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I was drifting further and further away, like I was in a bubble, away from all the kicking and screaming. Suddenly, I heard the door burst open and I immediately curled up smaller out of fear. Then I heard Derek's voice as he screamed and punched Edgar.

"You fucking bastard! Who told you that you can hurt Meredith! You don't even deserve to be near her! I'll kill you...." Derek continued to yell as he punched Edgar repeatedly, until he was unconscious on the floor.

Derek turned around and saw me, where I was hiding in the corner with cheeks wet with tears as I sat there sobbing.

"Meredith! Oh, God! Mere, baby...I'm so, so sorry." He said as he came towards me and wrapped me in his arms.

Before he came in, I wasn't able to feel any pain at all, just that I needed to get out of here alive. But now that I was in his arms, all the pain, and fear came pouring out as I sobbed and shook in his chest.

"Shh...I know, it's okay now. I'm so, so sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone." He said as he pulled me closer into his arm. I felt him bury his head in my neck and his tears flowing down to my shirt.

I held onto him tightly, as if he would go away if I didn't. "I'm sorry too, I should've told you first...I'm so sorry."

"No, it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have prevented this. And you should've told me about him, but nobody likes old scars. And I shouldn't have been an ass and left you there because I was too jealous. So, I'm sorry." He said firmly, looking me deeply in the eye.

"Are you hurt?" I asked, looking at him, sine I didn't see any bruises..

"I'm fine, just some cuts and bruises on the hand. He's unconscious now." He said with a sad smile, remnants of tears still on his cheeks. "Oh God, Mere...he hurt you." He said, moving my hair out of the way as he examined the bruise on my face.

I shook my head and bite down on my lips, as I tried to hide the pain from my stomach, but I winced and he caught it. His hands reached my shirt and lifted them up gingerly. When he saw the bruises that were already forming, he gasped in shock.

"Meredith! Why didn't you tell me earlier! We have to get you to the hospital!" He said hurriedly as he slowly picked me up.

"I'm fine, Derek. I'm fine." I said as he carried down the hallway, causing a few people to stare at us.

"No, you're not fine. You have a bruise on your face and on your stomach, and God knows what else that sick bastard did to you. You are not fine. I should've thrown that asshole down the stairs." He said firmly, his cheeks trembling with anger.

The security guy came forward to us, and we told them about Edgar. They helped us into the medical room and called the police to arrest Edgar. The ambulance soon arrived and Derek forced me to go to the hospital to get checked up. It turned out that I not only have a bruised stomach, I also have two broken ribs, and cuts. THe police came and got our statements. Derek stopped them when he saw that I was barely holding up, and was about to collapse.

The doctor wanted me to stay overnight, in case I have any complications or infections in the wounds. Derek said he was going to stay with me at the hospital, though I told him I was okay. He insisted, until I told him to at least go back and take a shower.

I fell asleep from the pain medication they gave me, and due to the medicine, I was actually able to sleep, but I was still able to see images of him and what happened just a few hours ago. I twisted around in the bed for a few hours, until I felt another weight coming down beside me. I opened my eyes and saw Derek getting into the small twin size bed with me.

"Shh...go back to sleep." He whispered as he settled in under the blanket, and held me close to him.

"You're back early." I said, lying on my side facing him, my hands balled into two fists in front of my face.

"I made a promise to myself that I wasn't going to leave you again." He said quietly, his eyes not as shiny as before.

"He's gone now...we're okay." I said and reached up to play with his freshly-washed hair.

"Are you okay?"

"Mmmhmmm..." I snuggled further into his chest, feeling the medication taking over me again.

"Mark's coming in tomorrow." He whispered into my hair, placing small kisses there.

"Okay...did you tell him?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I kinda have to, and it was in the news." He said as he played with my hair.

"Oh, sorry." I said, a bit embarassed.

"It's put that pretty little head of yours on my chest and go to sleep." He ordered, pushing my head down gently, and wrapped an arm across my body.

"Yes, sir!" I said.

"I love you, Mere." He whispered softly.

"I love you, too."

"Derek, you smell like soap." I said with a giggle later as I breathed in his scent.

"Mere, go to sleep." He ordered with a sigh, holding me tighter.

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