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Yuna just sits beside her while taking out her things that she bought. She just listens to Yeji ranting about what happened earlier with Chaeryeong on the phone.

"you should be with Jeong instead. I know you go both ways." Yeji rolled her eyes. "oh please. trust me. she even told me to stay away from him! indirectly. But I know her intention." Yeji pauses, listening to Chaeryeong. "I'll talk to you in person. We'll meet up next time." Yeji then hangs up the call.

"is it really that big of a deal?" Yuna is confused.

"of course, it is! I thought she's really a nerd." Yeji then thinks for a moment. "I'm gonna talk to him."

"what for?" Yuna watches her walk towards the door.

"my time to shine, sis." Yeji winks at her and gets out of the room.

She walks down again, going to find Ryu. She then found him still sitting on the couch with a pink letter on his hand. He reads it thoroughly.

Ryu noticed her walking closer but he ignores her anyway. He's still thinking about the letter and how can he not notice that that's from Julia. She must've slipped it in his bag secretly or something. He then looks at Yeji who's sitting beside him.

"you wanna confess too?"

"um... no...?" Yeji looks down. "I already did, right? I remember you rejected too. I'm totally chill about it."

Ryu is little glad. Though, he can feel her suspicious intention. He stays silent after that because there's nothing left to say. He's embarrassed about what happened and now Yeji is talking casually to him like nothing happened.

"I won't ask you anything about that. that's totally personal, I supposed." Yeji stares at him.

"pretty much." Ryu responded calmly.

"why don't you relax and play some games? You like gaming, right?" Yeji smiles. "it's okay. I'm gonna be here for a while."

"I'm all good. You can hang out with Yuna." Ryu then stands up and proceeds to set up his console, turning on everything.

Yeji just leans back, watching Ryu doing his things. sure, she's here for Yuna at first but being closer to Ryu is still her priority.

"you... wanna play too?" Ryu hands her his controller.

"sure." Yeji joins him, sitting on the floor.

"Jeong will join too. is that okay?" Ryu asked.

"it'll be a lot more fun." Yeji turns her head to look at him.

"I'll teach you some things, first."


Seems like they really forget the time. it's been two hours since they start playing and Ryu is having a pretty good time. though, Jeong left just an hour before so they changed the game.

"I'm good right?" Yeji nudges his arm. "I think I did pretty good."

"I was going easy on you." Ryu looks at her. "but, yeah. I can say you're good."


Ryu stretches his body, extending his arms and resting them on the couch. Seeing this opportunity, Yeji leans on his shoulder, resting her head.

"are you... sleepy?" Ryu doesn't dare to move.

"no. but, I'm hungry." Yeji looks up at him. she knows that their face is too close by now.

"alright, then." Ryu clears his throat and gets up, letting her head fall on the cushion. "I'll tell them to prepare the dinner."

Yeji watch him walk away to call his maids. Yeji swears that her heart beat can be heard from miles away. She cupped her face, hiding her visible excitement.

"are you okay?" Ryu stands beside the TV.

"I'm totally fine." Yeji shows him an okay sign.

Ryu just nods and goes to Yuna's room upstairs. opening the door, he noticed that Yuna is wearing a white dress.

"where are you going?" Ryu walks in, closing the door behind him.

"oh... it's for prom." Yuna smiles at him.

Ryu stands beside her, also looking at her reflection in the mirror. He smiles proudly at her.

"with Kai?" he asked.

"of course."

"come down for dinner." Ryu rubs her head then walk towards the door. "you look amazing by the way."

Going back downstairs, Ryu sees that Yeji is still on the couch, playing with her phone. he sits beside her comfortably.

"did you also buy a dress for prom?" Ryu breaks the silence. "I saw Yuna trying them out."

"I did. I bought a few dresses. I haven't tried it but I think it'll look good." Yeji said confidently, not looking up. "you'll like it." She accidentally said it.

Ryu looks at her questioning.

"I mean it's not like you're gonna see it. You said you won't come to the prom and Yuna said it's good so I thought that you'll like it too. so... that's why I said that." Yeji said, explaining herself.

"oh, I get it." Ryu stifles a small laugh. He then see Yuna walking down. "let's eat first."


Ryu's room is right beside Yuna's so he can hear that Yuna and Yeji still having a good fun. In the middle of reading his book, he vaguely hear Yuna's door opened. He immediately gets up and peeks out of his room, the two girls walking down the stairs. Looks like Yeji is about to go home.

"are you going with your driver?" Ryu is aware that the time shows about nine.

"I'm about to call him." Yeji replied.

"oh, no need, then. I'll take you home." Ryu then grabs his jacket that's hanging on the rack not far from the door and grab his keys. "I'll go to the penthouse. Take care, Yu." Ryu plants a kiss on top of Yuna's head. "let's go."

Soon, they're on a ride to Yeji's house. they both are still silent and Yeji can't handle the tense vibes.

"so... why are you going to your penthouse?" Yeji looks at him, fully turning her body.

"just making sure of something." Ryu keeps his eyes on the road.

Yeji told him that it's way faster if they use the highway road so Ryu just gladly follows her guide.

Looking outside, Yeji had the urge to open the window. She glances at Ryu then proceeds to roll it down.

It is obvious that Ryu noticed. He look to the side and just let her enjoy the night air entering the vehicle. It reminds him of Yuna when she was little. his dad used to take them on a night stroll just for fun until they're both asleep.

"open up yours too." Yeji looks back at him, smiling.

The corner of Ryu's lips forms a little curve. Seeing the girl having a lot of fun, he joins in, lowering the window as the air starts to enter from his side. He takes a deep breath, relaxing himself.

Yeji notices that the car starts going a little slower. She looks at Ryu who's smiling.

"my dad used to take me to work. This is what I did on the way." Yeji said to him, breaking his reverie. "but, he's like, super busy, right now. not a single call, not even asking anything about me."

Ryu knows about that thing too well.

"what about your mom?" Ryu glances at her then back to the road.

"she too. busy. Ya know... they both are the same." Yeji rests her head on the window, looking at the cars passing by.

"at least they're still there for you. provide for you." Ryu smiles, looking at the girl for a while.

"I know. that's what I'm still grateful for." Yeji leans on the seat, turns her head to look at Ryu. "you must've missed your dad."

"still do." Ryu smiles a little.

"you don't need to worry. you have Yuna, your mom, us. you won't be lonely." Yeji places her hand on Ryu's hand that's on the gear handle. This time, Yeji is really attempting to care for him. no other motives.

"I'm grateful for you all."

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