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Yeji sits on her couch. She's at home now, watching TV and just chilling. Seulgi excused himself just for some hours to visit his daughter. Of course, Yeji let him.

"hey, sorry it took longer than I promised." Seulgi approached Yeji. He places a lunchbox on the coffee table.

"what's this?" Yeji watches Seulgi sits down beside him.

"you know... moms. Since I just got the chance to visit, she packed me some food. I helped her too." Seulgi smiles at her.

"you can cook?" Yeji gets intrigued.

"well, I have to. My daughter won't eat grass, right?" he chuckled.

"can you please teach me?"

"sure thing."

And so, the two stands before the kitchen counter. Unlike the patient Ryu, Seulgi is way more straightforward with things. he decided what he wants to cook by just looking inside the fridge. he takes out all the things he needs while Yeji is paying attention to him.

Seulgi explained each and every step in detail, letting Yeji tries some steps herself. He keeps his eyes on her, to prevent any incident.

Seulgi checks the time. it's already dinner time. perfect.

"and one last touch." Seulgi sprinkles some fried shallot on top of the dish. "ta-da~"

"yay!" Yeji jumps excitingly. "thank you!"

"you made it." Seulgi proudly smiles.

"let's eat!" Yeji sits down. "oh, bring your lunchbox."

Seulgi sets everything on the table and joins Yeji.

"oh god." Yeji covers her mouth. "it's so good!"

"now you know how to at least make a stew." Seulgi giggles.

"you have to teach me how to cook something else. Please~" Yeji pouts cutely.

"you'll be a master when Ryu comes back."


Another four months, Yeji is still eager to learn to cook. Of course, with the help of Seulgi. At this time, Seulgi doesn't feel like just a guard for her, but a friend. Since Mina left to get married, the mansion is left with the maids she's not close with. With Seulgi, she feels a lot less lonely.

"you can take care of that, right?" Seulgi asked, stirring the pot in front of him.

"sure can!" Yeji can be more confident with her cutting skills. Too confident, I might add. "ah!"

"shit!" Seulgi drops the wooden spoon and rushes to help Yeji. "I told you to go slow." Seulgi with his fatherly instinct, sucks the blood that came out of Yeji's finger. "wait." He grabs a paper towel and wraps her finger with it. He blows on it gently while cleaning the dried blood on her finger. "does it still hurts?" Seulgi looks at Yeji.

"no. it's fine now, thanks." Yeji takes her hand back. she wants to deny it but her chest beats like crazy. her face warmed up. she takes care of her scar herself, washing it under running water on the tap. 'What do you think you're doing?' She thought to herself.

"okay. I'll take care of the rest. We're almost done." Seulgi purses his lips. 'She's your client, Seulgi. You work for her.' he takes a deep breath then quickly finish up his cooking.

Yeji waits patiently for Seulgi to prepare the meal. He sets up everything then sits across her. both of them silently eating, not knowing how to act after that small event.

"Seulgi." "Yeji." The two spoke at the same time.

"I just wanna say that this is good." Yeji complimented the meal.

"right." Seulgi looks down then looks up again. "you should go to sleep after this. you have an early schedule tomorrow. I'll clean up everything."



For a few days, both Seulgi and Yeji go back to their formal relation as a guard and a client. Seulgi felt guilty for this. things changed because he tried to take care of her.

"Seulgi. You can stay here. I'll go for the meeting." Yeji grabs her purse.

Companied by her assistant, she goes to the meeting room. usually, Seulgi will stay right outside the room.

After about an hour of meeting, Yeji walks back to her office. Turns out, Seulgi is sitting on the couch, probably tired from standing up all day.

"I'm done. I want dinner at home."

Yeji's presence startled Seulgi. He stands up immediately, straightened up his pose.

"stop that." Yeji sighs. She gathered all her stuff, getting ready to go.

Seulgi just stares at Yeji, waiting for her to walks out of the room. he then follows her from behind.

"just walk beside me." Yeji gets frustrated with his behaviour. "who guards from behind."

"I do. I can guard from any side, miss."

Yeji fastened her pace. She missed the normal Seulgi. He's not fun, now. she knows it's because of that day. it's already a small matter for Yeji but is seems like Seulgi is really serious about his job.

Entering her car, Seulgi sits in the front. Usually, he sits beside her but these days he didn't.

"sit here." Yeji commanded. "what if I got kidnapped and you can't hit them?"

Seulgi sighs. He gets out of the car and sits on the back.

"that's better." Yeji looks at him. "it was an accident. Please don't change." Yeji placed her hand on Seulgi's hand that's on his lap. "talk casually, act normal, okay?"

"okay." He can only agree.

"good. I can't handle this. you're gonna teach me how to cook again."


After dinner, Seulgi chills on the couch waiting for Yeji who's taking a shower. Checking his phone, he found a video of some interviews of Ryu regarding his upcoming movie. The one he watch have Ryu and an actress being interviewed side by side.

"since it's my debut, I have struggled, yeah. But people helped me gain my confidence to do every scene." Ryu answered.

"including the intimate part?" the interviewer added, giggling at the end. "the trailer already showed your chemistry pretty well."

"yeah, all scene, basically." Ryu chuckles along. "we worked it out."

"okay. That's amazing. Next question is for Jennie." The interviewer continued.

"what are you watching?" Yeji showed up beside him.

"Ryu's interview. It came out two days ago." Seulgi puts away his phone. "heard he did some romantic scenes."

"don't bring that up. I watched the trailer." Yeji looks down.

"relax. He's just doing his job." Seulgi reassured her.

"I know. I guess another downside from being with an actor." 

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