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Knowing that Ryu is no longer hanging out with Karina, Yeji can be bolder on getting Ryu's attention. Since she's free today, she decided to just come by Ryu's place.

Standing in front of his mansion, she waits for someone to open up the door.

"welcome, miss. Mr. Shin is still working." The maid, Abi, greeted her. she then lets her in and let her wait on the living room.

Yeji just sit there, waiting for Ryu who's still unaware of her visit.

"good evening?" Nayeon greeted her. she sits across Yeji, putting her cup of tea on the table.

"oh, good evening ma'am." Yeji stands up, extends her hand to shake with Nayeon's. "I hope I'm not bothering you."

"you're not Karina."

Yeji sits back down, feeling a little awkward.

"any occasion on why you're here?" Nayeon asked while looking at her ipad.

"I'm just coming by. I haven't informed Ryu too." Yeji smiles at her.

"it's okay. He's been so quiet lately. I supposed that he has some problems with Karina."

"is that so? I hope they can work it out."

"well, it's better to just stay away from problems so he can really focus on his career." Nayeon looks up at her. "I noticed that since he's with Karina, he often rejects some projects just to hang out with her. now what? He's all sad because of a girl that's not on his league."

"I think he had a reason to choose what he did."

"but it has to bring some benefit for him. if not, then it's technically useless." Nayeon shrugs.

"I agree."

"it's our first meeting and you already trying to impress me." Nayeon said. She knows people's body language since she's been facing many people in her career.

"I'm just stating my opinion, ma'am. I didn't mean it in a certain way." Yeji replied politely.

"don't worry. I know. if you have any interest towards him, please don't ever hurt him." Nayeon haven't got the chance to talk to someone about her concerns. She might accidentally let out her feelings to Yeji. "you seem like a good girl. I remember the day you and Ryu danced at prom night. I'm surprised he even came. He used to hate something like that."

"really? He seemed to enjoy that night." Yeji furrowed her eyebrows. "I know this is off topic but it's nice talking to you. I used to think that you're unapproachable like any other artists that I've worked with."

"how can you say so? We just met." Nayeon lowers her ipad.

"I know. that's why I said that. among all artists that I've met, you have the nicest first impression." Yeji explained simply.

"you're quite open for a first meeting. Most people that met me always tried to act nice but I know what they really want."

"oh, I hate that. I mean, I respect that they want to make a good impression to someone but I think they don't need to overdo it." She paused. "by the way, I'm looking forward to your future movies. You're like one of the best actresses." Yeji's talkative trait starts showing. "did Ryu became a model because of you or his father? Sorry to ask, I think I'm too curious. You don't have to answer that."

Nayeon just stifles a laugh. Yeji is just like a little kid in her eyes.

"thank you for the compliment and, well, he wants to be a model because of his father." She smiles at her, replying briefly. "well, this has been an interesting conversation. Have a great time with Ryu." Nayeon stands up, taking her cup of tea, and walks back to her room.

Yeji is left confused. She then take her phone to kill time.

"hey..." Ryu approaches Yeji.

"oh, I didn't hear you coming." Yeji put her phone back in her purse. "how's today?"

"it's great." Ryu sits across her where the mother sits previously. He casually takes off his jacket that he wear often.

Of course, Yeji can notice this detail about someone she likes.

"I just talked to your mom." Yeji smiles at him.

"oh, I hope she didn't scare you. she's a little stiff at first, but she's nice." Ryu responded.

"don't worry. I like her. she's nice, indeed." Yeji smiles at him. "by the way, you must be tired. Don't you wanna eat?"

"sure." Ryu purses his lips. "you brought something?"

"no." Yeji giggles. "but! I ordered something. I won't cook, I promise. I'm not good at that, I know."

"you wanna learn?" Ryu looks at her.

"do I have to?" she asked pouting.


Here they are, messing with bunch of ingredients in the kitchen. The food that Yeji ordered had already came, but, it's still untouched at the dining table.

"and what's that?" Ryu asked.

"green onions?" Yeji looks at him.

"that's chives. They look completely different, Yeji." Ryu smiles at her cuteness. "alright. The food is getting cold." Ryu walks towards the dining table then starts unwrapping them.

Yeji hurriedly helps him with it.

"don't we need to heat it up?" Yeji asked.

"I don't mind. It's not that cold." Ryu sits down and starts tasting the food.

Learning from what she saw when Karina was here, Yeji quickly grabs two plates along with the utensils for both of them.

"thank you." Ryu smiles at her.

They finally starts eating.

"you know that I remember the most about my parents?"

Ryu looks up at her. with Karina, eating time was usually the most silent part of their day.

"they force me to eat greens. I really hate that. I know it sounds childish but I think someone who likes veggies are broken." Yeji shrugs then continues eating.

"but, you eat them now." Ryu noticed.

"so I can be bitter inside and out. ya know? because the bitter life is hitting you from the outside might as well just swallow it." Yeji said casually.

Ryu snorts, spits out his food a little. he never thought that he'll find something so funny coming from her. not to mention that that sentence shouldn't be funny.

"what?" Yeji can't help but also laugh along with him. "that's true!"

"you're right. I know what you mean." Ryu said after taking a gulp of his drink.

"I can't be this straight with you in that restaurant. Now that we're here, I can say anything I want." Yeji then continues eating.

"right. do as you please."

THE PRINCE (Ryeji fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora