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"it's okay, Ryu." Yeji spoke in his ear. One hand runs to his head. rubbing it gently.

Ryu then pulled away slowly, still sobbing a little.

"I'm sorry." Ryu faced the window again.

Maybe it's the alcohol or just Yeji's impulsive mind, Yeji goes straight back to hug him again from the side. It's an awkward position, actually, but the two don't mind.

"hey... let's give him some space." Chaeryeong tried to pull her away.

Yeji sadly has to let go.

"can I, at least, stay here?" Yeji and Chaeryeong sits on the couch.


While the owner of the apartment cleans up, Yeji rests her head and close her eyes. the smell of Ryu still lingers on her shirt, she's not thinking of washing it.

"if you want more drinks you can get it yourself." Jeong said as he cleans up the rest of the trash. "we'll be in the room."

"okay." Yeji replied shortly. She then take a glance at Ryu. He's still there, staring into nothing or something. "are you always like this?"

Ryu doesn't say a thing. He lowers his head, slowly turning to look at Yeji. He leans back on the window pane with her arms crossed.

Yeji looks at him in awe, as if an angel has fallen. With his tall proportion, broad shoulders and chest, and his hazy eyes, as well as her slightly messy hair. He looks... magnificent.

"aren't you tired?" he spoke. His voice is deeper than usual.

Yeji is still mesmerized. She melts under his gaze; her whole body feels extremely weak. All this time, she thought that her liking towards him is just another typical feeling of crushing. She thought wrong. This is the hardest fall she's ever experienced.

"Yeji..." Ryu slowly walks towards her. "go to sleep." he's now standing in front of her but divided by the coffee table.

"I wanna be here. With you." Yeji showed her puppy eyes at him.

"I don't want a company right now." Ryu responded. Either he really wants some alone time or just he doesn't want to bother her.

"please?" Yeji keeps looking into his eyes.

Ryu walks towards the kitchen area, opens up the fridge and pour himself another drink. He takes the shot on the spot and walks back towards the living area. Walking past the couch, Ryu gets pulled by Yeji so he sits beside her.

"are you avoiding me?" Yeji suddenly asked.

"what are you talking about?" Ryu looks at her. her hand is still holding his wrist.

"I want you, Ryu. I wanna be yours. I hate seeing other girls be with you, have some time with you, do things with you." Yeji looks into his eyes. "let me in into your space. I don't know what else to do. please." Yeji let the alcohol drives her.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, Yeji. I have enough on my plate." Ryu feels a little guilty. "no. I'm not avoiding you. you know we're busy. We don't have time."

"so if we had those times, would you let me?" Yeji grabs both of his hands, gently this time.

"I don't know." Ryu looks down. "maybe."

"thank you." Yeji leans on his shoulder.

Ryu looks at her. his hand follows his heart, it travels to Yeji's hair, fixing the strands that falls on her face. 'she's beautiful', he thought.

Then, for the first time in his life, Ryu feels whole. He finally realized that what he's missing isn't love itself, but, the presence of a person. A person that is really there, not only physically but their mind as well.

"I'm not sleeping yet." Yeji chuckles. "you feel nice."

"I know. you've said it."

"I did?" Yeji looks up at him. "well, I don't mind saying it hundred times."


Chaeryeong wakes up first. Going to the living area, she finds that Ryu and Yeji is sleeping shoulder to shoulder with head on top of each other. She smiles at them, not wanting to wake them up. she also sees an empty glass.

When Chaeryeong gets busy in the kitchen, Jeong comes out of his room. different from his girlfriend, he quickly take his phone upon seeing the two sleeping together.

"dare to tell me that these two isn't in love." Jeong spoke to himself.

"let them be." Chaeryeong comes with two cups of coffee for both of them.

And so, the two just stares at them like proud parents, sitting across them. Not long after that, Ryu starts moving around, finally opening his eyes.

"what are you guys doing?" Ryu gets confused. He looks to the side and Yeji is still sleeping. he can't just wake her up.

"let her sleep." Jeong suggested.

Instead of letting her, he slowly fixes their position. He lowers her head to lay on the couch then lifts up Yeji's legs so she's in a proper sleeping position. He's surprised that Yeji didn't move at all. he thinks that maybe she's still tired.

Ryu woke up with a slight headache. It doesn't bother him that much so he just go to the kitchen and have a drink of water. Walking back to the living area, he sits beside Jeong.

"I forgot to tell Yuna." Ryu checks his watch. It's almost eleven.

"oh, I already told her. she said it's okay and today she'll go out with her friends." Chaeryeong informed.

"okay. Thanks. I'll check up on her." Ryu grabs his phone that's still on the coffee table and proceeds to text her.

"oh god..." Yeji wakes up, holding her head. it's spinning like crazy and Yeji can't bear to open her eyes. the sunlight also just made her struggle even more. Then, a shade of hand hovers over her face. Able to open her eyes, she sees that Ryu is standing beside her, with his palm hovering above her face.

Ryu then slowly backs up, sitting back on the couch. Chaeryeong and Jeong decided to just go to the kitchen and bedroom to leave them alone again.

Yeji is still gathering her will to wake up. her throat dried, head throbbing, and body aching. She sit there in silence coping with them.

"water?" Ryu stands beside her with a glass of water.

"thanks." Yeji can hardly swallow the clear tasteless liquid after all that alcohol last night. "wait." Yeji looks up at him. "did I say something last night? Why do you act nice suddenly?"

Ryu feels a little hurt hearing what she said. He just sits back down, not saying a thing.

"please tell me I didn't. oh no... what if I said something stupid? Did I say something that hurt you?" Yeji starts panicking.

"can you calm down?" Ryu looks at her.

"okay, sorry."

"you did say something. But, I don't mind."

THE PRINCE (Ryeji fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang