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Yeji keeps her distance a little from Ryu. Even then, she still checks him out only when they come across each other or in the same class. Nothing really happen this past of few weeks.

"I heard he bribe her company to shut up about it."

"he's probably using his popularity too. all actors are like that."

"what if Karina is the one telling the truth instead? That will be epic!"

"if you have nothing nice to say then you better shut those crusty ass lips close." Yeji turns around, hearing the girls behind her talking trash about Ryu.

Knowing that Ryu sits not far from them gets her even irritated. He probably heard that every day.

On the other hand, Ryu did hear it all. He's been trying his best to ignore those but he couldn't. the sad part is, Karina went on a hiatus two days after his conference.

"her agency uploaded another statement." Chaeryeong nudges Yeji's arm. She then shows her phone to Yeji.

"mental state? Hiatus?" Yeji furrows her eyebrows. "I feel sorry for her."

"the second one is about the compensation. Her agency finally pays him for spreading false rumors. Maybe that's why people are still hating on him." Chaeryeong adds and shows her another article. "do you think it's fair?"

"they shouldn't blame her for that. even if I know it's not, we know that that's just how they work." Yeji glances at Ryu. Turns out, he's looking at her too.

They both quickly averted their gaze somewhere else. Yeji unconsciously blushes after the encounter. Chaeryeong who notices this smiles a little.

"if you wanna start again, you have to be subtle about it." Chaeryeong stifles a laugh.

"shut up! I don't wanna end up like those girls." Yeji sulks.

"then I can say... you're not like those other girls." Chaeryeong hypes her up. "I do feel a little worried, though."

"I'm a little scared too." Yeji looks down.

They continues on with the day just like that until PE class started. Ryu feels extremely exhausted today but keeps pushing himself to play with the others. Ryu tries to focus himself even more to the game. When he's about to catch the ball, it hits his face instead. He stumbles back a little but still on his feet. Ryu walks towards the bleacher with a hand on his forehead. Before he passed out, he managed to sit down and closes his eyes.

"dude. You okay?" Jeong checks on him. behind him is the coach.

"you need to go to the clinic?"

"no sir. I'll be better soon." Ryu notices everyone is looking at him. "it's all good." Ryu smiles at them.

"you look pale. You should see a doctor or something." The coach then leaves him.

"really though. Tell me if you need anything." Jeong then walks away and continues with the game.

Ryu sighs and cups his face. He wipes his sweat and sits on the floor joining the other students.

"are you okay?"

"do you need a drink?"

"is your head okay?"

The girls started to give him attention. This gets his headache even worse.

"guys. I'm fine. Please stop asking." Ryu tries to sound as nice as possible but it came out really cold.

They all turns around and starts talking by themselves. Ryu can hear them whispering and talking about him. just like he expected, they all just trying to get his attention.


Ryu waits in front of the school's building for Wonpil. Sitting on a wood bench, he closes his eyes to deal with the pain in his head.

"Ryu..." Yeji sits beside her. she told Chaeryeong to go first so she can talk with him for a bit. "I have this. your head still hurts?" Yeji shoves a tablet and a drink for him.

"thank you." Ryu just accepts it. At least, this can ease his pain a little.

"I adore your courage and patience." Yeji said, watching him drinking the water.

Ryu looks at her. it's been a while since someone compliments him. He can hear her sincere tone. he looks away, playing with the empty water bottle.

"I'm sure there are still someone out there who loves you. don't stress yourself too much." Yeji smiles at him. "that's my ride. See you, Ryu."

Ryu watch her walk away, going to her car. Aside from the medicine, her words brings him peace. At the very least, Ryu can be less worried.


Visiting her sister, Ryu sees her still sleeping. he sits beside her, caressing her head. he then walks over to her isle. Looking at her unfinished painting, he sits on the chair.

"I'm so proud of you, Yuna. Please don't stop making these." Ryu zones out, drowning in the painting. He doesn't realize that by now, he let out streams of tears.

Ryu walks out of her room, wiping his eyes. he goes to his own room and hides himself under the blanket. He crumples himself like a baby inside a womb. All of his emotions melts into one until he doesn't know what to feel. At the end of the night, he cries himself to sleep.


"Ryu!" Yuna enters his room. "wake up! I have a news!"

Ryu uncovers himself. Looking at Yuna who's already on top of him.

"what's up?" Ryu wipes his swollen eyes.

"have you been crying?" Yuna asked even though she knows that Ryu hates talking about his feelings. "look."

Ryu takes her phone and reads the email. he smiles realizing that Yuna have won the contest. He quickly hugs Yuna tightly.

"so, I lost my money for all that art supplies for something." He then stifles a laugh.

"unbelievable." Yuna pushes him and slaps his arm. She then clears her throat. "thank you for supporting me."

"I'm proud of you. really. I know I've said that a million times."

"you did." Yuna chuckles. "the exhibition will be held this Friday. Are you busy?"

"I'll try to make it." Ryu smiles at her.

"since I'm in the third place, they'll display my work behind the first and second. I'm afraid that people aren't interested." Yuna looks down.

"what are you talking about? Getting a third place is still better than none. It means that they still acknowledge your talent." Ryu places his hand on Yuna's thigh.

"but it's still sad for me. I want more." Yuna pouts.

"maybe you can change your style or something. I don't know about that stuff." Ryu picks her up and throws her aside.


Ryu laughs and runs downstairs. He waits for her to come down, sitting on the couch.

"I could've fall." Yuna breathes heavily, holding her chest. She let out a few coughs as well.

"you okay?" Ryu notices her abnormal breathing.

Yuna sits beside him, nodding, and controlling her breath.

"you sure?" Ryu caresses her back. "this is why I told you not to stay up at night. You can get sick."

"it's just a cough. I already drink some meds. I'll be fine." She smiles at him.

"if you feel a little unwell, tell me. I can take you to the doctor." Ryu rubs her head.


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