Chapter Forty Seven

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We kept running. Where we were running, I had no idea. I figured we would head back to that basement that Matty had taken us, but it seemed like Lacy and Leo wanted to get out of downtown as far as we possibly could before it was dark enough that the monsters had no problems roaming around.

We stayed where the sun was still shining, avoiding any shaded areas we could. We passed by an alley way, and I nearly jumped in fright when something that resembled a dog was standing there growling, waiting for it's chance to pounce at us. It was bigger than a normal size dog I was sure, but we were moving so fast that I didn't get a good look at it.

It had taken me a moment to realize that Matty was holding onto the little boy that had been chased by those men. He was still crying, holding onto him tight. He didn't look anything older than six or seven years old. The thought of young children being in this world was highly upsetting.

Because without adults to protect them they were dead meat, probably didn't make it past the first nights here. How this young one was able to make it was beyond me. But I also didn't know how long he's been here either.

"Over here!" Leo cries out as he points to a hotel building that wasn't too close to other properties around here.

I come to a stop when I see that it was the old hotel that had been empty and condemned for decades, even in our own world. They never tear it down because it was considered a historical landmark and as I heard it, haunted.

"This is the place you were talking about?" Christina asks in disbelief.

"Trust me, its sturdy. And the older the place the firmer the foundation. No plaster walls, all brick, limestone, and real hardwood boards used."

"Whatever, we just need to hurry the hell up and get inside." Lacy doesn't wait for anyone as she heads to the front door.

She quickly bangs on it like with every entrance we make and when nothing happens, she pushes the door open. She struggled a bit as the door was heavy and the hinges caked with rust from it not being used over the years. We wait for her and Leo as they were the first to head inside.

After what seemed like forever, she comes back out and states, "Its clear."

She didn't have to tell me twice as we head in after her. It was dark, musky, and damp. Courtesy of the stone walls that seeped the moisture in the air and with no ventilation, it took forever to dry out. There was an old school lobby area almost like the hotel we are previously staying in. Only this one was smaller and less fancy looking. I jump when I hear the door being slammed shut.

"We stay on one floor and make fires. It shows that we're here but as long as we have that they won't come near the place." Lacy speaks out as she shoves through everyone and heads for the stairs.

Zared grabs my hand again and together we follow her. I don't look to Matty as I was afraid of what his face showed now that I had time to think about the affection we showed everyone today. Especially in the heat of the moment and how desperate we both were when we both thought we were going to die at the hands of those bastards.

We all shuffle upstairs, not saying much. The only sounds were the young boy's crying that soon turned into sniffles. Lani was now holding him, and he had just buried his face in the crook of her neck. Once we hit the first floor Lacy was already coming back to us.

"We'll camp out here tonight. No need to head further upstairs. The rooms seem to be singles so we'll just have to make do. Stay close and if anything goes wrong, scream out. I'm going to make a small fire in the hearth over there."

She points in the direction of a fireplace at the end of the hall that held two armchairs and a small table. I forget that these old hotel buildings had luxuries such as this back in their days. The building had to have been built in the time before electricity was a huge thing, so fireplaces and torches were always on every floor for light.

Now I understand why Leo had chosen this place for a hide-out in the night. It was prefect for our use. Zared lets me go and opens one of the doors. He walks in and a moment later pops his head out to look at me.

"This one is good. I can board up the window too." After he says that he goes right back in.

The exhaustion was hitting hard as we finally were settling. But my anxiety wouldn't go away knowing there were vicious creatures all around us, waiting for their chance to get inside and devour us all. I finally look over to Matty to see him frowning at the ground, not saying a word to anyone. I wanted to go over and talk to him, but I felt this wasn't really the right time too.

Once we get back to the hotel where everyone else was at, I'll talk to him. He had to feel a little betrayed by me since I knew how he felt about Zared and here I was stealing him away. So for now, I just look away from him and turn to see Lani sitting the little boy in one of the chairs and kneeling to his level, quietly asking him questions.

He wouldn't say a word to her though and kept staring blankly past her shoulder, the tears still flowing down his cheeks. She looks over to Lacy and shakes her head sadly. Lacy sighs heavily as she throws dry wood into the pit getting ready to light it.

"Let's get some rest. Maybe he just needs time to come to terms with everything that happened today." Leo provides, getting Christina to follow him into another room.

I decide not to say anything either and walk into the room that Zared was in. I silently close the door trying to bring as little attention to us as possible. He was standing in front of the single window putting up a wooden door against it. I frown wondering where he even got that.

I step further into the room to discover that the bathroom door was missing off its hinges. "Did you take the bathroom door off to block the window?" I ask in surprise.

"We won't be needing it anyways." He answers and hisses a little as he jerks to his side.

I rush over to him and stop him from hurting himself further. "Don't Zared. We're both beat up as it is. Don't make it worse, please." I say to him gently with a little worried frown as I hold onto his right side that seemed to be having the trouble.

He lets the door go and just leans it against the window instead. "Alright. We should both check the damage that was done anyways. And I want to look at your foot again. You ran on it too much today." He accuses me.

I give him a smile, reaching out my hand. "How about a hot shower, clean clothes, and a good shave? My legs are getting kind of hairy and even the monster apocalypse can't persuade me not to shave."

He returns the smile placing his hand in mine. "Yeah, alright."

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