Chapter Eighty Six

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As soon as I heard the flowing of water my entire body starts to shake, and I couldn't stop myself from walking faster than the others. It was starting to get dark, the trees now beginning to block the sunlight. It was enough for the monsters to come out of hiding but with the rushing sound of the river I just couldn't help wanting to get there as soon as possible.

The crunching footfalls of my feet on the rocks, dead leaves, and twigs it was the only sound that could be heard since the others were being silent. I could hear it but judging by the distance it was still going to be a little while to reach it. By the time we get to it it'll be too dark. I stop with that revelation.

I stand there contemplating on what to do now. Waiting for the others to reach me I turn to look at Leo who comes to stand by my side with a worried frown as he looks up at the trees.

"Kyle, Lani, start gathering some rocks, big ones and create a circle large enough for all of us to fit comfortable in the middle. Christina and Zane start gathering moss and anything easy enough to burn. Me and Leo will gather some firewood."

I stare at her as she starts doing exactly that. I wasn't sure what she was doing but I go ahead and follow her instructions like everyone else was doing. Christina, Lani and Leo look like they have done this before. As I gather what I could I watch as the rocks were placed spaces apart from one another in a wide enough circle for all of us to fit into. Then I watch as Christina places moss and twigs in between each of the rocks, slightly digging a hole in the ground.

I frown as I mimic her movements and we continue to do that until every space was filled. Once Lani was done with the rocks she goes to help Lacy and Leo with the branches and whatnot, and we all stand there watching as they make little fire pits.

The time it took us to create it the sun was now to the point where it was safe enough for any creatures to come out of their hiding. I couldn't help constantly looking around us, listening intently for any unnatural sounds. But all I could hear was the rushing water of the river, the rustling sounds of the leaves above from the breeze.

"One thing we discovered while staying with Parker is that these creatures are terrified of fire. I don't know if its because of the light or the heat. But no matter how dark it is out here if there is a burning blaze they won't go near it."

I watch her stuff the moss in between the branches she gathered and pulls out a lighter. She lights it and we all stand around waiting for the smoke to become flames and embers. I watch her go to the other makeshift firepits and do the same to each one.

"So...this entire time we could have lit a fire? All those nights out in the open we could have stayed warm and safe?" I ask, feeling cheated on this new information.

She stands back up when she was done with the last one. Looking over to me a somber look was on her face. "Yeah."

   I scoff. That day when it was pouring, when we took refuge in the mill...if we just had lit a fire then maybe we would still be together. Never separated and wouldn't have lost all this time not being with each other. It pisses me off.

"How did Parker learn this?" I ask next wondering what she did to gain this knowledge.

"She tells everyone that her first night here she had nowhere to hide and had to camp out by herself in the woods. She stated that she heard them out there, but they never came to bother her." Leo puts in staring at the flames that were now blazing higher.

I frown. "You don't believe her?" I ask.

"It's not that we don't believe her. The way she was telling people seemed off. One of the people told us her story was a bit different the first time they met her."

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