Chapter Seventy One

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It's been a week.

A week without being able to do anything but lie here hidden day after day. I was getting restless and anxious. But with the wound it was hard to even move around, much less getting up. I was getting tired not being able to go out there and search for him. Tired of being told to stay put and do nothing but sit there.

Barnes and John searched everyday for Jinsen as they also went out on supply runs. But nothing yet. I wanted to start searching the river. Go as far down the current as I possibly could. The waters have been raging that day and would have carried him for miles.

But they couldn't go out that far, not without traveling for days. I get it, I do. I wouldn't want them risking their lives for someone they didn't even know. I had to get better. I had to heal as fast I as can, so I can get myself out there and find him myself.

We were in some kind of bunker with metal walls and not much room. According to Casey they were able to find a bomb shelter that kept us safe and gave me time to heal as much as I can. At night we kept silent and only moved around as little as possible. It was a time of rest, but I felt that is all I've been doing and wasn't sure how much rest I could stand.

I wanted to get up, wanted to start walking. But every time I did I got yelled at. None of them understood the impatience or the desperation I had in finding my boyfriend. They didn't understand because they didn't know. Didn't know how important he is to me and how much I needed to be with him.

He more than likely was thinking I was dead.

And I had no idea what that was doing to him or what he was going through believing it. I know if the situation was flipped I wouldn't have the will to live, to keep going. I couldn't make it in this world without him. I would be completely lost, and my soul would be empty.

Which is why I needed to find him.

Barnes and John were out again. Casey and Kyle somewhere doing something. This was my chance to try and move, hopefully to stand up and possibly walk around just a little bit. I was in so much pain though. And the wound was healing at a snail's pace. I know it went all the way through my body, miraculously missing all vital organs. But I didn't have time to waste.

Gritting my teeth and holding my breath as I try my best to sit up fully I could already feel the sweat dripping on my face from the ordeal. This wasn't going to do. I needed to get better damn it. Releasing my pent up breath, I breathe heavily and sit there for a long moment letting the pain slightly subside.

As much as I didn't want to move and just lie here for as long as it took to completely heal I knew that was against me and couldn't happen. Not until I find Jinsen and bring him back here with me. So removing the blanket that was covering me I check my heavy bandage to see that no blood has seeped out yet. Which was a good sign that no stitches have been torn.

According to Kyle, Casey was the one who was able to stitch me up. I wanted to check them myself but didn't want to waste the bandage when it had been clear she had just changed it. I wanted to see how good of a job she did. I studied for months on medical practice of stitching since I planned to be a surgeon when I got older.

Now that dream was long gone and so far out of reach.

But that wasn't important right now anyways. Only Jinsen mattered to me at the moment. Jinsen and staying alive.

I try to hold the grunt that wanted to be let out, all my muscles straining to try to prevent any more pain to shoot through me. Like that was any more possible. My legs felt weak, and I felt like I was going to collapse any second. But just a little bit each day was enough to keep my mind from going crazy not doing anything.

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