feeling out the stone like structure of Indagou in his pocket hoping at least this part of the plan will go smoothly.

They were here again, in front of that heavy metal gate guarded by Shifters waiting for the vans approaching from the other side, the goosebumps all along Jimin's skin severe. Hoseok's breathing became quicker when the cars stopped and the mutants jumped out pulling two people towards the gate not so nicely.

"Stay calm," begged Jimin opening the door to climb down reaching the road.

He heard Yoongi has left his car approaching swiftly to stop at his side. There was Taehyung coming out, his skin covered with rush caused by taking in too much of Hallustasy, his eyes a bit absent, as if he had pumped himself up with the drugs prior to coming here. So naive, thought Jimin even chuckling, as Taehyung had definitely believed that high state will still his longing for his fated one.

Jimin's heartbeat was raising when he approached the gate to meet Jin's scared eyes and Tanja's stubborn ones.

"So Park, as appointed we came here," Taehyung was only looking at him, his fingers nervously caressing over the scarf that was hiding his mating mark.

"Indagou for my friends," Jimin reached to his pocket taking the substance out when Taehyung's eyes lit up greedily.

"Give it," he hissed.

"First you let both free," Jimin was making his voice extra demanding.

They were here again leading a battle, but strangely for the very first time he wasn't feeling weaker or an omega against an alpha. After going through so much he found out he didn't care anymore, he was here, Jimin who wanted to rescue his friends.

"Indagou," Taehyung made a step towards him but Jimin hid it back in his pocket.

"Free my friends," he said and Taehyung uncovered his fangs as if he wished to frighten him, but Jimin didn't even twitch.

The silence vibrating between them, Hoseok was trembling behind Jimin definitely dying to hold Jin in his arms.

"Ok," muttered Taehyung after a longer while. "Let them go!" He turned to the mutants who pushed Jin and Tanja forward and Hoseok jumped to catch his mate when Jimin hurried and grabbed Tanja preventing her from falling.

"Teacher Park it's ok," she whispered, her eyes showing how much courage she had.

Jimin nodded letting her go to walk back to the borderline and stretch the Indagou Taehyung's way.

"It's not the end Park," whispered Taehyung coming closer, that scent of lilies and poison so suffocating Jimin had difficulties breathing. "It's just the beginning," those glowing eyes reaching deep into his soul, when Taehyung's claws closed to the Indagou ripping it out of his hand.

Jimin scooped back suddenly remembering the most horrifying moment in his life when he had almost been mated against his will in front of everyone and humiliated like never before, but he felt a firm arm grabbing him to support. It was Yoongi who got to his side standing between him and Taehyung who went ghostly pale.

"You're right Taehyung it's not the end, as long as you have Jungkook it's not the end," hissed the alpha when Taehyung stumbled backwards pressing his hands to the mark.

"I hate you," he hissed. "Tomorrow is the night of the red moon and none of you will survive until sunrise," he spat on the ground then gave the mutants a sign hurrying back to crawl into the van.

Yoongi's hand was trembling around Jimin when he could feel a heavy gasp of relief. Jin was in Hoseok's arms, both hugging so tightly whispering love confessions and something tightened in Jimin's heart at that sight.

Will I ever see my mate again, he wondered.

At last he loves me. Yoongi is so unlucky, Jimin looked up at the tired troubled alpha who was standing there looking like fixed behind that gate that was slowly closing in front of them.

It was really late, they had all reached the villa, so now they were waiting for Tanja's parents. Jimin still anxious, but he was happy to see Jin and Hoseok together hugging tightly. Yoongi was gloomy, he had left for the garage telling he will check on the moon foxes and feed them, but Jimin knew he was totally shaken after meeting his mate.

What will we do now, tomorrow is the red moon.

"Teacher Park, you should sit down and rest," Tanja's voice cut his thoughts.

She seemed sad, sitting with her head down avoiding eye contact with him.

"Has Taehyung hurt you?" Jimin took place on the couch next to her.

Tanja just shook her head quickly, only a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Do you want to speak about it?" Jimin sighed, he hoped that bastard hasn't done anything to his favorite student, Tanja was just a teenage girl.

"I had done something horrible teacher Park," she bit her lip trying to fight the tears when all skin on his body filled with goosebumps, but he stayed quiet hoping she will say something more.
Tanja took a long breath, her palms began to shiver.

"When your husband was kidnapped he had been kept in a cage next to ours. We were talking to him and he, he was so worried about you, thinking you're dying on some severe disease and I spoke before I could restrain myself," she began to speak when it became dark in front of Jimin's eyes. "Jungkook kind of forced that information out of me and I had told him about your pregnancy. I'm so sorry teacher Park. So sorry," she sobbed hiding her face in her hands when Jimin was sitting there, the silence buzzing in his head.

Jungkook knew, he had found out from someone else.

Thank you so much for all the love you're giving this book and I'm sorry for not being able to answer your comments how I'd love to, but I'm again very busy these days

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Thank you so much for all the love you're giving this book and I'm sorry for not being able to answer your comments how I'd love to, but I'm again very busy these days. I hope you enjoyed the chapter though. What do you think about Tae letting Jin and Tanja go. How will Jimin react to the news that Jungkook knows about his pregnancy? I can only say the final battle is approaching.

Much <3

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