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Not wanting to bother Karina, Ryu told her that he'll pick her up to go together to the event.

"we're here, sir." Wonpil informed.

Ryu who's busy with his phone looks up.

"alright. Wait here." Ryu gets out of the car.

He walks in to the apartment building and immediately found Karina waiting at the lounge area.

"shall we go?" Ryu approached her, smiling kindly.

Karina returns the smile, stands up, and links their arm.

"you look handsome." She complimented.

"same as you. you're pretty."

The two soon enter the car. Wonpil starts driving towards the event.


Hyunjin stands before Yeji's front door, waiting for her to come out.

"c'mon. we're gonna be late." Hyunjin said as soon as she came out.

"I just got home, Hyunjin. Chill out." Yeji huffs, struggling to walk in her heels.

The two then gets into the car with Hyunjin driving.

"sorry for earlier." Hyunjin took a glanced at Yeji.

"all good." Yeji keeps staring out the window.

"you haven't eat too, right?"

"thank my professor for that." Yeji replied sarcastically.

Hyunjin can only sigh.

After a frustrating ride, they finally arrived. Hyunjin use the valet parking service and just goes in to the building with his partner.

To lighten up her own mood, Yeji scans the whole hall, looking for Ryu.


Yeji and Hyunjin looks back. Karina stands there with a smile, greeting them both.

"long time no see!" Hyunjin immediately gives her a friendly hug.

"so you guys know each other?" Yeji is still confused. Besides, she's supposed to be with Ryu.

"we're from the same high-school. We haven't seen each other a lot since she's already on a modelling camp." Hyunjin explained.

"it was an academy but, close enough." Karina giggles. "by the way... aren't you attracted to a boy back then?" Karina whispered in Hyunjin's ear.

"that's why my dad wants me to be with her." Hyunjin whispered back.

"are you guys done?" Yeji rolls her eyes. she then noticed Ryu walking around. Probably looking for Karina.

"ah, there you are." Ryu approached them. "how do you guys like the show?"

Ryu was talking about a little fashion show by some designers for the opening of the event.

"what show?" Hyunjin asked.

"we're late. We couldn't watch it." Yeji smiles at him.

"then I suggest you look around. Maybe you can invest in some brands." Karina said, then links her arm onto Ryu's.

"that would be great! Let's go." Hyunjin takes Yeji's hand. "we'll look around. See you, guys."

"can't believe I'm met him." Karina and Ryu continues to walk around the hall.

"Hyunjin? You know him?" Ryu asked.

"he's my old friend." Karina casually said while looking at clothes that displayed. "it's kinda weird to see him with her. he used to like a boy from school."

"I don't need to know that." Ryu raised an eyebrow.

"I'm just saying."

They both then stops at one section.

"I kinda like this one." Karina ruffles through the clothing rack.

Ryu just keeps his opinions to himself. He just thought that her taste is... not good. Well, he can tolerate things.

"well, well. Look who's here." Heejin shows up beside Ryu. "with a woman."

"oh my god." Karina gasped. "jeon Heejin. It's really a pleasure to meet you."

"do I know you?" Heejin looked at Karina.

"no. but I really look up to you as a model."

"I see." Heejin then faced Ryu. "so, is this your... lover?"

"we're friends." Not wanting to engage in more conversation, Ryu then excuses himself. "I'm sorry. I think we need to go."

Ryu hurriedly drag Karina away.

"what's wrong?" Karina asked.

"I just think that that brand is not that good. Better to look around." Ryu averted his gaze to some other clothing.

"you're weird. You know her didn't you?" Karina keeps looking at him.

"of course, we know each other. We're models."

"you know that's not what I mean." Karina sighs. "enjoy yourself. I'm gonna look around." Karina walks away leaving him in his place.

"hey, wait."

Attempting to chase her without making a scene, Ryu stops his step when Yeji blocks him.

"are you okay? Looks like you're in a hurry." Yeji cluelessly asked.

"it's nothing." Ryu glanced behind her and Karina is already nowhere to be seen. "where's Hyunjin?"

"he's with my uncle. You wanna meet him?" Yeji smiles.

"sure, I guess."

Ryu follows her towards the other two men. Turns out, the uncle is rather familiar to him. he used to work with his father, that's before he moved to Italy for his other business.

"holy molly! You're big, now!" Heechul immediately gives him a big hug.

"I can say you still look the same." Ryu chuckles.

"I know I'm late but I'm sorry for your loss. Jeongyeon was a good man." Heechul pursed his lips, patting Ryu on the shoulder.

"the world is really small, am I right?" Yeji giggles.

"tell your mother I said hi and if you want, we can have an affiliation."

"I haven't handled the agency yet. Maybe we can in the future."

Seeing their interaction just makes Yeji even more eager to get closer to Ryu. It's impressive that Ryu has this much connection to anyone at his age while she herself only knows a few people.

While she's enjoying their conversation, Karina walks towards them. Yeji is no longer bothered at this point knowing that she won already.

"sorry to interrupt." Karina politely said then turns to Ryu. "I think we should go. I have a schedule tomorrow."

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