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It's not often that Yeji's father willing to sit down for a serious talk. Mostly he lets the mother do the talking. Today, he called Yeji to have a talk. He knew from Hyunjin about their relationship. Not that Hyunjin wants to share but the father really wants Hyunjin to be with Yeji. He thought that Hyunjin is the only person that Yeji deserve at this moment.

"is there anything you wanna talk about?" Yeji is sitting across her parents.

"not that serious. We just wanna know how you've been doing. Especially with Hyunjin." The man explained.

"we're good, of course." Yeji said with her eyes avoiding the parents.

"if you're interested, maybe we can start going further... with your relationship." Her mother said. Though she knows a little about her daughter's relationship.

"what do you mean?" Yeji looks at her mother.

"you know... get married and stuff. You don't have to worry about things. we'll take care of it for you." the father said. "when you graduate, you can just marry him and you can relax. Have a time for yourself. the company will be handled by his people."

"that's not ideal, isn't it?" Yeji questioned.

"I think he's capable." The woman replied. "I don't really know what happens between you two but I hope you guys can work it out."

"if you wanna know my personal opinion, I don't think I want to marry him." Yeji looks down.

"well... do you have other candidates?"

"there's no other candidates Yejin. As far as I know, Hyunjin is the perfect man for Yeji." The husband cut her off.

"Is it wrong to ask her first? You can't just decide for her all you want, Hyunbin." Yejin looks to the side.

"what if there is?" Yeji interrupted them. "I have someone in mind." All that Yeji can think of is Ryu. The thought of them having a relationship made her thrilled.

"okay. I don't wanna hear about that. you should open up more to Hyunjin." Hyunbin sighs. "I want what's best for you."

"what's the point of this talk if you won't even listen? See that, mom?"

The mother doesn't say a thing. She purses her lips, thinking.

"we just want you to have a great future. Our business is already at the top, the biggest one in the US. you have to choose the right partner to support you and our business. Someone who has a lot of experience." Hyunbin explained. "I'm just gonna say this. Hyunjin knows that you're not interested and you have someone in mind."

"oh I know that. I told him." Yeji shrugs.

"listen. I don't know what you see in that other man but I need you to understand that Hyunjin is really there for you. he's smart, wealthy, gentle. An innocent guy. I don't want you to get hurt by anyone." Hyunbin spoke softly.

"I barely have a free time right now. he keeps telling me to work after my long day of classes. At least that's one thing I don't like about him."

"see? he's not bad. C'mon, Yeji. My last wish before we retire."

"I can't force it." Yeji shook her head. "I'll let you know if I changed my mind."


Ryu and Karina are going out again. Unlike the last one, they just go picnic at a famous river in town.

"you made this?" Ryu eats the food that Karina brought.

"yeah. I prepared this since this morning." Karina joins him, eating the foods that she made. "you said that you like meat in one of your interviews."

"I did." Ryu smiles at her. "thank you. I really like this."

"I'm glad you do." Karina then pours a drink to a glass and serves him.

"I supposed you like cooking."

"my mom did. she was a great cook." Karina smiles a little then fixing her hair behind her ear. "if you have a hard time making conversations, it's okay. Just being here with you is enough."

"it's awkward isn't it?" Ryu scratch his head.

"not at all. It's cute." Karina giggles.

"wait." Ryu take out his phone and begin to take a few pictures of Karina. "there."

"I was just about to ask you." Karina smiles at him. "let me see."

Ryu shoves his phone to her

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Ryu shoves his phone to her. the more Ryu spends time with her, the more he's interested. He knows that it'll be a long hard road for them to have a relationship. That's the only thing that's holding him back.

"I've sent the one I want to myself. You can keep the rest." Karina gave him back his phone. "anyway..."

Ryu looks at her.

"we've been hanging out more than two months now. I just wanna let you know that if you're ready, I can go further... with our relationship." Karina looks at him with hope in her eyes.

"you remember what happened right?" Ryu sighs. "I don't want you to go through that again."

"I understand." Karina lowers her head.

"I'll give it a thought." Ryu then pours himself a glass of wine.

There's silence between them. Not that it's awkward, but they both are thinking about what they are. They both know that Ryu is still holding back and Karina is more than ready to have Ryu as her boyfriend.

"I..." "Ryu.."

The two spoke at the same time. Ryu extends his hand, letting Karina speak first.

"let's just take a walk." Karina cleans up their stuff. Ryu quickly helps her.

Soon, they're walking along the riverside. Karina initiates holding hands. Since most of the people have gone, the night feels peaceful. Hearing the water ripples, Ryu leans on the fence, looking at the dark river.

"are you okay? You've been down these pasts of few weeks."

"I just... have some thoughts. Well, it's not important. My brain just gets disorganized sometimes." Ryu looks to the side as Karina looks away to the river.

"it'll be okay. I'll be here for you."


Finally stopping in front of Karina's apartment, Ryu gets out and opens up the door for her.

"good luck on your schedule tomorrow." Ryu said as Karina gets out and he close the door.

"you too. don't forget to rest. I know you have a lot more work than I do." Karina then hugs him. "thank you."

"my pleasure."

By now, Ryu doesn't care if paparazzi or any reporter caught them. He can trust her not to say a thing.

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