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Ryu arrives at the venue where he can see reporters and medias taking pictures and starts shoving their microphone and recorder towards him. the staffs prepares the place accordingly to prevent them from coming too close. Ryu sits down on the prepared chair, along with Wonpil and some of his representatives. Ryu taps the microphone in front of him, making sure it's already on. He takes out his short script from his pocket and unfolds it.

"good morning, everyone." He starts right away. "today, I will clarify a few things regarding the rumors that has been spreading up to this day. to avoid any bias, I'd like to state that everything that I say from now on, can be proven true and not under any pressure of any party." He looks at the reporters and back to his script. "first, I refute any kind of rumors about my relationship with Miss Yoo, you might know her as Karina. We have no form of any romantic or intimate relationship aside from professional work as models and actors. Second, the photo that spreads around the internet is indeed true."

The reporters starts going crazy over his statement and keep shouting questions about it.

"it was nothing more than a friendly visit and a simple dinner with my family." The crowd dies down a little. "third, my team and I agreed to personally contact Karina's agency to discuss the further follow up of this case. For me personally, I don't want Karina or her agency gets any disadvantages from this false rumor. I hope we can maintain our relation towards each other without having to use others for your own good." Ryu looks at one of the cameras that shoots him. "At last, what you hear from Karina's conference are completely false. I can assure you that everything she said is not true and her agency should take more responsibility towards their artists." Ryu lowers his script and face the reporters.

"let's start the QnA session. Please ask respectfully and not out of the topic." One of his team spoke.

"so what are your relationship with Karina? Why did she come to your house that day?"

"we're working together at that time." Ryu intentionally didn't reply the other question.

"do you have any plan on suing her agency for spreading this hoax?"

"I just hope that they can deal with this wisely without bringing the authority." Ryu is honest with himself. The last case was too stressful for him and he won't go for the second one.

"do you at least want any compensation for your loss? We noticed that you've been absent from the industry."

"if I think that's necessary, then I will demand for it. I will let my team decide what's best for the current situation." Ryu replied.

"we will end the session right here. I hope this conference answers our doubts and curiosity towards Ryu. Any other statement before we wrap this up?" one of his team asked.

Ryu just shakes his head no.

"thank you all for coming. Good morning."

All of them then stands up and rushes back to the back of the venue. The guards and Ryu's team are leading him towards his car.

"just go home, please." Ryu told Wonpil.

"okay, sir."


Getting updated, Yeji enters her room as soon as she's home from school. She calls Chaeryeong first before checking the whole video.

"Chae! Watch the vid I sent you. now." Yeji spoke as soon as she picks up.

"I'm on my way to my painting class. I will watch it later."

"just watch it now. I don't want to get all the hype alone." Yeji huffs.

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