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"Mere...I'm falling for you."

Meredith POV[B/]

"'s my turn to talk now. I approached you in the bar because I felt that somehow you would understand me, that you will listen and won't judge me. And you became the friend I was never able to have...At the same time, I felt myself getting closer to you. I care about you more than I did to anyone, ever. And the fact that you're willing to take the time off to take care of me means the world to me. Because I get to spend more time with you, I get to have you to myself. Mer...what I'm saying is, that I want to give us a chance...I want to love you, if you'll let me." He finished, searching my eyes with his.

"Why? Why me?" I asked. "I'm just a bartender. I'm not beautiful. I don't have the perfect skin. I'm not a supermodel. I'm not famous... Derek...I'm not your type. They don't call me dark and twisty for nothing! I've got more issues than you want to know, than I even want to deal with...You're making a mistake, Derek. You'll regret this." I'm sorry Derek, but I can't have you. No matter how perfect and McDreamy you are.[I/]

"You're not a mistake, and you'll never be a mistake. I want you, Meredith, all of you. I don't care if you're dark and twisty, I'm okay with that. And those issues you said, we can fix it together. You're beautiful, Mere. You may not be a supermodel, and you may not be famous, but you're you. And I love that you're you, so just have faith, please."

I moved away from his body. He loosened his grip on me, but a hand still lingered on my waist.

"I need some time..." I whispered, looking away from him.

"Take all the time you need...I'll wait." He said, getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"Getting your coffee."

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