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Ryu spends about three days at his penthouse. This evening, he goes through his closet, looking at his father's clothes that's been mixed up by his own clothes. After some time searching, he takes out a set of suits complete with its trousers. Looking at it for a while, he decided to try it on. Even after years, the clothing still smells like the father.

Ryu walks towards the mirror. The suit fits him a little loose but still presentable since his body gets bigger with a help of his routine workout.

The prom night is just a week away yet he still haven't decided whether he should go or not.

"sir." Wonpil called him from downstairs. "I brought your outfit for today. When we get there you only need to get your make up done and a few other details."

Ryu looks down from his room. Wonpil is sitting on the couch with his tablet, checking today's schedules. Wasting no time, he's on his way preparing himself for today's work.

On his way to the shooting site, Ryu and Wonpil discuss everything in details. Even though it drains him already, he still loves his job.

"just be yourself. this interview won't affect any of your work. At least that's what they said. Not often that they also include an interview." Wonpil ended his explanation.

"right. A big step. Just posing and acting starts to bore me, to be honest."

"well, good news, you'll be having a lot of interviews in the future." Wonpil looks at him from the rear-view mirror. "I know you don't like talking about yourself but people starts to get curious."

"I supposed, it's about time. little by little."


Ryu finally ends his day. he and Wonpil go to the parking lot and quickly enters the car. It's about 4am and Ryu is completely exhausted. He rests his head, leaning back on the seat.

"penthouse, sir?" Wonpil looks back. he sees that Ryu already closing his eyes, not responding. "alright."

Arriving at the penthouse, Wonpil gets out of the car first and opens the backdoor.

"Ryu." Wonpil taps his shoulder. "we're here."

Ryu opens his eyes slowly, rubbing it as well as stretching his aching body.

"thank you." he then walks out of the car and go straight to his elevator.

Entering his penthouse, Ryu quickly take a shower and just wear his shorts. He sets up his alarm for the next morning and go to sleep immediately.


Yuna walks in to the penthouse. Ryu is still sleeping upstairs. Yuna walks up and starts looking for something.

"there you are." Yuna found her accessories. Yuna looks at Ryu and goes to check on him.

"Yuna..." Ryu said with his eyes closed.

She noticed that Ryu is sweating. He doesn't wear the blanket, though. Yuna checks his temperature and it's surprisingly high. She quickly calls Wonpil to buy some medicines for him as well as their personal doctor.

"wait. I'll get you something." Yuna runs downstairs, making some warm drink for her brother.

After some time, Yuna stays with Ryu, waiting for Wonpil and the doctor. She constantly checks on him until they arrived. When Yuna hears some footsteps, she stands near the railing and looks down.

"we're here." Yuna calls them.

Wonpil and the doctor walks upstairs, checking on Ryu.

"I have the usual meds for him." Wonpil put the bag on the bedside table.

"yes. That's okay. Make sure he drinks a lot of water." The doctor checks his temp. "is it possible to cut down his schedules? If he still wants to work, at least he needs to start adding some sleep as well."

"ah... I can take care of that." Wonpil smiles a little. "I'm aware that his schedules have been a little packed lately."

"loosen it up for one or two weeks might help him to recover. It's better to take a full break but I know that he won't." the doctor then turns to Yuna. "can I talk to you for a sec?"

Yuna follows the doctor downstairs. The doctor takes out somethings from her bag.

"this is yours." She gives Yuna her medicines. "I know that this looks negligible. I still want you to talk to your family about this. I'm afraid that the infection can get out of hand and these prescriptions that I gave you might not be able to work to its full potential in the future." The doctor sighs.

"I get it." Yuna put the bag inside her purse. "I'm still fine. At least I'm still able to do what I love."

"that's good. I'm really hoping for your recovery." The doctor then slings her bag. "I guess that's about it. I'll be going."

"thank you."


Ryu wakes up with a strong headache. He looks to the side and find his phone vibrates, indicating that it's time for his upcoming schedule. He sits up, leaning on the headboard. He tries to contain the pain for a while. Aside from that, he wonders why Wonpil hasn't called him yet.

"oh! you're awake."

Ryu looks at Yeji who's standing on the stairs. She has a glass of water and small bags of medicines.

"Yuna is with Chaeryeong. Still got class." Yeji walks towards him, putting the glass and meds on the bedside table. "Yuna called me."

"oh." Ryu then checks his phone. there are some messages from Wonpil, Yuna, and Jeong. Wonpil told him about his rearranged schedules, Yuna told him about her projects and her preparation on high school, and Jeong just ask him how he's doing.

"are you feeling better?" Yeji touched his forehead and neck, checking his temp. it's not that hot but still above the average. "drink these. I'll get you some food."

"it's okay. Wait." Ryu quickly drinks his meds and stands up. "I'll get the food myself."

"please. have a rest." Yeji pushed him back to sit on the bed. "how are you gonna go back to work like this?"

Ryu sighs, watching Yeji runs downstairs. He can hear that she's getting busy in the kitchen. He decided to just rest his eyes. just when he's about to drift off, he hears something crashing. He shot his eyes open and quickly runs downstairs.

Ryu looks at Yeji who's crouching, gathering glass pieces on the floor. He immediately helps her, forgetting his aching head.

"why are you so clumsy? I told you to just let me handle it. Look at your hand, it's bleeding." Ryu starts to get panic.

"I'm sorry. I will buy another bowl." Yeji continues to clean up.

"move." Ryu said sternly. Kinda scaring her off. He ends up cleaning the rest of the broken bowl.

After washing his hands, he grabs a med-kit from one of the cupboards. He approaches Yeji who's sitting at the dining table. Ryu silently takes care of Yeji's hand. He's glad that there's not much wound to treat. He blows on it once in a while.

"just stay here." Ryu then cleans up and continues to prepare the food. It's just a simple porridge and soup.

"are you angry?" Yeji just stares at his back.

Instead of replying, Ryu just calmly set up the table for them. He sits across Yeji and starts eating.

"your hands okay?" Ryu asked, not looking up. "eat up."

Yeji slowly and carefully starts eating. She's a little scared. Not because Ryu is directly mad at her but she feels guilty. She really can't read Ryu like an open book.

"I'm not mad. Be careful, next time." Ryu finishes up his meal. "when you're done, just leave the dishes. My maids will take care of it."

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