Chapter Two

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"Thank you, have a nice day." I say to the young girl that blushes at me, then takes a quick glace in Zared's direction and leaves the store in a hurry.

I sadly shake my head. This used to be an every so often occurrence when I first started working here. But now with Zared present it has become quite the norm. He was dusting off the products that didn't even need to be dusted. I knew he was bored, and I didn't understand why he had to be here tonight.

We were always dead on Tuesdays.

But for some reason he was here. I lean back against the back counter, picking up the magazine I was reading before that girl had waltz in loitering around as if she knew what she came in for, stealing glances at Zared and me, only to buy a pack of gum.

It was always like this. We both hardly ever speak a word to each other making our shifts together almost unbearable.

"You know, you don't have to work on Saturday."

"I know that." He curtly replies.

My irritation was growing with him. "So, if you know that then why are you?" I almost grit out but calmed myself down before I sounded like an ass.

He shrugs his shoulders, now in the aisle where the chips were, hardly swiping away with the duster.

"You're telling me that you would rather work then go to a high school party full of booze, drunk teenage girls, and idiotic shenanigans? Who are you?"

I freeze a little at seeing a small smile grace his lips, just for it to quickly go away before he faces me with a straight face. He walks a bit closer to the counter, now 'dusting' the front products that were underneath it.

"I'm not one for parties like that. Never seem to get into them. I'm more of a homebody."

Says the guy who has been caught out with major celebrities and their fancy ass parties. I was about to sarcastically comment on that before he beats me to it, as if he could read my mind.

"Those parties are mandatory in the business. I may have been to a few, but each and every one felt like a chore more than an enjoyment."

"Right, I mean a photo can say a thousand words." I state as I flip the magazine to face him as there was a picture of him and some other model smiling like they were having the time of their lives.

He grimaces and snatches the magazine from my hands. "You read too much of this crap. Don't you have any other hobbies?" He mumbles in distaste.

"Not really. I mean unless you count studying as a hobby." I shrug indifferently and snatch the magazine back from him. "I was reading this."

He suddenly leans on the counter, staring at me with a stupid grin on his face. "Oh, so you like reading gossips about me in the tabloids huh?"

"Your head has suddenly become inflated with that sadistic ego you got going on for yourself, you narcissist. Unfortunately for you, it's about the guy that's in the picture with you. They only mention your name once in here." I give him a cheeky, sarcastic smile.

He just shakes his head and resumes his so-called dusting. "I find them pointless."

I raise an eyebrow at him in slight puzzlement. "You find social interaction of swapping bodily fluids while pissing in some random abandoned shoe and getting half naked to throw yourself in a disease infested two-foot pond is pointless?" I shake my head in total exaggerated disbelief.

He stares at me with a look that bordered that I was completely insane. "What kind of parties do you go too?" He asks incredulously.

I sigh sadly. "You don't want to know."

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